What's your favorite Benchmade EDC?

I wore a 3550SBK Mel Pardue Auto for 3 years as an EDC (Para2 now). It was pretty superb for light tasks, although I wouldn't have recommended it for hard use. The slim profile and lightweight made it a great carrier.
Either the Rift or Mini Bone Collector depending on what size blade I want to carry.
I think a lot of people overlook the bone collector series. What's not to like about G-10, D2, and an axis lock?

the huge bone collector logo on one side of the blade kills it for me... it rivals what they put on their harley davidson line of knives :)
Love my 940 Osbourne.
Just traded for my first BM the other day, gonna be getting a Mini Ritter Grip so by default it'll be my favorite benchmade edc :D
hard to pick between all the Benchmades but I am very partial to a ritter grip in M4 with aftermarket g10 scales.
940 for me as well. Love the titanium back spacer. I have the green model and the purple spacer was just a pleasant surprise.