What's your most $$ pocket carry?

Oct 27, 1998
I have a problem...my knife addiction is getting pretty costly. To make things worse, I have to carry my favorite pieces($$$) every now and then. I haven't learned the discipline to keep my high end knives under glass. What do you guys do? At what price do you stop carrying your investment?


If I'm going to carry a $1000+ gun (Clark Meltdown), why would I care about carrying a pricey Knife ??

To answer the question, as of two weeks ago, I am carrying a Mirage-X Micro when appropriate. It runs around $300.00 That is the most expensive knife I have purchased for carry.

The limit will vary by some combination of discretionary income and knife enthusiasm. If you lose the knife, will you be thrown into a fit of woe and angst at the lost investment, or will you just go buy a better one?


so far the most expensive knife I've carried, and actually used, a little is a Johnny Stout custom folding hunter he made for me a year a couple of years ago. I don't let it bang around in a pocket, but do carry it in a Gerber Multi-tool pouch, that fits it quite well. If I lost it and went to replace it, I'm sure it would now cost $800 to replace!

Fortunately, my sanity returned. Now I usually carry a Steve Linklater cpm440v blade gent's tactical that isn't worth more than $400....or a J.W.Smith tactical that is worth about the same....

Of course I'm also the guy who got myself an EDI genesis for a 'beat around' knife, and the first thing I did was modify the lock and protective scale on the righthand finger groove so that it was more comfortable for me to hold correctly


have dremel, will travel


The most $$ knife I carry is my Darrel Ralph Krait, which is also my most $$ knife, period. I never thought I'd bring myself to carry it, but he insisted that they were made to be used (and can be totally refinished), and now, well, I'm addicted. Rarely leave the house without it.

'course, I tend to also carry something by Spyderco or Benchmade, or Boye, that would be willing to sacrifice itself to protect the Krait, if I had to cut something really icky.

Related to James' point, I went through many pairs of cheap sunglasses, before getting a $80ish pair of Serengetti Drivers many years ago, which I still have. Point being, I find often the experience of breaking/losing cheaper things doesn't translate over to the really nice things, because you tend to be more aware of them, and in some cases, they seem to become a part of you.

-- Carl
I actually *carry* The Outsider at least 50% of the time - and I mean time out of the house. No cop reactions yet...
- I figure I'll need to stay calm and know Calif. knife laws in *detail*.

That's $400 worth of one-off custom blade, $40 of likewise Edgeworks sheath.

Legal open carry, of course. I leave it home on trips to Berkeley and San Francisco, where there's local ordinances and I rely on concealed megafolders.

Jim March
I carry my KFF constantly because it seems the most ergonomically fit for "defense purposes" and close to the size limit I can carry legally.

I always, carry a smaller utility which gets the most use on a day to day basis. This falls mostly on the Native but also the Viele, Ascent and Mirage (in that order).

I carry my Sawby custom at $500.00. I bought
this specifically for carry, so those first
scratches were not so painful.
My small Sebenza, at least until my MD Lab Rat gets here.

Oh, and whatever Kodiak PA says his most expensive one is, don't listen -- it's going to change in about a week.

Clay Fleischer

"10,000 Lemmings Can't Be Wrong!"

The most expensive pocket knife that I carry would be a Terzuola/Spyderco. It is one of the most expensive that I have bought. I sometimes carry my Al Mar SERE folder in its leather pouch, but it is much too heavy for a pocket knife.
Now why did you have to ask that question? I was ok until I added it all up. The Sabenza is with me pretty much all the time and my MadDog Operator is also in hiding here. But then we add the Kimber and the STI I have with me... Sheesh...I have over $2400 worth of equipment on me today.

I have GOT to get a life....

I've been neglecting most of my really expensive stuff, as they're usually right-handed or cumbersome. I'd love to carry the Spyderco Police, but it's kinda unwieldy in comparison to the S&W SWAT I carry now. When I change the clip on the EDI Genesis, I'll probably carry that instead.

In all, the most expensive knife I carry is the Gerber multitool, followed by a Bear butterfly knife (which I carry around so I can flip it at work when I'm alone and bored). Either way, if I lose a knife, I'll sob a bit and buy another instead of crying like a baby for having to replace a relatively expensive Police or Genesis.
I carry a $600 Darrel Ralph Krait from time to time. I have to carry and use a knife to enjoy it. I will carry any knife that I buy, as long as it doesn't risk destroying it. For example, I had a Sebenza like integral side-lock folder with a custom etching on the blade. I sold it for $1100 to a collector, because I just couldn't carry it in good conscience. If that etching had gotten scratched up, is would have been a crime.

I carry my small Sebenza once in a while however, I find myself carrying either a Wegner jr or Benchmade 330 more and more often. I try not to play with the Sebenza in front of my wife because she doesn't know how much it cost. I figure it might be better to avoid a confrontation with the misses.
My most expensive pocket carry is a Genisis.
I'm not rich so coming up with the $ for it was not easy, but I did it and i don't regret it. It is carried to be used.


When I get my Cheyenne back from the shop it will go back to my daily carry. For now its a SOCOM D/A. The SOCOM tends to look a liitle to agressive at times.
I am with Steve on this one, if I can't carry it I pass it by. There have been quite a few though that were hard to pass up. My current most expensive one is a MD TUSK.

Daily carry:Lagre sebenza in CR black lether sheath,umfaan right front pocket,Lightfoot 460 mag w/ripper teeth left front pocket.
Close to a grand in carry cutlery.