When roomies get uneasy....

Smoke, I too associate daggers to women. I think it's because I just went through a heart wrenching(piercing?) breakup. They cut both ways, and when thrusted in the heart...
wait, back to knives, look at it this way ditch the extra person if you can afford it and have more room for more knives!

Well...There is hope out there. My fiance and I both are knife fanciers and we found it out by accident on our first date as we walked past a knife shop. We drooled on the Spydercos together. *ah! romance!* As one of the Gentlemen said, Roomies are a dime a dozen. But better still was James Mattis' reply. Get your roomie a knife. Start her out with a little swiss army. That's about as non threatening as you can get, very useful, and nicely affordable. Cheers!
Hey Liz I work in a kitchen so I dont get harassed about my knives that much by my coworkers but my mother hates the fact that I carry at least 3 knives with me whenever I go out. I have a friend that lives in the dorms up here at KU and we actually had the KUPD called on us when we were moving him in because the desk guy saw us carry in about 4 swords which technically are illegal to have in the dorms but we got away with it luckily they didnt see all the knives. eventually the people at the dorm got used to him and I carrying swords and such so maybe she will grow to accept them. Just never say how much they cost.


Better to be tried by Twelve than carried by Six

My Mom used to make fun of me for carrying multiple knives, so I bought her another one that she had been looking for for years(I gave her a Mirage for her B-day, and I just found her favorite knife, a Gerber Pixie THANKS LARRY!!)...she really fell in love with the Mirage, but really likes the Pixie, and she couldn't decide which one she wanted to carry, so now she carries both.



"No, it's a Vaquero Grande in my pocket, but I am happy to see you!"
MegaFolderians Unite!!

Whoa Lorenzo!! Did I read it correctly? You carry swords?! Geez... I have nothing against it. In fact, I thought it was cool. But you can actually get away with carrying a sword?! Must be a rough dorm for you to actually having to carry a sword, huh?
hey spear..i was wondering the same thing??? do u really carry a sword?? =) my friends think i'm freaky enough with a little calypso jr. geeze!!
Belle, look up Belle in the Dictionary some time. Anyhow, my French is nonexistant (jour/noit, Day/Night).

Sword carry, I've done. Went to Church, each time I knelt, metal scabbard hits floor.
Have to check on readjusting and was hell on my belt. Can't remove overcoat unless by self. I was in complete black of course.

Wanna freak your roomie some more? Print out a painting of a belly dancer dancing with an Indian Tulwar (sword). Some pictures have the dancer with the blade (edge up) on top of her head while on one foot.

Hope the knifefighters don't scare you (I'm one too.)

Belle, one more thing. I believe knife maker Bill Bagwell makes a model of Bowie knife called "Hell's Belle". Nice piece.

Belle, http://bagwellknives.com

The piece is praised by James Keating, a blade practitioner who's name you'll hear from time to time.
Jadis, thank you really.

Belle in another dictionary means beautiful, sophisticated woman.

Belle, Bella, Belleza, take your pick.

[This message has been edited by Smoke (edited 15 February 1999).]
awwww..thanks smoke..
i knew bella means beautiful 'cause i'm a student of spanish.. but i didn't know that's what belle means...

These are the comments I hear most:

"But I don't really have a reason to carry a knife."
"Why do you need (want?) *another* one?"
"Is that *legal?*"
"Oh yeah, like it's really dangerous here."
"Why do you carry that thing?"
"You're a knut."
"You paid *how* much for that? Why do you spend so much $ on a knife?"

What other good comments do you all get? (And what are some good responses?)
True story, last week, sports store. Spyderco Rack

"Hey Paul, I found them. Here's the things you can stick people with."

Remember folks, carry scissors. Nobody gets hurt carrying scissors. They have magical powers similar to cutting but the actually seperate matter on a molecular level. You can even hear them doing it. You don't even have to sharpen them. We should probably start scissorforums.com because
nobody gets hurt using scissors.

scissors might not cut..yeah right..
but pencil sharpeners are the worst!

[This message has been edited by Lizabelle (edited 16 February 1999).]
If scissors are so safe, why aren't you allowed to run with them?


Clay Fleischer

"10,000 Lemmings Can't Be Wrong!"
Liz, Hide all the knives! Buy some cheese and crackers....then work some practical magic....Try cuttin cheese with scissors,hu hu hu. who can resist cheese & crackers ? Buy her a keychain knife for her birthday.She'll think it strange but she will remember the cheese incident..
As I'm a bit late, here's an expansion on the comments I've gotten:

"So how many knives are you carrying _now_?"
"Why do you need so many knives?"

The rest are pretty similar to the ones PK brought up earlier.
Hey Lizabelle,
I would try to educate and initiate your roomate. Educate her to the everyday usefulness of knives and initiate by getting her one of her own. If that does'nt work then let me fill out that application.
good luck
