When you go hiking, knife or gun?

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Nov 3, 2009
Greetings, i shall say i am glad i came across this website! I've seen a lot of awesome pictures of you all hiking out in the great outdoors. My purpose is to ask, the majority of pictures i see are nice pictures of your beautiful knives and what not posed in pictures, but do you guys also have a firearm somewhere hidden in your back pac? I know this may be a sensitive subject, but i'm just wondering out of curosity. I remember seeing some members posting their picture of their firearm along with their knife, that is awesome. So again, i wanted to see when you guys/gals go hiking/camping whatever outdoor activity it is, do you usually, occasionally also bring along a firearm. Thanks for listening. :)
I would maybe take a firearm in bear country in the yukon or Alaska but in smaller parks, I personally wouldnt bother. Im not really attracted to guns, and only would take one if I fond it of use which is basically never for me. Thus the reason I dont own a gun:).

Guns are highly frowned upon in Canada and are not allowed in most parks. So that may play a role in my decision:). Knives, however, I take with me always:)
I know lots of guys on here carry a gun, mainly I think for self defence purposes. But alot of us who would like to carry cant due to local laws.
I personally don't carry a firearm but the folks I usually go camping with do. We usually have one handgun and one shotgun for the SHTF situations. In return, I carry more first aid stuff. I tend to be a weekend hiker/camper so I don't stray too far off the beaten path like I used to when I was in college. For camping/hiking, I usually have 3 blades on me (Rat rc4 fixed, Kabar mule folder, SAK).
Depends on where you are going hiking. I did not take a gun when hiking in the San Gabriels, unless part of my intention was to go to a shooting area. I did always carry a knife, an SAK or a Buck 110 or similar.
A gun for hiking?? Maybe if I am in lion country on the plains of the Serengeti, or going out to buy crack in dangerous part of town. Otherwise, what the heck for?

A knife can prepare my food, prepare firewood, pick a splinter, help build shelter in an emergency, mark a trail, and maybe even spear a fish. A gun can... um... well it can... add extra unnecessary weight...
My ultimate idea is, carry a gun whenever wherever considering the law. With that said, i have something to ask you all. With beautiful animals like mountain lions, coyotes, etc, i really, really sincerely think i will not be able to successfully draw my G26 out of wherever i carry it and fire my weapon in case of an attack. For one, i will not even see the mountain lion coming to attack me, and second if i get a shot off i would probably miss. I don't want to start a pissing match but, for me i think in that situation with smaller 50-100 lb 4 legged animals i would prefer a big fixed blade on my side.

I had a situation where i was mountain biking in some thick single track trails at night, had a firearm and a fixed blade with me. And i just 'felt' like i was being stocked, in my head unconsciously, i told myself if i were to be attacked i would get my knife out first. What are you thoughts on that.

Second, while out hiking and camping, fishing in places populated with beautiful giant bears, i would prefer having access both firearm and knife. Most importantly bear spray, since i respect animal life and never want to kill an animal human or nonhuman. And so, in the end, i say right tools for the certain environments, and factor out risk assessment? Although in the end, we don't know what to prepare for really.....Can't say you didn't try though.
I think bears are the only animal I would be afraid of, realistically. But even bear attacks are pretty rare, and often the result of the human acting stupid, and/or not being aware. I have only once run into a bear in Yellowstone, and walked away, not too fast, not too slow. It barely even acknowledged me.

From what I have read, mountain lions, cougars, etc. are afraid of humans and never hunt them. And from what rangers have told me, they are easy to scare off if you run into one.

Now I hear UFO abductions often happen in wilderness areas, however I have no idea how to protect yourself.
I have a firearm (generally a 1911) on me every day all day, hiking and camping is no different. Same with knives.
I would be more worried about the human type of animals.

I carry a gun everywhere I go along with a knife or 3. If I have pants on I have those things with me. If you don't see the need for a gun maybe you should pick up a newspaper. I would rather go through life having a gun in my pocket and never have to use it. But if it comes down to my life or anothers (animal, human, or alien) I'm going to try my best to ensure I'm the one that walks away.

Knives are good for cutting things and are not a good defensive tool. You can cut something badly, even enough to eventually kill someone. But in the mean time they can inflict a lot of damage on you or a loved one (human, pet, alien). A gun has a lot more impact and knock down power and can end things much quicker.

If you don't carry a gun or see the need to carry one, that is fine. Just don't expect me to stop because you can't see the need. I'm not pointing fingers just making a general statement about how many view firearms.
I view firearms as a great tool! But for most californians it is 'up in the air' on how they view firearms. But in truth, i'm sure people are carrying their firearms somewhere on them while they are out and about hiking/camping/ fishing/ sight seeing, etc. And i agree, it is the two legged predator i'm more fearful off, i don't know about other states but these ignorant taggers are de -facing some nice mountains around my area, and i know they may be present while i'm out hiking, fishing, camping. Just gota be prepared, and again i just wanted to know what you guys 'pack' while you're out in the outdoors.
A gun for hiking?? Maybe if I am in lion country on the plains of the Serengeti, or going out to buy crack in dangerous part of town. Otherwise, what the heck for?

A knife can prepare my food, prepare firewood, pick a splinter, help build shelter in an emergency, mark a trail, and maybe even spear a fish. A gun can... um... well it can... add extra unnecessary weight...

Are you really serious? Ever seen Deliverance? :rolleyes:
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I carry two knives and a sidearm at all times when hiking.
I've found a great use for a pistol is just to fire it, when any dogs come about my dogs. It's always been enough to send them packing and avoid having to deal with dog-fights. My dogs are used to me doing it and the sudden noise reminds them, that I am in charge and they don't need to do anything about the other dog(s).
If I'm in the woods, I have a gun, except, very rarely, when I get talked into going into a national park. That's my reason for going into the woods, sometimes for hunting, more often for casual plinking. There's nothing in my woods that I am particularly concerned about. I just like guns.

There was a time I worked a high risk job, and went armed from necessity. Needed my pistol a few times, but just having it was enough. I'm not at any particular risk now, and my guns are purely recreational.

When I have my pants on, I have a knife. That's just the way I have always lived. Use as a defensive weapon never crosses my mind. The winner in a knife fight is the guy who goes to the hospital.
I used to carry a Redhawk 44 Mag with 330 Grain hard cast rounds in it when hiking...now that I live in an area with less big game potential problems I just carry my SA .40 abd my SOG Xray Vision or Spyderco Delica.
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