Where have the old timers gone?

May 4, 2001
Seems like the last 6 months to a year has dropped alot of our buddies off of the radar. Rio, Sams, Jebadiah, Ferrous, Josh, Federico, ad infinium. Damn I'm getting old, I get sentimental about everything anymore:eek:
People come and people go, unfortunately. I miss 'em too but often life interferes with our best laid plans.
Even the Cantina/Psycho Ward has changed over time although basically it is still the same.
With Spark giving us the HI Cantina where most any subject flies there are definitely posts that wouldn't have been posted before we had seperate forums.

As far as I know there are only two hard and fast rules in life.

One - Everything changes.;)
Two - There are no hard and fast rules.;) :eek: :D
It seems to me when I read the archives there are lots of guys missing around here too. I feel lucky though because the wisdom of the ones that remain is still available to the noobs like me. And I certainly appreciate all you guys patience with me. Reading the old posts is good, and I hope the venerables return with their perspective. It lends rich value to a place such as this one.
Jebadiah was just here. Federico hasn't come by much in a long time. Josh went his way. Ferrous got....hung up. Pappy passed West. And so it goes.

I hope Firkin comes back after his computer woes are over.

I left for six months once because of a computer.

You just never know. Rob came back after a long vacation.

I was just thinking about this the other day.

I got irritated the other day when someone pulled up an old thread that had posts from Pappy and Uncle Bill in it, but then I smiled. Reading their posts took me back.
I miss Ferrous and Josh a lot. Also Ben even though he could be grumpy at times.

I'm real glad Sarge came back though, that's one of the good things cause I always missed his posts while he was gone.
I've been here just long enough to know I have a long way to go to gain the wisdom of some of the founders. Things change. People come and people go. I work so much, and my closet friends all live in different states. I tresure this forum because it allows me to connect with really great people, learn an awful lot about a lot more than knives, and keeps me sharp and thinking. So many people tend to get "stupid" sitting idle by in their day in and day out lives. I get the best of both worlds. I get to take in the experience of people such and Yvsa and Kismet, I get to hear about other side of the coin from HD, I get to enjoy the poetic everyday lives of the Munk compound, I get to feel the excitement of guys just a step younger than myself as they start out on their own like Chris and RR. Everyone here contributes something. I wish I had a more definitive role to play in the contribution, but i listen and I learn. Maybe one day one of you guys will have a question about something I do know about, like swimming pools etc.;)
Things change. I miss the old guard, but i have great hope for the new crop.

Yes, you are kicking, and I think you should know what your name means in this thread- that you are well regarded and missed when you don't post as often. However, if you wish to break our hearts and stomp our guts out, kick us in the shins and fart in our faces, drink all the beer in the fridge and leave before before the first fight of the party, hog all the blankets and feed the dog wood chips, take the last muffin and refuse to mow the lawn, and write Semper's phone number down in a phone both in the Orange Mall as 'For a Good time,": Who are we to complain?

I've found myself posting less and reading more lately.
Dunno why.
Always nice to know the swinging doors of the cantina are never locked.
There you are; Shappa's another one who will put in some time away but always come back. You know the stool is still yours by the bar.

It's a place, a good place. And the doors are open both ways, the way a healthy family has to have it.

munk said:
... and write Semper's phone number down in a phone booth in the Orange Mall as 'For a Good time,": Who are we to complain?


Hey...he *likes it* when I do this.
The only thing constant is change. That pertains to Cantinistas as well.

Bill Marsh said:
What happened to Mamav -- Gin? I miss her womanly input amongst us old dogs!

I think she's being staying pretty busy with her new job working law enforcement. If i remember correctly, she was seeing a lot of people at their worst and even more having the worst day of their lives. I'm sure she's just worn to the bone. We miss ya, Gin. Check back in when you can.

Gin is doing fine...just had an email the other day from her. Busy with real life things as expected...Xmas is the most stressing time of the year to boot.
Christmas can't help but be an accounting. An appraisel. I always took it to mean an appraisel before God. A personal Christmas. For those of us who believe in a Great Heart, if He talks at all, He talks then to us. IMHO !!!

So we see who has left and who has stayed, who visits and will come again.

Yvsa said:
People come and people go, unfortunately. I miss 'em too but often life interferes with our best laid plans.
Even the Cantina/Psycho Ward has changed over time although basically it is still the same.
With Spark giving us the HI Cantina where most any subject flies there are definitely posts that wouldn't have been posted before we had seperate forums.

As far as I know there are only two hard and fast rules in life.

One - Everything changes.;)
Two - There are no hard and fast rules.;) :eek: :D


A lot of people have come and gone since I first found the Cantina-'99 I think. There were people then who were 'old timers' and I am forever greatful for the advice, help and general wisdom they gave freely. Those were great times. I toast you all my friends with a glass of Bowmore Dusk!

These days I dont have a landline in the house, just my cell phone, so I rarely post on any forums anymore. Not by choice, just circumstances. This is being written at the folks place.

Next year I'm off to China to teach English and do martial arts. All change.

Anyhow, a Merry Xmas to all and very happy New Year!