Where is everybody from?

I'm from Alingsås, Sweden, a small cute (boring) town about 45 km's from Gothenburg. :)
I'm on a small (TINY) island with about 300 people on it and no stores whatsoever, called Samish Island in WA... bout an hour and a half north of Seattle (where i lived all my life til this year)-
:barf: Swamp-East Missouri about half way between St. Louis and Memphis.:D
Crystal River, FL. Home of the manatee, also known as the Sea Cow. I'm about an hour and a half from BalisongBoy.
From Pyontaek, South Korea living in good old Indiana with the only good thing binging the guna and knife show every three months and legal balis.
Im from the rainy state of washington. I live in federal way which is about 30 miles from seattle. Seattle is the one city that had the big wto riot couble of years ago. :)
Syracuse NY

Home of Salt Potatoes, Orangemen (yes I know its NY state and we can't grow oranges but we're called the Orangemen), an upsidedown traffic light (its red, yellow and then green from top down) and now they Syracuse Nationals (www.syracusenats.com) 6000 cars at the NY state fairgrounds on the 20-22 of July.

And if you dont know what salt potatoes are, you're missing out
Bluffton Ohio

The first thought of the prepared when danger strikes: "Aha! I thought this might happen some day."
Looks like we have a pretty diverse group, here. Of course, looks like I'm the only Okie with an interest in Bali's...:eek:
I'm *originally* from Lake Charles,Louisiana.
But,I've been stuck in various areas of Michigan for the past 14 years.

that is common traffic light here, red, yellow and green from top to bottom ;)

Well, capital of third most corrupted country in the world: (Not Uganda, but ........... Indonesia) :confused:

Not something to be proud of .. but praying things get better ..