Why do we like knives?

Nov 1, 2000
I've been doing a lot of thinking about what it is exactly that draws me to knives so much that it is an obscession. I don't think there is an hour out of the day I don't think about or actually handle one of my knives. Is is the form or the function. I don't really do any heavy cutting with my knives other than an occasional box and most of the time my knives are in my closet or my pocket (except when I get a moment to get one out and flick it open. Other that the few times that the knife is actually cutting something, it is functionless. So again, why are we drawn to knives.
Do not attempt to understand one of the mysteries of life. We cannot comprehend the infinite.

Oh, and knives are cool.
We like knives for a variety of reasons. My reasons are:
-Knives represent the ultimate tool. With my knives, I can cut, pound, pry, saw...the list is endless...
-My knife will never run out of batteries, gas, or bullets...
-My knife represents the warrior class that I am a part (USMC). It also represents my ever present state of mind; always be prepared for anything, everything, and anyone...
-knives are a weapon. Much like Obi-Wan said to Luke about the light saber, "an elegant weapon from a more civilized time."



They're sharp and pointy

CrowingHorse took the words right out of my mouth.
(All except the "jarhead" part

--The Raptor--

-they are shiny
-they are sharp
-they intimidate people
-you can flick them in an out for hours and never get bored
-they are shiny

. . . and finally, becasue they intimidate people
Knives are our simplest, oldest, and most efficient tool. They have been made everywhere, at all times, and in all imaginable forms. A more interesting human artifact will never exist.
I love knives because of the way they feel in my hand, and with custom knives, the way they look and feel, and the smoothness of operation. Actually, I love everything about a well made knife. You will notice that I say love, not like.
I started a thread a while back in which I said knives are security blankets. I know mine are. I simply feel prepared if I have knife of some sort on me. I feel that if something goes wrong, I will have a way to deal with it. That could be a box to open; a stick to sharpen or anything possible. I feel that no matter the situation, if I have a knife, my odds of success have increased fivefold at least.
I dig well-machined, high-quality steel, and
really nice metal sculpture. With our knives
we get all this *and* a nice handy tool too!

Why do we like knives? I have my own opinion, but you have to admit that the Freudian view is interesting.

Consider that we have almost 9000 members here at BFC. Off the top of my head though, I can name only 4 or 5 women members. What's weird is that 99.9% of the people here are men, yet the average woman probably spends more time actually handling knives on a daily basis than the average man. (Women are more likely to cook for the family, etc.) So why is BFC all men?

Also consider, for instance, the "slasher" movies that are extremely popular despite being so inane. Why is the killer almost always male? Why does he almost always use a large knife or hook and usually kill women exclusively? Why does the killer use a stabbing motion and why does he like to kill women after they have sex?

I remember a couple of weeks ago, there was a thread about how people carry knives. Most people who responded carry in their front pockets. Some guys actually go as far as carrying in the waistband at the front of the pants, near the zipper.

If you're still not sure what I'm talking about... What part of the male anatomy does a pocket knife most resemble in shape and size?
Yes, the knife is the biggest phallic symbol of all time. It's much more than a security blanket.

If you look at knives from a Freudian perspective, it brings up some disturbing issues. Mind you, I don't subscribe to this opinion, but for instance a Freudian would say "knife fighters" are simply expressing latent homosexual desires; that knife sparring is ritualistic homosexual rape, etc.

I ain't saying it's right, but it does make you think twice when you lovingly cradle that new knife and gently wipe down the blade!

[This message has been edited by cerulean (edited 12-22-2000).]
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by cerulean:

Also consider, for instance, the "slasher" movies that are extremely popular despite being so inane. Why is the killer almost always male? Why does he almost always use a large knife or hook and usually kill women exclusively? Why does the killer use a stabbing motion and why does he like to kill women after they have sex?
Quite simple, really... escapist misogynist
fiction, and Old-Testament style punishment
for the brazen promiscuous woman. Think of it
as a retribution fantasy for people that are
still operating within the whole virgin/wh*re
dichotomy and it makes sense.

Stoning is just so unfashionable these days
anyway. Now where did I leave that Buck 110?


[This message has been edited by tw (edited 12-22-2000).]
Its simple, we see what really goes into a knife.....time, effort, dediction, pride.

The rest of the world see a weapon or a tool. Well yes, thats their function, but thats not what knives really are...

Dark Nemesis

The Primary Edge
Nothing but edge baby...
...Most of us are dominate and like the idea of survival.The knife represents the fighting response in its brutalist form, which is really appealing to most of us...Ironhorse...