"Why do you have so many knives!" how many have heard this?

Jan 5, 2015
"Why do you have so many knives!", I'm sure many people have heard this one...

For me its having some knives at various places where they are needed and will be there when I or relatives go there. From my 5160 large choppers to my spare folding hunting knives (I usually tell their kids to take), and a few to give away as a present or odd relative or friend who is going to some where they would need a decent type of knife who only ever carried a small one on their multi-tool. After hearing over 75% of those people I gave a knife to, the minimum of one being told it got them out of a tight spot to get home I'm glad I gave them one. I usually gave away OKC RD6s, cutting branches and such to get under the tires when stuck in a blizzard was the last one some one told me they were glad to have then"Car Knife".

And I like Back Ups. To many canoes have gone over loosing some, or some one made me forget where the knife was at the time so I grab the back up where I know where that one is.

And also...I got a few blades that were discontinued...yes I'm guilty of getting some of my favorite knives before they go bye bye. But things like plan to have an RD Tanto converted to a drop point while keeping decent metal on it, is an idea of a mod or two I got for them.

And just because I like them! BUT NOT UNDER GLASS!
When I was in Paris about 20 years ago visiting with Fred Perrin and "Nemo"...I spent some time with a cousin who is an attorney in Paris who asked me that very question while my wife and I were at dinner with him at a nice Parisian restaurant.

I laughed.
They usually ask me how many do I have… My regular answer is “Not enough…” and I would deflect further questions by explaining how I use some of the knives for work and some are just collectible. This usually shuts them up, it splits the total number and gives them sort of credible reason for purchasing at least half of them so they think they understand… (NOT !) 😂
Fortunately, I no longer have a wife but . . .

my GF says this once in a while but she also says that about the LPs, guns, and cars that I own BUT she really can't say "sh*t" about it because I have given her over $10k in jewelry and other gifts and she LOST a $3k diamond ring (valued at over $5k) that I bought her.

So, her opinion doesn't count! :thumbsdown:

I own a lot of "stuff." I've got the $ to spend on them and they give me enjoyment and it's nobody's business but my own.

That's answer enough! :)
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I'm really into bicycles as well, and I'd like to introduce you to a bit of algebra we use to express this: N=b+1, where "n" is the number of blades you need, and "B" is the number of blades you own. People have trouble arguing with this, because apparently most of them cheated their way through high school math. The bit about "how many shoes/necklaces do you own" never fails to confound my wife either.
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I always just say, “So I can loan them to lesser men (or women) such as yourself when you inevitably need one.”

Seriously though, people may make fun, but you can be sure they will eventually need something cut at work or while out and about and you will be their go-to!
I'm really into bicycles as well, and I'd like to introduce you to a bit of algebra we use to express this: B=n+1, where "B" is the number of blades you own, and "n" is the number of blades you need. People have trouble arguing with this, because apparently most of them cheated their way through high school math. The bit about "how many shoes/necklaces do you own" never fails to confound my wife either.
I’m into bikes too (bicycles, not motorcycles) and people are always blown away by 1. How much they cost, and 2. Why I have so many. Your formula is great and I’m going to start using it!
Many, many years ago, my dad noticed about 5 to 7 pocketknives I had sitting on top of a stack of books in my room. He asked me, "What the heck you need so many pocketknives for? "

He never saw the many more that were in my drawer. 😇

That was decades ago. I have many more now than I did then.

