Why dont our wives/g-friends get it??

Feb 16, 2001
Im sorry, but I have to express my concern on this situation. Why do we ahve to hear them tell us that they don't like us "carrying such a big knife" or "carrying any knife" for that matter?

Why do they not understand why we have to have "so many knives"? And when we are drooling over one at a show, why do they ask "what is so different about THAT one"... or "why do you NEED it?"

I usually answer all of her questions with.. "sweetie, I like it...that is why."

She really doesnt have a BIG problem with it, she just questions it constantly. I am thinking about hiring a fake bad guy to dress in black and try to jump us late at night, so that I can "scare" him off with my knife and then maybe my girlfriend might finally approve. It might work, who knows.

Also, they tell you that it is hard to shop for us on birthdays and Christmas and such, when they know damn good and well that any knife they bought us would be a perfect gift...but they refuse to do it...because they dont "approve" of knives.

An I the only one with this problem?? Lets hear from you guys.

I wouldn't dare hire a fake BG to jump out at us at night because my ex would have slashed his throat before I could have stopped her. She stabbed a guy in the arm, right to the bone, for rubbing up against women on the subway.

You may have to trade yours in on a more knife-friendly female of the species.
arinvolvo....i thought my now ex wife was the only female that voiced opinions similar to your current significant other....she cringed at the fact that i had two maybe three knives on me at any one time and that i often legally carried at least two handguns (a primary as well as a back up) when we went out even during the day time....none of the stuff was visible nor did i make an issue of it or brandish anything but she hated the fact i didn't trust that the street goblins would leave us alone....she walked around oblivious to the world and i tend to keep a yellow light on ..she too often said how many knives do you need?....cant you just get by with one?....why do you have some knives you just hold and drool over and never use?....why do you need so many guns?....i let those comments slide off like i was siliconed and still get the chills when i think of the night she went beserk in a post partum depression with psychotic features and luckily didnt shoot me with the only gun she owned...i made the "error" of teaching her how to shoot combat and she did that very well.....its kinda scarey when someone you love loses all touch with reality through no fault of their own and thinks you are going to kill them while you are sound asleep....luckily i was able to keep literally three locked doors between she and i until she came to her senses....remember pregnancy is a disease state that has far reaching sequelae after birth and sometimes never gets cured by birthing the baby....we are divorced now and yes i still carry at least two knives and a gun, sometimes two....i dont fear her now but you can bet i dont fall asleep anywhere near her.......i still can hear the crazed woman screaming through the door that she was going to kill me and she wonders now why i still carry a gun even around her....lol....what a strange long trip its been...good luck...feverdoc
Mine has "evolved" over the last year or so. She used to find it amusing that I'd clip a knife to the waistband of my sweats, if they didn't have pockets, even around the house.

Now she just asks to borrow whatever knife I'm carrying, if she needs to cut something. She's even learned how to close a liner lock without cutting herself. And when I came home from the knife store, and made a comment that the only thing I found that I liked was $300, she asked why I didn't buy it!


Let no one ever from henceforth say one word in any way countenancing war. It is dangerous even to speak of how here and there the individual may gain some hardship of soul by it. For war is hell, and those who institute it are criminals. Siegfried Loraine Sassoon
Well, given that I am dating Minerva, and she just ordered two damascus pieces from Audra Draper, I don't have quite the same problem. She is very understanding of customs. Not so much on production models.

It is not the fall that kills you. It is the realization that "yes, you did something that stupid."
I have exactly those same problems especially with the 'gift' thing. I always end up getting this or that garbage that I either take back, stick in a drawer, or give as a gift later on down the line. I've even pointed out blades under $20 that I'd take gladly with no results! However, I just got my wife her first. She now carries a SS Delica and loves that thing and has it on her at all times. Still doesn't change a lot of her arguments cause since 'she is satisfied with one' she really has a hard time understanding my multiples. I keep having to come up with 'gifts' for my Dad or Brother when I end up with a deal and have two of the same knife.

I'm surprised you get any sleep at all after an experience like that!


"I didn't do it! Nobody saw
me do it! You can't prove a

-Bart Simpson
Feverdoc..I dont think that I will look at my girlfriend the same way again after that story. I actually bought her a little CRKT K.I.S.S. at the last knife show. She keeps it clipped in her bag, she told me she thought it was "cute" but that she doesnt think she will ever need it. I think that is the only knife that she doesnt dissappove of..probably due to the small size. It has been there for a month or so, and I dont think she has used it yet. I just dont understand how she can sit around and not fiddle with it even though she knows it is right there in her bag...just WAITING to be fiddled with. Whatever.

My wife get's it. She carries any knife she wants of hers or mine. Most days it's a Purple Benchmade Leopard (full size, razor sharp) on her hip, she keeps her MOD Ladyhawk in her fanny pack, and she carries a Mini-Leatherman tool (not a Micra) in her purse. There's also a CS MiniPal and a Spyderco Firefly on her keychain. Periodically she wears a neck knife. She has a Spyderco Mini Police Necklace and a set of handmade knife earrings with MOP handles.
feverdoc - I feel your pain. I made the mistake(?) of teaching my ex-Gf to use and carry knives rather than fear them. One bad night I had to wrestle 6 knives out of her hand and handcuff her. Never again did she, I, and tequila find ourselves in the same room.

But back to the topic, why doesn't your wife/Gf understand? Do you understand why she needs 39 pairs of shoes when 3 tops is enough for you? Don't you wonder why she needs so many damn sticks of lipstick when they all look red or pink, I mean, can there really be 48 shades of red and 36 shades of pink that are different enough from one another that someone could really tell?

Jason aka medusaoblongata
"To give is a need, to receive is mercy." - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
"Cutting his throat is only a momentary pleasure and is bound to get you talked about." - Lazarus Long
"Knowledge is not made for understanding; it is made for cutting." - Michel Foucault
On a related note, why is every woman I meet who actually likes knives aleady attached? Oh, well...


[edited for spelling]


[This message has been edited by e_utopia (edited 03-06-2001).]
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by medusaoblongata:
feverdoc - I feel your pain. I made the mistake(?) of teaching my ex-Gf to use and carry knives rather than fear them. One bad night I had to wrestle 6 knives out of her hand and handcuff her. Never again did she, I, and tequila find ourselves in the same room.

But back to the topic, why doesn't your wife/Gf understand? Do you understand why she needs 39 pairs of shoes when 3 tops is enough for you? Don't you wonder why she needs so many damn sticks of lipstick when they all look red or pink, I mean, can there really be 48 shades of red and 36 shades of pink that are different enough from one another that someone could really tell?

Well first off...I probably have more pairs of shoes than she does. Wait a minute..What am I saying PROBABLY for??

Secondly, she doesnt wear any lipstick...Ever.


Actually, this picture looks like she doesnt have ANY lips at ALL...wierd

I get the point you are trying to make...just bad examples.


[This message has been edited by arinvolvo (edited 03-06-2001).]
My wife didn't understand my fascination with knifes at first, but she likes them now. In fact, she's claimed ownership of some of my smaller knives and she always carries one in her purse.
Originally posted by arinvolvo:
Well first off...I probably have more pairs of shoes than she does. Wait a minute..What am I saying PROBABLY for??

Secondly, she doesnt wear any lipstick...Ever.

she's really beautiful, dude... i love chicks who don't wear much (if any) make-up.

When your life flashes before your eyes...
makes sure there's somrthing interesting to watch.
My wife is ultra-understanding when it comes to knives. Being an outdoors kind of gal, she fully appreciates the values of a good, sharp piece of steel. I think I found myself a real keeper!!!
I've got to brag on my wife for a second here. She has never really been into knives but has tolerated my love for them. She really impressed me last night, I came home to find the mail man had brought my Elishewitz Phantom to my house. I was looking at it and asked her if she wanted to see it and then said " I know your not into knives " She took it and said I have really like looking at the new one's you get because even though I'm not into knives I'm impressed by all the work that must go into making one by hand and having everything fit together that perfect. She's not converted yet but I'm happy.
I don't understand people who don't understand my knife-carrying habits. No one questions a man with an elegant fountain pen clipped to his jacket pocket, but give that same person a pearl Lancet, and people ask him who he's planning to kill that day. No one questions a woman wearing an expensive chronometer, but if she's got a small sebenza tucked into her waistband, people ask, "do you know how to use that?" (Hint: don't hold the pointy end.) It boggles the mind.

Sure, you could get by with only one knife. Technically, though, you could get by with only one pair of underpants, but I don't see that happening all that often.

The only way I've ever found for converting loved ones to "the Way"
is through constant exposure and gifts, gifts, gifts.

I keep several knives on my coffee table, so when my friends and roommates are sitting around, bored with the TV, they'll usually pick one up and start fiddling with it. During one particularly bad program we had a Spydie, a Sebbie, and a throwing knife all going at the same time (I've since bought several balisongs so hopefully we can beat that someday).

I buy knives for everyone for Christmas. My mother, my siblings, my friends, all of them have gotten knives from me at one point or another. Eventually, if I nag them enough, they give up and start carrying them. One of my friends now feels uncomfortable if she doesn't have the spydie I gave her clipped to her outfit somewhere, and my roommate never goes anywhere without her multi-tool. The only person I've yet to get carrying is my other roommate, who loves to play with knives, but can never remember to leave home with his. I'm working on it, though. Never give up hope.
Not understanding the appreciation of nice knives as art is one thing. That is much less of a fault than when a person doesn't understand the importance of doing ones best to be in control of ones safety and the safety of loved ones. The mindset quite relevant to how well a person will fare when confronted with danger. I, for one, wouldn't want some naive woman being responsible for my children. My girlfriend had always been interested in martial arts and shooting, but never knew how to find a good instructor. After referring her to somebody VERY adept with the blade her favorite 'user' knives are here ...

