Why would you buy anything BUT a Strider Knife?

Oct 7, 1999
With the release of the AR/GB folders and the smaller MFS, why would anyone ever need (or WANT) anything but a Strider Knife?

I've been using (abusing) a Model WB--the same one that Cliff Stamp STARTED reviewing for years now and it's my constant companion. The Model MFS has replaced any pocket knives that I used to carry. I've got a Model WP that rides along to keep the MFS company. I'm still hunting for an AR (hint hint...)

I was looking at the other lesser knives in my collection and I have to wonder why I would ever spend the money on something else. Finally, I came to my senses and I'm slowly but surely selling off any non-Strider Knives in the hopes of securing a few more pieces of that awful Paul Bos heat-treated, Mick and Duane designed and created pieces of steel. Am I wrong?

I can't think of a single job I've done in the past 12 months that a Strider Knife couldn't/didn't handle. If I didn't need something else in a YEAR, I can't possibly need it right?

Am I hopelessly addicted to ATS-34? Do I have a PROBLEM? Should I diversify? ;)

Please help a Strider Knives junkie. I can't stop...

(Oh yeah, if you've got an AR, please contact me...I "rescue" neglected Strider Knives and I beat them on an almost daily basis.) :)
Hi Brian,

No, you don't have a problem.
Not until you're broke, jobless, insane, paranoid, edgy...

BTW, have you considered Busse knives?
I've heard of Busse. In fact, I got rid of some of them to upgrade to Striders. Besides, Cliff Stamp is obviously sleeping with Jerry Busse and that kinda wierds me out!
Hi Brian,

No, you don't have a problem.
Not until you're broke, jobless, insane, paranoid, edgy...

BTW, have you considered Busse knives?

I was bit hard by the INFI bug thanks to BFC's own Andy Prisco. Now I'm selling off my Busses (as you may have seen) to afford more Strider Steel.

I've had the rest. Now it's time for only the best.
Originally posted by Brian_T
With the release of the AR/GB folders and the smaller MFS, why would anyone ever need (or WANT) anything but a Strider Knife?
Matter of taste :)

that awful Paul Bos heat-treated, Mick and Duane designed and created pieces of steel. Am I wrong?
Nah, as long as you like them, UR totaly right.

I can't think of a single job I've done in the past 12 months that a Strider Knife couldn't/didn't handle.
Well, depends. The same can be applied to several other knives. There are high performance custom knife makers, same Busse you've mentioned, etc. It's a metter of preference :)

If I didn't need something else in a YEAR, I can't possibly need it right?
You never know. 3 Years ago I didn't thik I'd need over 100 knives anyways.

Am I hopelessly addicted to ATS-34? Do I have a PROBLEM? Should I diversify? ;)
Yeah, try Strider/P. Boss BG-42. Terrific stuff in terms of edge holding and definitely tougher than all of the ATS-34 I've seen. Though, have to note, ATS-34 Strider MH is the best and toughest ATS-34 blade I've ever had. Anyways, my future Striders definitely will be BG-42.

As of breaking WB, as everyone knows you can break anything if you try hard enough, apparently you haven't ;)
Originally posted by KnifeBomber
Besides, Cliff Stamp is obviously sleeping with Jerry Busse and that kinda wierds me out!
I think that was totaly unnecessary. This stuff was posted here earlier and IMHO doesn't make any knife better.
When reading Cliff's reivews of Strider knives, where he's very positive about them, what do you think interesting, exactly the same?
I've emailed Jerry Busse to quantify my comment and don't think it out of line at all. An educated reader would know that most of Cliff's methods are bunk. If you don't, then you don't. They are good fiction, I will admit!
Calm down. Cliff is probably trying to help, and some of his reviews may be questionable, but if he is truly trying to scientifically analyse the knives, he should know that it can't be done with bias, or it is invalid.

Strider is like HK, they make tools for just about every job. Sure, you could find an HK for everything from SWAT entry to hunting to all out assault. Sure you can stick solely with HK, and if that is what you want, more power to you. Sometimes it is fun to switch from the MP5 or UMP to a Spectre M4 or UZI. Sometimes it is fun to break out the M60 instead of the 23E. It just depends on whether you just want one brand, or to collect and use a whole bunch. Also, Strider is not yet manufacturing an Auto, so we still like our MTs and Daltons.

Each brand is different, adding their own ideas and beliefs, and it is fun to put together a stew of knives.

Ok, I am off my broken pedistal.
Mr. Gator 97,
Though I too like BG42 for many personal reasons, toughness is a measureable standard set forth by the American Society of metallurgy. The addition of Vanadium does not effect the alloy in any noticeable level in regards to toughness. Toughness is defined as the relative resistance of specific materials to breakage, chipping or cracking under impact or stress.
I do agree however that it is a better overall steel due to increased wear resistance properties. There is an upcoming issue of a magazine representing our industry that will cover Strider Knives views on this topic in depth. Stay tuned and thanks for participating.
Duane Dwyer
Originally posted by Duane Dwyer
The addition of Vanadium does not effect the alloy in any noticeable level in regards to toughness.
Well, in general I was comparing BG-42 from you guys to other ATS-34 blades, and also noted that to be fair again, your ATS-34 was tougher than other ATS-34 blades I've had. I didn't really refer to alloy content. Simply, both ATS-34 MH and Strider BG-42 folder handled the same stuff that chipped other blades w/o any problems (and Spearpoint folder was sharpened at lower angle).

There is an upcoming issue of a magazine representing our industry that will cover Strider Knives views on this topic in depth. Stay tuned and thanks for participating.
Duane Dwyer

Which magazine? Would be intersting to read.
Originally posted by KnifeBomber
An educated reader would know that most of Cliff's methods are bunk.
Educated in what area, Knifebomber? Metalurgy? Physics? Knifemaking?
So basically only undeucated people take Cliff'sreviews seriously? :)
Come on.
I mean in metalurgy, physics, knifemaking, all of the above. And yes, people uneducated in these fields do believe what he has to say.

Just curious -- What degree(s) and/or qualifications you hold in the fields that you listed? "Aerial Gunner" doesn't seem like an occupation that qualifies a person to dismiss Cliff's reviewing techniques as "bunk," especially considering the fact that the man's a physicist among other things... Hell, what if anything do you cut while inside a helicopter anyway? :p

Taking a knife and whacking it repeatedly against a rock/cinderblock is not what I would consider to be test to be taken seriously. I don't doubt or dismiss Mr. Stamps education credentials, but his "experiments...."

As I said in a previous post... If you are in the unfortunate situation where you need to repeatedly beat the edge of your knife against a rock in the field, I would suggest that you have more to worry about than edge retention. Nobody in their right mind is going to use a knife to break stones. Use the right tool for the job. Personally I think his tests are assinine. Interesting, but assinine. What do you think you are buying, a lightsabre?

Mr 44,
In a chopper you could cut your way out of the fuselage, any webbing or straps that may have snared you, clothes to facilitate the treatment of injuries, etc. Sorry to intrude, KB.
I don't think that anyone doubts Cliff's credentials, but his reviews should be taken with a grain of salt. Yes, he has nice charts and cool pictures, but his methodology is less than perfect. Truthfully, I don't think his reviews are horrible if you understand the limitaions of his experiments. The trouble is, there are many people that read his reviews and take them at face value.

Hell, what if anything do you cut while inside a helicopter anyway?

mr44, what the hell, if anything, do you cut as a computer programmer. Maybe if there is a fire in your office, you could cut your way out of your cubicle with your Cliff Stamp approved knife :rolleyes: . You are probably not the one that should be questioning KnifeBomber about the uses of his knife, especially since you are obviously not familiar with what he does.
I know that if I potentially had to hack my way through metal aircraft parts I would be <b>very</b> interested in the results of extreme, destructive knife tests, and would certainly not dismiss them as "bunk"!


Bear in mind that <i>I</i> wasn't claiming any qualifications, nor was I suggesting that those who are more educated and qualified in the given disciplines were full of shi-ite either. :)

I do not own any Strider knives yet , but I am considering the purchase of one in the near future. I do own several Busse knives and I think they are very good quality. I don`t think one is better than the other for their intended tasks,so why start a pissing contest? To each their own IMHO.