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WTT ZTNO for other Busses!!!


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2005
Like it says I am offering up a very special Busse for other Busses... like a Mojo or a Mofo, or another interesting Busse creation. Perfer LE or smooth but shoot me an e-mail or PM and lets see what we can do.

1) ZTNO w/ custom sheath!! A few scuffs - but nothing serious :thumbup:
2) Wardens ! (lower pic) As new from the BOSS HOG! :D

Let me know what you have and we can talk - Wardens to add into deals as well.

Evenings TurnerIII@comcast.net
Daytime dllarson5@mmm.com



I am also looking for t Buffalo Warden and would offer up the Tan and Skelly Wardens as trade matrials for this. Tan plus $ or Both for the Buffalo and a little $ from you.

Contact me today at dllarson5@mmm.com

Thanks :thumbup:
The ZTNO is spoke for !!

The Wardens are still waiting for the Bufffalo Warden ............... here Buffy Buffy!! Here Buffy!! :D