wwII or M43

I used to have a 16" Chiruwa style WWII and an M43, but that was a while ago and I didn't have then at the same time, so I'll let the experts comment. Though I will say that they are both really really nice Khukuris.
I'll wait for the experts too, but I'll tell you a few generalities. The WWll is considered the best balance between a utility and fighting blade- per the home page and my own humble opinion. The M43 is more of a chopper, but this depends upon the Kami who made it, for the weight and arch vary. There are some light ones.

The M43 is a cult favorite. Other users are slightly less impressed. It reportedly fits the hand well, and is compared to the Colt Single Action, though due to the 'full' tang (misnomer)and pinned handle some report more impact transmitted to the hand and arm with that and the Chir AK.

Yvsa purchased one a few months ago and I don't recall a review. He in the past has been a fan of the traditional handled Khukuri and not the pinned handle. He usually shows up on threads like these, as does Rusty, and they can tell you more.

I just recieved my M43 last week and compared them both.The WWII is more balanced,weight is evenly distributed(Did not get the arm tired as quik).While the M43 has more wieght toward the tip.I felt it in my forearm after swinging it awhile.Both are fighters!!! :D
Kumar made both of my WWII's and the strange thing that I noticed pretty quick was the blade length of each knife. Between the 18" and the 16.5" there is barely 5/8th" difference in blade length. No I haven't really tried to figure this one out. I know that they are borth just what Uncle Bill jsays they are. Work horses. I have used them enough now that I can work with either of them or in combination all day long and I am not near as tired as when useing an ax with both hands. They come in at 26 and 30 Oz. but the balance is the only thing I can figure that makes them so easy to use for an extended period of time. One other thing is the handles. Kumar makes some outstanding handles. :)
I'll agree with what Pappy said (all 4 posts;)) about Kumar's handy-work on the WWII blades. I just got one from Uncle Bill a few weeks back and it just comes alive in the hand. I have a couple of 15"ers that are really great knives to keep for lighter work. I have a 15.5" villager model (made by Kumar) that is my travling Khuk and my beat up 15" AK stays in my truck in case i need to chop in or out of something quickly. however, NEITHER of these blades holds a candle to the chopping power of my 18" WWII or the utility qualities of it. The blade and handle are in a straighter profile than the M43, which in my opinion lends the WWII to a wider range of tasks that an overly curvey blade of the m43 might not handle as well (this is just a guess on my part as i have not handled a m43...yet;)). Also, the WWII has a thinner profile in the cutting edge than the AK. This means you wont be chopping through too many steel drums or nails with it, but edge is thin enough to sharpen quickly in the field yet thick enough to take the serious abuse of poor technique (which I have:)). That said, take a superb blade design for both fighting and camping and pair it with one of Kumar's handles that feel like a hand-shake with an old friend, you get a fine knife that you will feel extremely well prepaired for whatever you might encounter.

Just a thought,
Yeah, but the 18" WW2 handle is longer and can be choked up on like a 16.5" WW2 or slid back toward the rear increasing velocity at the sweet spot.

I spent the whole weekend off and on working the handle down to fit in normal grip ( 2 fingers behind the ring and two forward of it ) in a choked up grip ( 3 fingers forward of the ring and 1 behind ) or an extra velocity grip for really chopping ( the 3 small fingers behind and the forefinger in front of the ring ).

It's sitting and drying after staining and spraying so I can use it in a day or two. ( Where the ring hasn't changed, I did relocated and cut the grooves to fit my fingers.

I modified my M43 so the handle curve melts into the blade curve like a hanshee. Also the Panna Butta ( riveted thru ) exposed top and bottom tangs had to be modifies to do this so I then added a ring and grooves, cut to fit my hand alone.

Sorry, but choosing a khuk is like trying to find a wife. You know when it clicks. I'm finding handle mods can make a good thing even better, but you have to guess what's for you. You can probably live with one that's fairly close, but if you come to the Convention, you can go thru several and eventually maybe pull one out of the scabbard that sings arias in your hand.

What's that about Pappy posting 4 times? I only see one. Musta been one of them super-duper moderators in here while no-one was listening.

:p :p :p :p
Here is a side by side of a WWII and M43, both by Kumar.


  • mvc-002s.jpg
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I think I like the handle of the m43 more. It seems it world be better suited for combat and longer use?
...very nice..but at close quarters, my advesaries prefer a heavy coffee mug delivered to the side of the head.

.. ...
Ditto for what Rusy said

I like the 16.5" by Bura. Seems to fit about everyone in a single grip. As noted, the 18"ers you can take one of several grips. This makes it more versatile, but also source of potential confusion in middle of night.

The M43 IS more curved, a greater drop to the point. Older, more martial khuks seem to have this feature. Grab the handle in a hammer grip and imagine hammering the point into the enemy like driving a nail. The older the khuk, the more the drop at point as a rule, as the more likely it was to encounter armor of some sort.
Check out the 2 khuks in the Dynamics Page.
(link below)
Part V. c. 3. 18 inch khukuris
(nearly to the end)

The M43 is more "bendy" and would normally feel more tip-heavy. However, it is a Chiruwa (full tang) style which adds weight to the handle restoring the balance.

Overall it will feel heavier, but still quick and agressive. The WWII has always been touted as one the quickest 18 inchers (behind the Chitlangi and Gelbu Special).
All those drawings and no naked girls...no naked girls at the HI home page..no naked girls in the HI forum. Will there be naked girls at the convention?

You didn't see the naked dancing girl in the 'Can Tsimi come out and play?' thread??? Exquisite!