I'll wait for the experts too, but I'll tell you a few generalities. The WWll is considered the best balance between a utility and fighting blade- per the home page and my own humble opinion. The M43 is more of a chopper, but this depends upon the Kami who made it, for the weight and arch vary. There are some light ones.
The M43 is a cult favorite. Other users are slightly less impressed. It reportedly fits the hand well, and is compared to the Colt Single Action, though due to the 'full' tang (misnomer)and pinned handle some report more impact transmitted to the hand and arm with that and the Chir AK.
Yvsa purchased one a few months ago and I don't recall a review. He in the past has been a fan of the traditional handled Khukuri and not the pinned handle. He usually shows up on threads like these, as does Rusty, and they can tell you more.