XM-18 pivot screw tool question

Feb 4, 2011
Just wondering if anyone out there has managed to come up with a functional alternative to the pivot screw tool. I think I've heard about a mini countycomm pry tool working before but has anyone made makeshift/homemade version of the commercial pivot tool that works well?
A few of the regulars around here have alternatives to the official tool, I made and used a home made tool while the Hinderer site was out of stock.

But, they are now in stock and there really is no better tool than that offered by Hinderer, not only does it serve its purpose correctly, it is also a neat little package.

My advice is to get one while they are readily available, I waited a year before they came into stock.
I believe you are better off buying a Hinderer tool. It minimizes scratches around the screws and pivot, thus maintaining the value of your knife. I've used my tool so many times, changing and rechanging scales, that it is part of my Hinderer family.

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Ditto, as a mechanic by trade, I can tell you that the right tool for the job is always a stress reliever as opposed to some makeshift gizmo that makes you feel like your about to mess something up....
I used a penny and hard plastic cut for the other side. I just got my Armorers tool today from RHK (no logo??) and it is a lot better. I loved having it for my 3.5, and I'm glad I got it again for my 3".
I just placed an order for one and I don't even own an XM. I plan on attending the Plaza show in October so hopefully I get lucky in the lottery.
Well, if the lottery 5 months from now doesn't work out, I will buy it from you. Try not to use it too much between now and then. :devilish:
Some of us buy items when they are available in anticipation of future use. For example I purchased a textured Ti scale for a 3" XM months before getting a 3" 18 and with no guarantee I ever would.
Some of us buy items when they are available in anticipation of future use. For example I purchased a textured Ti scale for a 3" XM months before getting a 3" 18 and with no guarantee I ever would.

I think the same way (holds a McLaren valve cap in left hand)
You spent $75 on a tool for a knife, you'd like to win in a lottery?

Yup, exactly right. I'm the kinda guy who likes to tinker and it's important to me that I have the right tool for the job when it comes time. Plus, I'm hoping that it might bring me some extra luck at the lottery this year :).
I was looking directly at a MP4-12C about a week ago, alas it was Phil Rudds (AC/DC drummer) who lives round the corner from me.

Jay......did you nick Phil Rudd's valve cap? Jay!Jay!..... You go over there and apologies to that nice man NOW! Jay!, stop playing with your knife and pay attention...... Don't make me come over there!

I'm guilty too....
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I used the Hinderer tool for the first time yesterday and can say it is a precision made tool that does exactly what it was designed to do, easily, without marking the knife. I am sure a less expensive tool could do the job, but this one is a precision made thing of beauty. I had $75 I could afford to spend, so I did, and I am glad. If I didn't, I would grind a screwdriver to fit.