Mc I use a white compound and a fairly loose buff to get a nice shiny finish with my buffer.
I use tripoli and then a dark grey compound to get the heavy scratches out. As to the grits they are I don't have a clue.
I just recently got a hard felt wheel that I use with the green chrome to put a really nice edge on all my knive's.
It was an expensive little thing, 6"x3/4" went for a tad over $25.00, but it was in the hand and no shipping costs or waiting for one to come in so it may have been just as cheap as buying one online, but I don't know.
It does take a hard buff to get the super edges on a knife, but like all buffed edges you can do it too much and then have to start over if you're not careful.
Hopefully the kamis will do the YCS-2 exactly as I asked and then any further orders won't be confused with what we've been calling a "plain" YCS.
I would have liked the hammer dingy as forged finish on my YCS-2, but I knew better than to confuse the kamis anymore than they already are by us crazy Americans.
They will eventualy get it right, I hope.
Indin word for lousy hunter.
[This message has been edited by Yvsa (edited 03-11-2001).]