Yesterday Was A Good Day!

JK Knives

Mar 6, 2001
You guys know how I`m always complaining about not having a car for myself? Yesterday afternoon my youngest daughter pulls into our driveway, followed by her boyfriend driving a Fiat 500. She said he wanted to show us his new car. After we looked at it, he tossed the keys to Connie, and asked if she wanted to drive it. She said sure, and her and I took it out for a short drive. When we got back, they were gone, so I called her on her cell, and asked when they would be back. Her reply was that she would see us on Sunday, and hoped that we liked our new car! That confused me, so I said what? She said it was payback for her college tuition, sorry it took so long.


Very cool John, that's a nice car. You have a wonderful daughter and son-in-law, congradulations.
Stories like this bring a lump to my throat. You and Connie raised someone with a thoughtfulness that is mostly lacking in our current society. She thanked you by giving you a gift that goes beyond the car itself. I bet you are proud and rightfully so. Her behavior reflects yours and Connie's; no doubt it will spread to be felt by others she connects with. How awesome!
All three of our daughters make us extremely proud, the older two are wonderfull parents. Alison is single, with a good job, and no children (unless you count her two Boxers), and wanted to do something special for us. It`s surprising how much room is in the Fiat, I`m 6' 2" tall, and there is plenty of leg and head room in it. Connie will be the primary driver in it, I will use the Escape.
That is the result of good clean livin! That made my day. Thanks for sharing and congrats!

It's not that we expect that they would have to pay us back that makes something likes this special. It's when you don't expect it.

Looks like you raised a great daughter!

It is totally a reflection on you guys as parents and demonstrates the values you instilled and continue to demonstrate.

Cool car too!
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wow. touching. thanks for sharing. oh, and congrats on the new car!
Really a touching story John. Your daughter sounds like a wonderful person. Not surprising considering her parents! Congrats and enjoy
Amen to everything that's been said. Congratulations and well done :thumbup:
I think that could qualify as Great, or Awesome, not just good, but hey what do I know.
When I saw the title I thought maybe it was about the package I sent in the mail.

Kidding aside, that's a very nice gesture and gift from her. Enjoy it.
I think that is a heart warming story and makes me glad that there is still alot of good kids and love in the world. By the way, how did you like driving that car? give me a review!! I have been interested in those funny little cars!!