Yet another warranty issue that is unbelievable

I said I'd never order from CTD again, but I just picked up some brass knuckles.
Will the uniforms be pink to match the Izula on the van?

I know mine will, yours may be a shade or 2 off.

I can not read this thread cause it bothers me but I would like to offer a suggestion courtesy of your American government. The "elastic clause" allows the Feds to create or "stretch" any law neccesary for the government to function or survive. Take a page out of their book so that certain individual's cases of warranty abuse can be handled on a case by case basis. Thanks for all you guys do...Happy New Year.
I made my first ESEE purchase based on the fact that I knew there was a reputable company and warranty guaranteeing my purchase. I could not agree more with your response, and feel your tone was entirely appropriate. In fact situations like these, while annoying at the time, can go a long way in further establishing/building the already considerable levels of credibility your company has earned- as seen with the many responses to this thread already.

That said, how the heck does someone break a knife throwing it at a tree? Part of me wonders if these morons..sorry... individuals intentionally broke it under other conditions and then concocted this story of knife throwing.
I said I'd never order from CTD again, but I just picked up some brass knuckles.
Will the uniforms be pink to match the Izula on the van?

Hey with the pink Izula, and Coke Spoon, I think the uniforms only deserve to be pink also!:D
Hey with the pink Izula, and Coke Spoon, I think the uniforms only deserve to be pink also!:D

Wow, I knew the coating on ESEE knives was tough just from use...but I never realized it was also impervious to the nitric acids present in tropane alkaloids...that's impressive.
That said, how the heck does someone break a knife throwing it at a tree? Part of me wonders if these morons..sorry... individuals intentionally broke it under other conditions and then concocted this story of knife throwing.

knife throwing puts resonance stress into a hardened blade causing micro fractures in the steel. Throwing knives are made of a much softer steel.
Hey with the pink Izula, and Coke Spoon, I think the uniforms only deserve to be pink also!:D

The main reason we need ESEE coke spoons is to replace other useless activities while in the woods. Instead of throwing and breaking your ESEE Knife, get high on coke and throw yourself into the tree to impress your friends.
The main reason we need ESEE coke spoons is to replace other useless activities while in the woods. Instead of throwing and breaking your ESEE Knife, get high on coke and throw yourself into the tree to impress your friends.

If you could make some sort of velcro set with industrial strength velcro...body suit for the person and a long tube for the tree then they could get high and see just how high up the tree they could throw themselves. They could have competitions, and with any luck all would get stuck and no one would hear their cries for help. Would reduce the coke market and improve the gene pool all at the same time.....
The main reason we need ESEE coke spoons is to replace other useless activities while in the woods. Instead of throwing and breaking your ESEE Knife, get high on coke and throw yourself into the tree to impress your friends.

Damn, this gives a whole new meaning of "getting wood".:D