Yet another warranty issue that is unbelievable

Yes, please. Email me your shipping address and I will have Patricia get a 5 out to you when she gets back in on the 3rd.

You got it. No hurries, I'm sure she's gonna be swamped, after being out for the holidays. Just whenever. I'll get your out as soon as I can.

hahahahaahaha well technically as long as you have the warranty he can do that, you could have like
1 time replace per model
he breaks his rc 3 you replace it 1 time and so on for each model
hahahahaahaha well technically as long as you have the warranty he can do that, you could have like
1 time replace per model
he breaks his rc 3 you replace it 1 time and so on for each model

Technically a person has a right to do anything they want to with their ESEE blades after they buy them. What he did was take advantage of a great company and ruined a great survival tool for no reason, which I don't expect you to understand. Buy the response you made that says EVERYTHING about your character and ideals!!!
.... When I read an email like this (or the email from the guy in Canada that made a spear and threw the spear 43 times before our knife broke), ....

Ever since Rambo people have been digging the spear idea. Even my old Explora that was designed by explorer Charles Brewer and made by Marto of Spain was designed to be used as a harpoon. I have never understood why people wouldn't just use the knife and make a spear or harpoon from whatever they would use for the shaft. Granted the Explora was designed with a lanyard hole through the blade itself to cable it to the shaft and not meant to be thrown like a spear according to the manual (novel-like book that came with the knife with lots of good info), but so far everything I have learned about the subject of survival over the years has "taught" me against tying my one good tool to a stick and throwing it, stabbing it into fish and a rocky bottom with such leverage, or sticking in into a wild animal. Maybe I just haven't run across the right set of circumstances yet.
I don't buy this "not knowing, no one to teach me" bullshit for a minute. They have email. They hang out on forums. They play computer games. They all have internet but yet they're deprived of proper knowledge because they're too damn lazy to look up information on knives or throwing. Bullshit. Feel sorry for the little pricks all you want. I don't.
I hear you, Jeff. I also know a lot of people on BF (or Candlepower Forums or Rimfire Central or ...) just cannot be bothered to read -- even two pages of one thread. You and I and a lot of others here grew up with teachers who expected us to *understand*. I feel sorry for a lot of today's children (even some who have college educations and jobs) who expect the world to spoon feed them everything they need. I would like to hold the parents of those children responsible for the brats they released on the world. :thumbdn:

Thanks for the great knives and the amazing guarantee. I look forward to the day I have enough discretionary income to come to one of your courses with my daughter, each of us carrying appropriate tools. :D

I never felt the need to throw my knife ,just an odd concept to me and has dimwit written all over it .
let's cast away the survival aspect of the idea but I was taught your knife is a tool and respect the tool & use the right tool for the job.
I paid good hard earn money for something warrantied or not, I am not going to ruin it just to file a claim and get a new one.
Throwin' knives to hunt is not a new idea, there is a wide range of shapes and sizes from around the world, just pick any country, type their name with "throwing knives" behind it on any broweser and see what ya come up with, here's an example, click here to see an African Throwing knife.

Men have been throwin' their primary suvival tools ever since they threw their first stick or rock after a Sabertooth bunny. :)
You know not to totally rip on another company, but Cold Steel flat out promotes the blatant abuse and throwing of their knives on their web site in all the video clips they show. The thing is they don't have it in them to back them up with a lifetime no questions asked guarantee. I bet you all the tea in China if they started to offer that guarantee, then had to deal with the pure abuse of their products by these damn idiots thinking they're mall ninja of the month they sure as hell would pull all those videos off their web site in a hot second!!!!!! I know it's their products that they're abusing but I've always thought that's the worst thing they could be showing for the industry as a whole.

I actually like most Cold Steel products. Their approach to selling has always been over the top, IMO, but their products have served me well over the years. Since Camillus folded, all their products are imports nowadays. Since I have never had one of their knives fail me, I have no experience with their warranty or customer service.
You know, reading the OP I can't help but think that the person who broke his knife by throwing it and his mate are just ignorant - they just don't realise how harmful to a knife it is to throw it into a tree. I remember when I didn't know about the difference in temper between a cutting knife & a throwing knife, I only knew that there was a difference in the shape & weighting. I have seen knives thrown in movies and it wasn't that many years ago that I didn't know how harmful that would have been to them. I'm just glad that I became aware of why not to throw knives before buying my ESEE & Becker blades - I want what I have to last me a long time.

Maybe Jeff should create a helpful document explaining why people shouldn't throw knives that aren't designed for it, then he can send it to those people like the one he mentions in the OP.

Your knives are the best. I’ve bought two izula’s and two RC 3’s. given away one of each for a gift. My friends and I abuse the hell out of them while back packing. We enjoy throwing knives into trees out in the woods to kill time from making shelter’s and my buddy broke his in half while throwing his RC 3 for about the 1000th time. He sent it in and your company sent him back a brand new one no questions. Your warranty and the fact that they’re made in the USA was honestly the reason I started buying the knives. Best on the planet no question.

From the tone of that E-Mail does that really sound like someone that understands that throwing a knife is as deliberately destructive as putting it in a vice and beating it with a sledge hammer? To me this sounds like someone that has no idea.
Wait... I'm not supposed to make a spear out of my H.E.S.T. and throw it at starlings in my back yard? :confused:
I thought that was the reason for all the lashing points. :D
You know it could just be that this person is uneducated about knives. When I was little I had no idea that throwing a knife could be damaging to it. Maybe this person doesn't understand that there's a difference in how throwing knives are made compared to your knives. I have no idea what kind of crap you deal with on a day to day basis but you say you're in the education business, maybe teaching this person why what they're doing is stupid is better than being a little nasty. My $.02.

Of course, this guy could be exactly what you said.

i agree.

the person who is being ridiculed and insulted is a customer who has said how much he likes ESEE knives, which (as far as i remember) do not come with any warning about throwing the way most knives do. PERSONALLY, i know better than to throw a knife that is not specifically made for throwing. that doesn't mean i would condemn someone who doesn't.
hahahahaahaha well technically as long as you have the warranty he can do that, you could have like
1 time replace per model
he breaks his rc 3 you replace it 1 time and so on for each model

What if you have more then one RC 3?
You know, reading the OP I can't help but think that the person who broke his knife by throwing it and his mate are just ignorant ...
Yes, but ignorant abuse doesn't get any other item from any other manufacturer replaced. When I ignorantly misuse anything else I buy a new one; I don't ask the manufacturer to replace something that's my fault. If I ask for a replacement, other manufacturers are likely to be a lot less polite than Jeff.
I guess we just expect common sense from our customer base. Maybe we're wrong to expect that. With that said, I asked the guy to not buy ESEE knives in the future.
I suppose we will add a statement to our warranty that our knives are not made to be thrown, nor should they be used to treat hemmorhoids. That they are sharp and may cut you. That they shouldn't be used as roofing hammers. That the should be used to jack up your car or chock the wheels on your 4WD. Yall think of anything else we should add to the warranty page? :D
i would add that they can be used to perform home circumcisions and vasectomies.

take it easy
I suppose we will add a statement to our warranty that our knives are not made to be thrown, nor should they be used to treat hemmorhoids. That they are sharp and may cut you. That they shouldn't be used as roofing hammers. That the should be used to jack up your car or chock the wheels on your 4WD. Yall think of anything else we should add to the warranty page? :D

Maybe a pick of a bunch of tough lookin' tatted up guys with blacked out faces, with the caption of "ESEE Ass Whoopin Warranty Team, its hard to get these guys back on the chain, once we let them off." Throw in some knives and ESEE soft gear in the foreground. Maybe put Guyon's avatar over one of the faces.

PR is not really my thing, but, what the hell, I thought I would give it a shot.
