Your clip ever do this?

Jan 21, 2013
Yesterday I was sitting next to a co-worker, all crammed in the truck as we were leaving our facility, and headed out to the parking lot to go home for the day. I was in the rear seat next to the door, and as I got out, I felt a little pressure in my right front pocket area. Didn't think much of it being there was 6 guys in there. As I started walking away to my car, the guy sitting next to me hollered my name, and held out my knife! SOMEHOW, the clip got stuck on his jacket pocket, and as I got out, it pulled it out of my pocket. Bent the clip out quite a bit. I removed it, bent it back, and all is well. Thank God for honest people, right?knife clip pic.jpg
my sebenza 21 clip did something like this, can't remember what it was caught on, but it bent it out. i ended up removing it and trying to bend it back....then broke the screw head off.

I used to get my knife attached to our couch all the time, i would go back and find it a few hours later when I sat back down. that turned into the first place i would look whenever I couldn't find a knife.
Lost my Buck Vantage Pro. Looked everywhere, retraced steps, searched unlikely places. A few days later, on a whim, went to check my friends car, which had already been searched, and found my blade. The clip had somehow gotten attached to the passenger seat belt, pick it out of my pocket without me noticing, and slid down between the seat and inside of car, still attached to the seat belt.
It happened to my brother so much that his eventually broke off. (I have no idea what the hell he was doing...)

He ended up just taking off the stump, adding the clip replacement insert, and carrying it in the bottom of the pocket.

I've had to bend mine back once or twice. It happens. If it ever breaks, well, they make new ones every day. :D
I had that happen to me, but it was not in a car, it was on my brothers couch. I got up and did not really notice anything. A few minutes I went to reach for my sebenza and it was not there, shear panic set in. I KNEW I had it before I sat down, as I am constantly doing my " Sebenza Check ". I went over and there it was, kinda down in the couch. When I sat down, the clip had hit the fabric ( which was more of a woven fabric ) just right that it went right under my clip ( between the clip and my cargo's ). The result when I got up, was that it snagged on the clip and pulled my sebenza from my pocket. The clip never bent, but it did pull it out........That's why like I said. I am Always doing a sebenza check when out and about..................
I have caught the clip on a few things and bent it much worse than that, but they have always bent back with no problems. :):thumbup:
Thank God he is an honest guy!

I spent a few minutes in shear panic searching for my small Insingo once until I found in dangling from the bottom hem of my jacket. Seems that I had knelt down to tie my boot and was slightly twisted to my left causing the hem to tug under the clip somehow, when I stood up the coat picked my pocket and the knife was kind of behind me so it went unnoticed when I took off my coat; I was very relieved when I found it to say the least.
Surprisingly, this never happened to me, even when I had my large in the pocket turning wrenches as a mechanic in tight spots.
I bent one worse than that a few months back. It's at the mothership now getting a new clip.
Not bend, but caught in the cord of jacket, so that the knife was removed from my trousers.
Most often I carry my lg Sebenza in a belt sheath.
red mag
lost a regular. I have a couple knives I use the clip with, but never with a sebenza anymore.
Yep... mine got snagged on a backpack. I'm always hyper-aware when something is going in my front right pocket though... so I don't lose any knives ;)
I removed mine again to bend it and add quite a bit more tension. More than when I first got it. Now that it's a lot tighter, I'm happy!
I have had mine get caught on seatbelts a few times. Once was the bib pocket on a pair of overalls! I figured that was about the safest pocket you possibly carry a knife in. It took me a while to figure where it went. Good thing I knew I had it not long before getting out so I knew It had to be in the truck on the on the ground as the pickup had not been moved or even started. Crazy how stupid you feel while looking for your bud.
It happened to me years ago with my small BG42 regular a couple of weeks after I purchased it (used). It got stuck at the seatbelt and the clip broke right of. :eek:
The replacement I got was one of the new style.

I've had it get caught quite a few times. The most annoying spot is on doors on the metal plate where the door locks into place. I am the perfect height where my clip lines up and it catches my clip. So far no major bends on my seb but I broke a clip ona mini skirmish and bent out a few others real good :)