Your favorite Movie Knife moment

Jun 29, 1999
So what is your favorite movie knife moment?
Mine is Steven Segal cramming a Gerber MKII into the top of Tommy Lee Jones' skull

Mine is also from a Seagal movie, "Out for Justice". Where he walks into the deli, and a guy comes at him with a meat cleaver. Seagal disarms him, spins him around, throws him against the wall and nails his hand to the wall with the Meat cleaver....... MAN I love that scene!....... wait a minute, meat cleavers DO count as knives right?

Clay G.

The best movie knife moment has to be Crocodile Dundee saying "That ain't a knife, this is a knife!"

No, it wasn't realistic.

Who wants to see a realistic knife fight!?!?

AKTI Member # SA00001
Hmm, when Peter Coyote fights against the villain in 'Exposure'. Good overall knife choreography and the music grows on ya. Did I mention I own the tape and the first time I tried to get it on ebay, someone outbid and ending up paying more than retail?

Seagal's knife fights were nice too.
Its a toss up:

Aliens 2 when Bishop does "the knife thing" with the Gerber MK II knock-off.

Lone Wolf and Cub aka Shogun Assassin, when Lone Wolf "proves" he is indeed Lone Wolf when he tosses his sword into the wall where a ninja spy lies in wait. (Exaggerated, i know, but that whole movie is so much fun.)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
If we raise the ante from knives to swords, we have a lot more material to choose from, from swashbuckling to samurai. Swords can be hero weapons. Movie knives are mainly for sneaky bad guys. Crocodile Dundee was a good guy with a knife, but notice that, while he intimidated bad guys with it, he never cut any of them - other than that crocodile, that is.

Shogun Assassin is a great movie for improbable cutlery tricks. I like the scene where a bad guy ninja throws a kozuka (the little knife next to a katana in its sheath) into the wall next to a poker-faced Lone Wolf, who pulls it from the wall and throws it back directly into its owner's sheath.

Now, if some mad custom maker would just duplicate that baby cart full of sharp objects!

AKTI Member # SA00001
I've always liked the swordplay in the Princess Bride. When Westley and Inigo are calmly discussing their opinions of the others moves while furiously fighting. Pretty funny stuff. Once again, pretty Hollyweird, but fun, nonetheless.

Another favorite swordplay is when Zorro (Antonio Banderas) cuts Catherine Zeta-Jones down to her skivvies. HOOWAH!

Other than a few Segal or Ninja-type movies, I don't often see to many knives used by good guys.


Is that thing shar...OW!
Not very realistic, and done to death (Pun intended). Throwing a knife into a BG's head.
The Matrix - Trinity, played by Carrie-Anne Moss pulls this most entertaining move off.
Big Trouble in Little China - Jack Burton, played by Kurt Russell is also able to do this, but after he misses once, has it thrown back at him, catches it and then finally dispatches the villian.
The Crow - Brandon Lee does a similar catch the knife and throw it back, but I don't think he gets a head shot.
Sob! I'm dating myself, but... "Jim Bowie, Jim Bowie".. then thunk! in the opening of the old tv series, the big knife quivering in the door, or gate, or wall or whatever (it was probably b&w, too). Then there was Zorro (the first tv series), which explains all the clumsy little Z marks on the ancestral furniture. Sorry, Mom. I guess I got infected about then, and have been carrying something with an edge on it ever since.
I agree with James Mattis. The look on that guys face when Dundee pulls out that Bowie is priceless. Runners up include a barely conscious Dirty Harry jamming that cheap italian auto into the psycho thigh in the original Dirty Harry. If we include longer blades, I just love that scene in the marketplace in Raiders of the Lost Ark when the big BG is grinning and showing his stuff with that sword and Harrison Ford shrugs, pulls out his revolver and nails him. Proves once again the old adage "never take a knife to a gun fight."


who dares, wins

In Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid when Paul Newman asks about the rules for the impending knife fight. The BG says "Rules? There aint no rules in a knife fight!" Newman has been closing the distance with his knife down while talking and kicks the guy in the nuts. "Just checking."

In the Magnificent Seven there is a throwing knife verses pistol duel. Not realistic, but fun. Was it Coburn with the knife? It's a straight copy of a sword fight from Seven Samuraii.

"Defense against knife attack:
Option 1. If you have a gun shoot him."
And don't forget the scene in "Iron Mistress" when Alan Ladd (as Bowie) dispatches the bad guy in his room with a knife throw.. I remember thinking "he's gonna THROW that?" ... BIG knife!

He held it by the spine, unlike any other throwing move I've seen...don't know how realistic it was... but a good scene.

Sorry for you guys who fall below the median age. I don't think that movie's on tape anywhere.

[This message has been edited by Longden (edited 28 July 1999).]
Two come to mind.

In The Eye of the needle when Donald Sutherland first whips out that OTF and takes out his informant.

In twelve angry men when the duplicate stilleto is produced right after everyone agreed how unique the first one was.

Dances with lemmings

How about the (many) sword scenes in "The Duelists" with John Carradine and Harvey Keitel? Also, the scene from "Blackboard Jungle" whre Glenn Ford takes away a punk's switchblade, as they were then called, jabs it into a desk, and breaks it with a side blow of his hand. From experience, those cheap stilleto switchblades were notoriously weak. Also, as an historical aside, this was the movie that got them banned at the Federal level.

I agree about the old "Jim Bowie" show.

As for stupid, how about when the Irish guy throws the fat knife in "Braveheart" to save William Wallace? It goes into teh guy's back straight up and down, ignoring the ribs that it would have had to go through.

Walk in the Light,

[This message has been edited by FullerH (edited 28 July 1999).]
I aggree on Princes Bride for the Sword play part, seen any ROUS's lately?

But one of my favorite knife movie parts has to be in `Jerimiah Johnson' with Robert Redford, the part where he is at camp with a friend at night and an Indian drops out of a tree, Redford leaps up spins around and throws his bowie into the Indian. Then sits down and drinks his coffee.


It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me,
it is the parts that I do understand.
Mark Twain

My favorite knife fight is between Unkus and magwa( man..that scene is powerful) in last of the mohicans staring Daniel Day lewis. Best sword play that I have seen in a long time is in "The Hunted" staring Christopher Lambert. If you have not seen it yet, RENT IT!!


Louis Buccellato

Uncas and Magwa! Jim Bowie!

But my favorite was From Here to Eternity. Two great scenes: Burt Lancaster facing Ernest Borgnine's switchblade with a broken bottle and saying: "O.K. Fatso! If it's killing you want, well come on! Come On!"

Then the knife fight in the alley. BTW that's how knife fights end up, because, as JKM said: "Who wants to see a realistic knife fight!?!?"

[This message has been edited by JerseyCitySteve (edited 28 July 1999).]
One of my favorite knife moments on film is the scene from Desperado in which one bad guy armed only with a vest full of skeleton-handled throwing knives takes on an entire armored limousine full of firearm-wielding bad guys.


AKTI #A000845
And tomorrow when you wake up it will be worse.

[This message has been edited by Razoredj (edited 28 July 1999).]
Of course there's Croc Dundee's "That's a knife"...

But also:
Croc Dundee (II?)when asked what his chances are to get out of the room with his jacket - "Better'n average!"

Starship Troopers where young Busse is wondering why they need to learn how to use knives in an intergalactic war, and his Sgt. pins his hand to a wall with a throw.

The Warriors when the protagonist throws a cheapy stilleto into the forearm of Cyrus at an arm's length to prevent being shot.

The opening fight scene in "Highlander"

Face/Off - "John Travolta"'s daughter jamming a butterfly into the thigh of "Nicholas Cage", and then twisting...