Your favorite "user"/EDC Spydie is?


Feb 12, 2002
I was thinking about which Spyder I use the most....and almost thought about selling/trading off all of the others in my collection since I use my Military CE so much. :rolleyes:

The Military is so well constructed, IMHO, that actually using it for "real" cutting doesn't bother me at all. :cool: :D Because the Millie fits my requirements in an EDC to uttermost perfection, I also easily classify it as my favorite Spyder EDC out of my collection.

Which Spydie would you consider to be your "favorite" user/EDC?
Right handle, right blade size to handle, Pretty versatile blade shape.
Military by far. Best all around knife I've ever used.

If Spyderco comes out with a S30V compression lock (or a new, better lock) Military, I will buy that one too.
Other than my Gunting I'll have to go with my Native this time 'round. It's a tough one though...really tough...there are so many others that come a close, close second...however of late the Native has seen a lot of action...particularly in the kitchen for food prep...
It's the Delica! Small enough not to raise too many eyebrows, yet powerful. Not to mention featherweight.
Not sure, I like them all ;)

Perhaps the Endura (FRN/plain) and the Starmate.

And for small cutting chores the Dragonfly (FRN/plain)
Police SS or CF.
Kinds of partial to my old vesuvius makes a good beat around user.
SPOT see it's share of carry time also.
most used spydie (also most used pocketknife)=
Walker Zytel. My # 1 EDC + EDU !!! :D
No, it`s not to small, i carry a Matriarch for "backup".

2-Calypso Jr.Lwt.'s! PE left front pocket, SE right front pocket. Yeah Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
My favorite "user" Spydie is my SS PE Delica.
My favorite "non-user" Spydie is my SS SE Police.

These are two of my four "EDC's".
My favorite user/EDC is my blue BF Native PE. The Native is my favorite design and the G-10 version is as close to perfect as any knife I own.

My next choice would be the Military (thanks to J Smith / u812) but I've be carrying my new Lil' Temperance for the last couple of weeks and it belongs right up there also.
My number one user is my Mouse. Great steel, great handle, great geometry, and great size.
My favorite Spyderco to carry would have to be the Gunting, just a great knife. After that perhaps the Ayoob, I love the design but the slick handle is just so bad that everytime I pick it up to carry it I end up putting it back in the drawer.
My most favorite continues to be my Blade Forums Blue Native. I try others regularly, but the Native is my choice for best all-around package for daily work.
Chinook. Before I got that, it was the Native. Still kinda miss using the Native.
My Delica, have carried one for years. It holds up and super light. Someone above said featherweight. So true. Thumbs up