Your greatest fear?

Mar 26, 2002
I have heard that death is man's greatest fear, then public speaking, then the IRS. So your greatest fear could be speaking to a group of dead IRS agents. :D

I don't think that I fear the inevitability of death. Part of human existence is built-in planned obsolescence.

For the good Buddhist, the cosmic oneness.

For the Christian, to be one with God and live in Heaven.

I like to think that, as a Christian, I fall into that latter category. However, I really would like to be sure and there is only one way to know. While I am not ready to take that leap, I wonder if it really does end -- all end -- with the death of the body?

I console myself and feel some strange relief that IF it does end that way, I will never know. Just gone.

So what do I fear?

Anne had a nosebleed today. Other than it never happening before, it makes me wonder.

I suspect it is because she loves her three (ten foot!) Christmas trees so much and has spent so much time decorating them, that the powerful and some what acrid fragrance has given her a nose problem.

She has no other symptoms I suspect, and hope, the doctors tomorrow will find no problems. If they do, I will be back asking for smoke!

But it got me thinking. We have a wonderful and special relationship. One that took many years to find and develop. I doubt there is anyone else I could relate to so powerfully. To love so deeply.

So, friends, my greatest fear is that she would die first. My second is that I go first and leave her all alone.

What is your deepest fear?

"These are private words I write to you in public."
The feeling of that dry, rough wood anywhere near my mouth gives me an automatic gag reflex.
I don't know the measure of this. There is grace, and there are works. If I fail to give my sons enough attention, writing enough work, the forum enough of both, I will have failed. I am lazy.
See how that's changed? When I first got here, I was afraid to look the Angels in the eyes because I did not write.

Probably losing my wife before her time. We have be by each other's side since before highschool. There is not a rough patch in my short life that I have not endured without her. Barring a twist of faith were one of us meets our end before old age, I can honestly see that after one of us goes the other will go quite quickly. If i go before her while we are young, then she will be saddened beyond all belief. If she goes before me while we are young, I will come unglued and dangerous. She has taught me love, taught me compassion, brought me to God, showed me that their are people worth enduring the trials of honor for, inspired poetry in me. In short, she has saved me. I am a brute from a line of brutes. We are about as cultured and caring as a Big Mac wrapper. This did not stop her from loving me. Now, instead of pretending to care I do care. The man you have all come to know as Steely would be just that without her. Cold, uncaring, unyielding.
So yeah, my biggest fear is a selfish one. Losing my wife and possibly what makes me good in the process.

Failing in such a way that it hurts the ones I love and who love me. That, through my negligence, I might fail them when I should have succeeded. Failing to prepare. Simply letting them down needlessly, knowing that I could have and should have done it right. And that my needless failure will bring them suffering.


Edit: That, and the Blob.
[QUOTEOutliving my children.

I'd be lying if I didn't list that too.
My greatest fear is totally selfish and it's that Barbie walks west before I do.
Without my Barbie I don't know how I could possibly go on living but I would have to in order to be who I say I am.
As much as I've sometime thought about it in the past suicide is just not an option for me no matter the cost or the loss. However I doubt that I would last long without my Barbie as I would surely leave this body because of a truly broken heart.
This is an easy one for me. My biggest fear is loosing my ladies. My wife and daughter mean the world to me. In fact, now that my dog Lady is gone I'm paranoid at night. I get up several times and check the doors. Lady was my perimeter alarm. I'm not ready for a new puppy, but I can see that soon I'll have to have a dog again. I need that extra few seconds warning to protect my girls. A growl in the dark is scary for an intruder.

As soon as my daughter was born the dreams of her being victimized in various ways began. The end of the dream was me on the witness stand...not sorry for what I did to her aggressor.

My second fear is that in their split second need I don't react correctly. They are my life. My wife is my savior as is Jake's. I was truly on a path to hell before she saved me. I hope and pray I live up to their needs.
Living a meaningless life. Looking back from my deathbed and realizing that I accomplished nothing of note and that I won't be remembered.

Very selfish, now that I think about it, but I am who I am.
My greatest fear is that I will reach my end without ever having held a child of mine.

My greatest dream- and I have many- is that I will see children of mine grow to be fine, strong, healthy in body in mind, and with children of their own.

Other dreams are far secondary.

Dave Rishar said:
Living a meaningless life. Looking back from my deathbed and realizing that I accomplished nothing of note and that I won't be remembered.

Very selfish, now that I think about it, but I am who I am.
Hey, Dave? You can lay that one to rest. If any of us mean anything to you, you've made a difference already. It's got nothing to do with cutting things, sharpening steel, making videos. Or everything. As UB always said: "What does this have to do with __________? Everything."

Stick around. We'd be poorer without you.

Not to take anything away from the rest of the posters on this thread. This one just strummed a chord.
I'm being serious. having any of the things that used to make the cover of the National Enquirer during the 50's and 60's happen to me. especially being fed feet first into a woodchipper slowly. sorry
Steely_Gunz said:
Probably losing my wife before her time. We have be by each other's side since before highschool. There is not a rough patch in my short life that I have not endured without her. Barring a twist of faith were one of us meets our end before old age, I can honestly see that after one of us goes the other will go quite quickly. If i go before her while we are young, then she will be saddened beyond all belief. If she goes before me while we are young, I will come unglued and dangerous. She has taught me love, taught me compassion, brought me to God, showed me that their are people worth enduring the trials of honor for, inspired poetry in me. In short, she has saved me. I am a brute from a line of brutes. We are about as cultured and caring as a Big Mac wrapper. This did not stop her from loving me. Now, instead of pretending to care I do care. The man you have all come to know as Steely would be just that without her. Cold, uncaring, unyielding.
So yeah, my biggest fear is a selfish one. Losing my wife and possibly what makes me good in the process.


Beautifully put. Also the rest of you guys. For most of us, the great fear is about relationships.

Yvsa post touched me deeply also.

It is often the case when a partner dies that the other partner follows soon after. My Mother died in January 2002 at 91. My Father died in September 2002 at 84.

Let us use our feelings here to get us to realize what is important this day and every day forward. Get the Big Picture in mind and the little irritations we face every day become smaller in that perspective.

So when the wife burns the dinner or we ding the car, hold each other and realize how terrible it would be if they were not there...

Let them know NOW how much you care!
If you have your health (generally), someone you care for, and someone who cares for you...everything else is just stuff.