Your greatest fear?

Kismet said:
If you have your health (generally), someone you care for, and someone who cares for you...everything else is just stuff.

Most problems/challenges come from one of these:




Is there really anything else?
Food and security is health and wealth. Different words. Safe and sound.

I think man's proven that once his basic needs are met he still has major problems.

I've had to face that possibility a few times. I've stuck with her through suicide attempts and self injury. I've patched her up more times than I can count. She's come a long way the last couple of years but the spectre still looms in the back of my mind.

You dream at times about your biggest fears. I have hesitated to voice mine for fear that it might come true. My biggest fear is that one of my children might become horribly injured and paralyzed or permanently disabled. Something that would rob them of the joy of life. They have so much going for them and so much to live for that I never want to think about that possibility.

My innocent trusting daughter being attacked and hurt by some human animal.

I fear it because I cannot prevent it 100% and have no control over fate.

I fear my wife dying of course. I would miss her very, very much, but I have been alone for big chunks of my life and would find a way to go on without her for my kids sake. God knows it wouldn't be easy. And I fear my dog companion and best friend being kidnapped by someone who admired him, or hurt by some jerk. I guess that one is pretty silly, when compared to the people we love.

It makes me sick to think about such things, so I act in typical human fashion and try not to. But being in denial about possibilities doesn't help either.

It used to be death but I think that I have come to accept the inevitability of death. It used to be having my loved ones leave me but once again, after you have done everything you can to perpare there is an acceptance of that posibility too. I guess my greatest fear is life, but there is nothing you can do but try to live the best life you can, in the best way that you can.
kamkazmoto said:
Does any of that make sense?

Yes. That was great, kamkazmoto.

I'll take another whack at this:

1. The Blob (the remake).

2. Running out of ammo.

3. A real answer is a lot harder. Everyone I love is dead, except my wife, and like yourselves, I hope I die first (next). I've already looked at death before, in a rollover accident (4.5x, into oncoming interstate traffic), and did not feel fear...just acceptance. I don't fear hurricanes, though I've lost my home twice.

4. Nuclear terrorism. Or anything like that happening to this country, which I do love. I fear that.

Ad Astra :(
never seeing my mom, bro and sis who wrote me off 3 years ago for personal faults. And missing every year especially right now. Maybe thats why these people here have become special to me.