• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

    User Name
    Serial number request


So Jim I was curious about the top pic with the blade blank in your hand; those bins in the background starting from left to right...would those be titanium slabs for the subframe lock backspacer and all the knife assembly hardware?
Excellent question - there will be stainless steel washers between the bearing washers and the Carbon fiber
Thanks! now i really think i need this knife. but it'll take some time to 0777 get to us here, in Russia. i hope we'll see some more awesome pix in this thread from you!
Dream knife, grail knife, call it what you will. I told my girlfriend that i'd be buying one of these when they come out. I, like most that i've been reading about, was a bit too late in getting on the pre-order lists. I'll wait my turn. Dang.

Thomas picture from 2 days ago posted on another site....hope he doesn't mine me sharing.
Hmm...coming along nicely I see. September should be a close to blade grinding final assembly month maybe. Then again this is just a small sample of about 1000 so hard to say. Thanks for the update prezs. Christmas might be a realistic expectation after all. :D(just my guess)
Kinda hope what looks like will be the backspacers doesn't keep the heat-colored/anodized look. Kinda like the contrast of the black/silver between the carbon fiber and titanium better for this knife. Seems more elegant that way which I this design strived for.
Hey all.

Funny thing is, I don't even have a pre-order in. I just like the damn blade so much i've been keeping an eye here to see when everyone else gets theirs.

Best of luck to everyone trying for one!

I was in the factory a couple of weeks ago - they were EDMing the blade blanks readying them for brazing, and they were machining away at the CF scales.

This knife is a huge manufacturing challenge, as well as a very intricate design.

Good things are coming out of Kershaw/ZT and I don't think it will be too long now.


I was in the factory a couple of weeks ago - they were EDMing the blade blanks readying them for brazing, and they were machining away at the CF scales.

This knife is a huge manufacturing challenge, as well as a very intricate design.

Good things are coming out of Kershaw/ZT and I don't think it will be too long now.



Thanks for the news. Hope you enjoyed your time there
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I can't even remember when I put in my pre-order! But when they are ready, I will have a couple to fondle.
My guess is mid January

What year, 2013 or 2014? Seriously, if it is this arduous of a path just to make this knife, how 'sensitive' to use will it be? While fondling their sample at Blade (this year), I was told they'd be shipping them when they got back... I guess the question I failed to ask was, get back from where? It's axiomatic now - my purchases are on hold for a while as I pay for a new roof and some tree removal. Still, the pre-sell of the 551, 561, and TILT! was minimal, by comparison. They are all great knives, too - I hope the 777 continues in their vein, whenever it becomes a reality.

I do like Kershaw/ZT knives, but the QC whenever they release a new model seems to be questionable and their ETA is just a joke nowadays.

The 0777 was the 2011 Knife of the Year. Except that's a complete lie, because the knife is still not out. IMO, the award should be revoked along with the 2012 models' awards since those will probably never see daylight in 2012 either.

Isn't it kinda unfair that there are actual real knives out there that people can buy and use which could have won those awards, not some concept models of the future? Maybe George Lucas should get the 2013 knife of the year for the lightsaber.
So the whole Microtech scandal / ripoff thing isn't a qualifying setback for production? How about the fact that they changed the blade steel after what i'm assuming was some curious questioning by the Kershaw / ZT fanbase? I'd say those two alone are worthy of a year's halt in production.

Revoke the 888 because of a probably? I'm glad you're not on the judging panel.

Maybe the Ford Fiesta should get Car of the Year every year from now until eternity because the Lamborghini Aventador isn't piling up on the shelves at Wal-Mart.
So the whole Microtech scandal / ripoff thing isn't a qualifying setback for production? How about the fact that they changed the blade steel after what i'm assuming was some curious questioning by the Kershaw / ZT fanbase? I'd say those two alone are worthy of a year's halt in production.

Revoke the 888 because of a probably? I'm glad you're not on the judging panel.

Maybe the Ford Fiesta should get Car of the Year every year from now until eternity because the Lamborghini Aventador isn't piling up on the shelves at Wal-Mart.

How does someone else copying your design delay your own production? The Matrix was basically MT's jerk way of saying 'we can do it faster than you'. The steel change if anything, was to aid the speed of production. Most people seem to have already forgotten about the incident and are happily buying up new generations of MTs with features all learnt from the Matrix.

'Probably' is the optimistic way of putting it most will agree. I'm gonna venture a guess to say more people believe in the world ending at December 21st than the 0600/0888 being available this year....

And using your car logic, a Lamborghini Miura Concept would be more accurate.

Kershaw/ZT is a great company in comparison to MT since customer service actually exists and you're not assumed to be an ape incapable of maintenance on a folding knife, but lets face it - this kind of delay on a product is abnormal.