"My Activity" Tab

Yeah it's not looking like this can be removed without some software hacking, and on top of this they are getting ready to release a new major version which is likely to bring an entirely new set of problems. Fun.
well, I hated to do it, but I have de-friended everyone. sorry guys, its nothing personal.
Yeah it's not looking like this can be removed without some software hacking, and on top of this they are getting ready to release a new major version which is likely to bring an entirely new set of problems. Fun.

Hmmm, this doesn't bode well.

Thanks for looking into it, and for the update.

~ P.
Welcome, one and all, to the fabulous "Age of Privacy Invasion". It's becoming that polite discretion is a near-impossibility. Don't blame me for being all up in everyone else's sh*t!
For the record: Facebook sucks. Print THAT.
One more thing...Activity Stream SUCKS. (I just wanted this to appear in the activity stream.)
Well, we seem a little angry today, how about a Snickers?
I will never forget the Joe Pesci Snickers commercial, and Goodfellas is one of my all time favorites. :D
Spark, I seem to have the same problem. Hope this can be fixed soon. I don't like it at all.
Judging by the ratio of negative comments to positive comments, I'd say most people don't like it. Unfortunately, the closest thing to a fix is clear everyone off your friends list, and even that doesn't completly solve the problem. It does ensure that you see your own posts and not random stuff by everyone you've accepted a friend request from.
A Google search for "vBulletin Activity Tab" suggests that there are other vBulletin administrators (of other forums) looking into this and perhaps coming up with workarounds, but so far it all looks like the "some hacking" that Spark refers to above, all of which may be rendered moot by the next software update.

One would like to believe the update itself would provide helpful solutions and more control of some of these settings (even if only on the administrator level) but with this change having been enacted wholesale by vBulletin, added to Spark's "likely to bring an entirely new set of problems"...? My.

~ P.
I know this sounds stupid and I agree with everyone else, this is a feature I'm not crazy about but how about bein' more selective with your friends. Seems like some people judge their own popularity by how many people they friend, I regularly decline friend requests from people I don't know or haven't communicated with much on line.

Watching with interest.
I know this sounds stupid and I agree with everyone else, this is a feature I'm not crazy about but how about bein' more selective with your friends. Seems like some people judge their own popularity by how many people they friend, I regularly decline friend requests from people I don't know or haven't communicated with much on line.

Watching with interest.

Don't tell Doug!
Imagine you are a knifemaker or dealer. You may have never posted in the Political Arena or Practical Tactical or W&C or the Cove or even looked at them, but you have accepted "friend" requests from people who post in those forums. So, a prospective customer clicks on your profile in the process of buying from you -- what does he see??? Your profile is full of sex, violence and political opinions he disagrees with??? Does he still want to buy from you??? :eek:

That's exactly the issue I have with it. I don't want to have to clear my friends list either - it's a networking tool. A large percentage of my friends here are fellow makers and clients.
No new news on this front from Spark, but a quick Google of the issue shows this is not the only forum community that dislikes this "feature" of vBulletin, there is a vote I found online to remove it entirely. Might be in the next release this will become a non-issue. If not, it is removable with a few code edits and there are many tutorials out there on how to do it.