15'-20' dia tree vs. a big infi choppers WOW !!

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How was he caught? Did someone recognize that #7 of 13 SS NMFBM?

Word is that Guyon reported his post. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
tsssskkk tssskkkk (sigh) :grumpy::grumpy::grumpy:

I was also informed that Uncle Jarvis uses other HOGS accounts under their premission; 3 to be exact. buying/selling/chatting whatever. I guess its good to have friends. :cool::cool::cool: Soooooo anything that goes on around here Jarvis is aware of.

Nice job Ken C , Jarvis says he is imprressed with your reconnicense techniques. :cool::cool:

Best Regards to my lil' pups

-Duall foe Jailorgy
This thread is locked. If anyone is allowing Uncle Jarvis to access BFC using their account I will find out and you will also be banned. Do I make myself clear?
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