2012 Buck 124?

Yea I was not expecting them but I had a funny feeling all day, the door bell rang and my wife says, hey you have a package, and it was huge so I was a little confused. I opened it and there was alot of packing paper and two smaller brown boxes then the black LE boxes were in those. These were the best packed knives I have ever received from a company. I really like them alot! Thanks again Buck for your outstanding service and knives.
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Yea I was not expecting them but I had a funny feeling all day, the door bell rang and my wife says, hey you have a package, and it was huge so I was a little confused. I opened it and there was alot of packing paper and two smaller brown boxes then the black LE boxes were in those. These were the best packed knives I have ever recieved from a company. I really like them alot! Thanks again Buck for your outstanding service and knives.

I just had #4 and 5 arrive and they came just like yours did.
My new 124 is coming! I just have to be patient for a few more days.

Good on Buck for bringing this sweet blade back!


Sidebar: Parallel mirrors yield multiple images. Link to short discussion, note post #5: http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=342214
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Now you've gone and done it sitflyer, encouraged me (thank you), and you know what that means don't you... Wait for it... More pics:

My favorite from the mirror bit:


I'm not going to wait for the polling or other opinion results to be tabulated. Uh uh. It is time to be bold. So I'll make a ruling on this knife right now with my promise to avoid over-statement: This 2012 Buck Frontiersman is the finest production fixed blade ever made by human hands.



This begs the question, "Which way to turn now for a cutlery thrill?"

My favorite from the mirror bit:


:D Me likey! :thumbup:

You guy's are killin' me...Ive been sayin' Nope, not gonna do it...don't need one...no way, no how...

Now I'm thinkin' I need one o' them Beasties...But I want's me one in that old crappy 440C steel...:D:rolleyes:;):)

There exist tools that can be brought to bare upon the task of prying sitflyer's wallet from his vise-like grip. Yes there are. Uh huh.
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I'm not going to wait for the polling or other opinion results to be tabulated. Uh uh. It is time to be bold. So I'll make a ruling on this knife right now with my promise to avoid over-statement: This 2012 Buck Frontiersman is the finest production fixed blade ever made by human hands.



This begs the question, "Which way to turn now for a cutlery thrill?"


Great Pics! got alot of WOW! factor going on there.
I wasn't going to post this one but you, you know who you are, have goaded me: :)

Wow - hard to find - now you guys have multiples... oh, mirrors! Guess I need more caffein... maybe it's the heat - barely 8 AM and it's 87 F on my shaded deck - hit 101 Friday - 102 yesterday. Gotta get a 'backup' 124LE... hmmm, maybe just put it on the mirrored bottom shelf in my display case?

The craftsmen at Buck that make the knives deserve a big pat on the back for the super job they are doing on the 2012 124. The work is outstanding, and they are indeed fine knives for sure.
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