2019 GEC 92 Eureka Jack


This should put to rest the whole "rotten banana" conspiracy... All I can say is... Excellent!


Those look beautiful! The camel bone came out great...I just hope they don’t have the matchstriker pull. I know, I know...to each their own, but I don’t find it appealing.
Still don't know what it is. Lol maybe "Yellow and Black Camel Bone"? ;)

I think what we are seeing as black will buff off. Looks a lot like smooth autumn gold bone.

They will probably call it something else... something that is totally unrelated to it's actual color. They've been on a oil kick lately so probably something to do with oil too lol.
The canvas micarta looks like a real solid user. :thumbsup::):thumbsup:

That's my speed right there. Though they are all looking good for sure. Still looking forward to seeing how the TFG SFO turns out. If the etch isn't tacky I might try for that one too. If it is, I'll be happy with my green micarta.
The size, the shield, the domed pins, the wraparound spring for the coping, pull strength and the nice bone make this one of, if not the best, GEC two-blade jacks. For personal preference I would have a clip or drop point main with a mark side coping in front, but that in no way detracts from the quality of the package. Mine is tip top.

