2019 GEC 92 Eureka Jack

Great knife! By any chance, have you ever washed the handles?

I took a toothbrush and dawn soap to a red/orange knife before to clean it. What I initially thought was the toothbrush bristles getting dirty, was actually the reddish dye...it definitely lightened the color.
No, I have never washed it, other than rinsing it off after food use. Just carried and used it. I have just been assuming it was becoming the "natural" elderberry color. I wonder if anyone else has had this same change with their elder's....
Extraordinary, what do you think has caused it, just use. I'm with you, i thought Elderberry was a crimson color, like the original scales.
I'm guessing it was just use. I've done nothing out of the ordinary with it, that I recall... not left out in the sun, not run through the dishwasher.... ??
Trying my darndest to summon an elderberry before it is time to start harvesting elderflower and berries but everything I’ve found so far is so head busting pricey that I’m fresh out of duck tape