560 Detent Tuning


Gold Member
Mar 5, 2007
Hey all,

Not a huge poster here by any means, but I do appreciate the community here and had an idea where I could give back a bit for all you've given me over the years.

So, as some of you know, the 560 line can have a bit of a variable detent feel knife to knife, causing weak or excessively stiff flipper action. By no means is this a safety issue for most of them, and its really hard for Kershaw to set these up to someone's personal feel from miles and miles away, and I wouldn't expect them to be able to. It would be a constant battle. Even Rick Hinderer's warranty and repair says they won't do this type of thing, so its not like people don't try for this from the manufacturers.

After tearing one down today, I noticed that the "closed" stop pin has two steps in it. The smaller diameter ends fit in the ti/g10/cf scales and the middle portion has a larger diameter. By changing this dimension, you can effectively tune the engagement of the lock bar detent ball into the detent "pocket" in the blade. The larger the pin, the more it pushes the blade toward the open position and softer the detent. The smaller, well you get the idea.

I was thinking of making a pass around kit that has a selection of pins, from an average stock pin size, and then let's say 5 steps either direction from there. I'd simply ask for a small contribution to cover cost of material and heat treatment for what pins you used, and a list of what sizes so I can replenish stock for the next person. There are also other ways to accomplish this, but this allows trying the feel of each before you're stuck with anything and it feels exactly as you want, not what someone thinks you want.

Obviously, this would also be fully reversible as you'd retain your stock pin.

These would likely be made out of S-7 tool steel, as I know a few manufacturers use that for blade stop pins. I could do any alloy, especially since this pin doesn't get slammed like the pin on something like a Spyderco Military, where it takes the energy of the blade being flung into it all the time. This only defines the closed location, I haven't seen anyone really slam a frame lock closed like an axis lock or ball lock so I'd be fine with something like 420 too. Would be vacuum heat treated to proper spec for impact use, regardless of which alloy. Can do either a lathe finish, or tumbled. Its a pain to bead blast pins, but I guess I could do that too.

I know that most feel great out of the box, but this is that extra step that sometimes keeps these from being just perfect.

Currently I'm recovering from a nasty surgery, so this is just planning and determining if this is something you'd appreciate or if I should just one off the pins for mine. I'll be on crutches for at least another 2 months, and thus not machining anything other than maybe a proof of concept. Certainly not 50 little pins though.

Let me know what you think! Not trying to step on KAI toes here, just trying to help solve an issue that they really can't be expected to fix for each persons taste.
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That's enough people to warrant me doing this. Anyone have any other material or logistical suggestions? Without the entire kit it'll be hard for me to make perfect pins for each person but I'm open to other ideas.

Otherwise we need to get some sort of pass around figured out. Maybe a list of which way each person wants their detent feel to go to bias quantities of sizes. If everyone wants theirs firmer I can only make a few of the smaller than average sized ones for instance.

Open floor. Let's get this sorted and I'll get material and a cutter coming.
I want mine to have a firmer detent, and you seem to know the materials. Sometime I use my knife like a tubing cutter and it really slams shut.
OK, just for you I'll call up my guy at crucible and have them make me one rod of s110 ;-). Could do it out of M42, but the diffusion bonding you get from contact during heat treatment would be a pain haha

Steel ordered. Trying to set dimension changes between sizes right now.

How do you guys want to set up the pass around? A list first come first served seems best to me but I haven't been involved in any passarounds here.

After buying the materials its pretty silly low cost so I'm not going to set a price for buy in other than me not footing any shipping. Any further donations are up to you but I expect nothing. I'm doing this for the Kai guys. But, it'd be super sweet if anyone is going to sell a 777 to give me a shot at it first!

Like I said, it'll be a bit before I have them done, but I'm hoping now for much sooner than first guess. I might bang a bunch out 3 weeks from now instead of 2 months.

I'd really like to get the pass around sorted before that though so any help there would be appreciated.

Also, anyone know of a good container to have all these different sizes separated in? They aren't toooo tiny of pins but it'll suck if they float between compartments of any container. Hopefully a container that fits in a USPS flat rate box of some sort so I don't have to do different shipping prices for everyone.

I am happy with the detent on my 560, but wanted to give you props for the cool idea. And a quick and speedy recovery from your surgery, I have had quite a few myself and know how frustarting it can be!
This is a great Idea. My 0560 is fine so I dont need it but should be a big help to anyone who needs it
That sounds like a heck of an idea. I never noticed the stepped pin on the 560 so I had to take a better look. My knife seems to be darn near perfect, so I don't need any work . But it seems like a method of dealing with wear over time. My only suggestion would be to color code your pins. Not all of your takers will have mics.
That sounds like a heck of an idea. I never noticed the stepped pin on the 560 so I had to take a better look. My knife seems to be darn near perfect, so I don't need any work . But it seems like a method of dealing with wear over time. My only suggestion would be to color code your pins. Not all of your takers will have mics.

Good call. I always forget they aren't a household item, just a normal tool for me. I'll definitely get some enamel out for the ends of them and hope for the best. On that note I may toss in a couple GOOD torx keys in the kit so people don't ruin their screws in the process.