A few photos to share

Kumdo, et al,

I'm not going to incite a conflagration over this, it's not my style nor my desire.

I wouldn't try to change your opinion or how you see things.

I'll only state that what I've referred to covers a long period of time here on these boards. If you weren't around to know of it or to have experienced it, it's understandable why you might not see where it's coming from. No need for you to become archaeologists and start digging up the past or turn this into something more than it is.

As for me, I've said my piece on the matter and hope we can get back to what we enjoy doing here.

Chiro is an asset to BF and has been for a long time. For some reason he felt it was OK to post adds here.

A long time member should know better and he does. This was not a misunderstanding. He knew that the commercialism was not accepted here not just by me but by the people that count (members) and continued to abuse the purpose of this forum. He choose to believe I was lying when I told him about the private complaints I was getting.

The adds were moved. (I try to move the straight up commercial stuff no matter who posts it).

Since then several posts have been made by Chiro many (at least three)contained references to his adds (posts) being moved. Many of his posts contained thinly veiled adds. Not to mentioned the signature line he was using that has now been changed. He made his decisions. as a Mod, I made mine in moving his posts and asking him to keep my name out of his posts.

He is more than welcome here as far as I am concerned, but it would be best for him to take a look around at how others handle discussions about their work and act accordingly rather than the manner in which he has used this discussion forum. BF provides for sale forums where a marketing approach is appropriate. Those for sale forums get more traffic than this forum does.

That approach is not appropriate here he knew that and ignored it repeatedly.

I got tired of trying to reason with him and decided to give him rope to hang himself with the adds telling him I would let the other moderators handle his threads unless he brought me into the picture. After at least three threads containing comments on his threads beign moved some of which contained my name (his version of a joke), I decided to ask him to stop and I did it publicly.

I stand by the decisions I made every step of the way.

Since there is no knife content here any more this is going to GB&U.
Hey guys, this shouldn't be a "who's better". I have always enjoyed Gus's opinions and love seeing Blues' posts. I made a few mistakes on this particular forum, and sometimes when you make a bad first impression it's tough to come back from. I like to joke around a lot, and in a print media, the jokes aren't always understood. I feel I've gotten a bad rap, but then again I am biased! :) The best solution for me is just to give up my posting here. In fact, I think I am making a switch over to Custom Knife Directory. It is a big change as I have been on Bladeforums for a long time, but I feel the whole environment here is changing for the worse, so eventually I will be exclusively using CKD, most likely. In any case, I think this whole ongoing situation has been a series of misuderstandings. It is somewhat upsetting to open this thread and see a bunch of people who have never corresponded with me before chiming in like they know me as well as my next door neighbor, but that's life. In an impersonal media like this people say anything about anybody and they don't worry about it. I will say it is unfair that I just hang around to leech here. If you look at my website (not just a crappy Photopoint account), you will see the hundreds of hours I have worked to making tutorials, sharing info, and getting exposure for makers whose work I like. I make a few knives a month, and in about five days it will be a LONG time before anything else comes out of my shop because my practice is finally opening. In any case, I have a pretty decent track record on Bladeforums, but for some reason I just didn't hit it off in this forum, which has a history of being a bit of a clique anyway. No hard feelings against Blues, Big Tex (whoever that is), Gus, or anyone else on this matter. Misunderstandings happen, and if they bothered me I certainly wouldn't be in the profession I am in! take care, guys!
The no hard feelings are the same here Chiro and I have valued and enjoyed your opinions for years now. (not blowing smoke here at all).

If there is anything I can ever help with, all you have to do is ask.

P.S. If you have the chance to go to the A.B.S Hammer-In in Michigan go. I got a flyer on it yesterday. It should be pretty awesome. My opinion is that the demonstrators and teachers there are some of the best to be found and that they go in with the attitude that they will learn from their students as well as impart knowledge. (makes for an excellent learning environment as well as a great time.)
Thanks, Gus. Sorry things didn't work out better. No hard feelings. ABS MI sounds great, but with mucho buckeros invested in this practice, I need to make that fly first. If I can get away I will. It's right up the road and would be a shame to miss.