Addicted to Knives...?

Feb 18, 1999
Why is it I find myself irresistibly drawn to well-made, sharp steel objects designed to separate matter? Knives are far more than that, of course. But why do i go into withdrawal if my knife mags don't come on time? Why do I feel antsy if I'm not at least current on what's going on in knifedom? I'm not a real highest-end owner (not yet). I do own enough knives to probably skin a herd of buffalo. More than I really need. Yet I am a junkie and my addiction comes in small rectangular boxes with excellent factory names on them. Gotta have more! *Aaaaakkkhh!!* Jim
You're not alone here....if you came here to hear that it's OK to own a lot of knives then let me say: IT'S OK!

I feel the same as you....when I'm all stressed out or I feel like losing myself for awhile I just take out the ole knife case and start rumaging through it. I hold them, wipe 'em down with Tuf-Cloth, sharpen them, work the action, hell...I even talk to them sometimes. If there is a single defect in any of the knives I brood for days. Even late at night when I'm in bed I think of the next upcoming knife so.....I'm sicker than you are.

It's funny, I don't even think of a knife as a weapon. I think of them as an engineering marvel.



Wow, you mean I'm not alone! I have to have a new knife every least! And what's getting worse is I keep spending more and more, I'm definately addicted. But we are investing...right? We can't loose...right? This is my disturbing world. At the end of the year I will have probably spent $3000-$4000 on knives...that's right, ...knives!!!!!!!!!!!
Do I need help?

Salmon, damn right you need help you sicko! $3,000 to $4,000 on knives in one year? C'mon get a grip on yourself man!! You should be spending at least twice that!


Nick B.

(infected with the edge virus)
I am not sure I am addicted to knives per se. I just like really good quality equipment. My knives sort of remind me of my flyreels, and shotguns, beautifully designed, machined (crafted), and do well what they are intended to. The latter two are generally more expensive than knives per unit. So, I am getting off cheap...
My wife doesn't complain too much since I spend much on anything except books.


[This message has been edited by sing (edited 21 February 1999).]
I'm right there with you! I'm so sick, I had to make a database that I use to gather info and pictures from the web. I keep all the latest information/pictures I can about the knives I own and a huge list of knives I want to purchase some day. Man, I need help. It started out so simple, a couple of Benchmades here and there, some Spyderco's, then something went terribly wrong! Now it's custom this, prototype that, with some damascus now and then.....then back to some less expensive stuff...just because of guilt.

My name is Dan...and I'm an addict.

I'm afraid I caught the bigsharppointy bug...I grab a knife about once every week or so. Usually something inexpensive, as I'm just starting out, but good quality (Endura or a Goddard). I'm working my way up to a Sebenza. After all, I need some basic, functional, tasty knives to form a pedestal for it.

Wow...sounds like I'm on the same track as RPM.
My name is Dan...and I'm an addict.

I'm afraid I caught the bigsharppointy bug...I grab a knife about once every week or so. Usually something inexpensive, as I'm just starting out, but good quality (Endura or a Goddard). I'm working my way up to a Sebenza. After all, I need some basic, functional, tasty knives to form a pedestal for it.

Wow...sounds like I'm on the same track as RPM in his early addiction. Better stop now before I start buying damascus and...

Oh wait. I like my addiction.
I know the feeling. I'm still fairly new to the game, and find it very hard to even visit places that sell knives without walking out with *something*. I only let myself go to once a month

But I'm willing to make the sacrifice to help all of you. I will help you overcome your addiction to knives by allowing you to send them all to me.

Forgive me forumites, for I have shopped.

It's been two weeks since my last purchase and I just feel awful(because I couldn't buy more)

I'm a knifeaholic. If it has to do with knives count me in(as long as there is no slicing or piercing of human flesh)

"Just say three "Hail Spydercos" and do three acts of mail order shopping and all is forgiven(until something new and high-tech comes out)

Norwegian Misfit

"For the word of GOD is quick and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword...." Hebrews 4:12

Yes, I to am a knife addict. I have been collecting since I was like 8 yrs old, Although I just started getting into custom Knives. I buy the three major knife publications as they come out and find myself
"Jonesing" in between shows! Whats worse, is that I now find myself interested in making knives!

Yes, I to am a knife addict. I have been collecting since I was like 8 yrs old, Although I just started getting into custom Knives. I buy the three major knife publications as they come out and find myself
"Jonesing" in between shows! Whats worse, is that I now find myself interested in making knives!

Salmon; you definitely need help. You are such a minimalist; I spent over $3000 last MONTH on knives; just ask Jay and Karen at AZCK (note how deftly I slipped that plug in there).

You may wish to cruise over to KFC and check out an old thread, 'You know you are a knifeaholic when...' It was pretty funny.

Have fun and keep sharp; Walt
Jeese!!!!!!!! I feel so inferior, I'll show you guys...I'm gonna order two more knives tomorrow and maybe three the next week. You can't keep a good knife collector down. And after that, I'm only going with Damascus Autos, yeah that's right. I'll be living in a gutter, divorced, clenching my knife collection much like Steve Martin clenched his thermos and remote controll in "The Jerk". What do ya have to say to that. In fact you guys have me so riled up I'm going to clean every knife I have right after I get done typing. Take that!!!!!!!!!!!

well i startedd in gerbers(smoking and cigareetts)
moved to Cold Steel(marajuana)
then to benchmade(crack and meth)
now im into microtech (cocain and herroin)

do i need help?

yes i need more knives. and a 12 guage pump gun but that is another story.
(preferably a truck gun. i saw a nice one for $229. in a few weeks ill have it)
Hey, I'm sane

The reason I only purchased one knife in the last month is that I'm unimployed.
I mean, how can you turn down a Socom M/A, black-t plain edge for $155...even if you already have one ?
And on the habit of sleeping with knives, I researched and found that the BM 3500 Black Tin/plain edge (clipless of course)was the more comfortable of many different knives.
The reason for that strange extra hole in the Sebenza struck me like a lightning bolt as I slept one night. It is a South African gravity water and debris drain ( SAGWADD ).
I mean...everything is so clear. And, i have you guys as esteemed examples. We're OK. The rest of the world just needs to catch up.

Life never works out the way we want it to.
You can make no real demands on others.
You can only make demands on yourself.
And, knowing that, you can then work with what is real.

[This message has been edited by Bill McWilliams (edited 23 February 1999).]

And I thought I was "abnormal" when it comes to interest in knives.

Most of my friends find it rather strange, or are afraid to even touch them at all! Some even feel their hairs rising on its end whenever they see these things. Though they'll go ga-ga over a knife when I show them how it can pop the hairs out of my arm, and marvel at how a thick blade could do the job of a shaving razor.. hehe..

Like Greg here, I also try to find a quiet time where I just sit down and lay out all the knives on the table, and hold them one by one, cleaning them and holding them against the light, admiring their beauty, the feel, etc..

Strange, but they seem to have that "mesmerizing" effect to me. Is it just me? or is this what one would call "a true-blue knife addict" ?

Knife Knuts = Great Minds Think Alike.

- Dan
I thinks knives are like women great shapes nice curves, handles you got to
grap quick to point and sharpe edges.
that why I got to have them.
sorry ladies just funning
I'm surprised at the response. It's fun reading how others have been bitten by "the bug." And I thought I was the only one who "talked" to my knives! Oddly, I even attribute "personalities" to certain knives....ssssshhhhhhhhh! The ones I feel "closer" to tend to be the ones I carry and use most. I've only been in the forums about a week now, and it's comforting (and also sometimes quite funny) to know I'm not alone in my love of knives. We are all hear to learn and share, to agree, disagree, or just plain observe, and it feels like a good environment in which to share our interests. I'm glad I came on. I'm learning a lot by reading the experiences and opinions of you guys. Thanx! Jim P.S. Still haven't learned to generate smiley faces to insert in appropriate spots!