After Sale Lounge

Woohoo! The Amazing-MoreAmazing got in and in pretty good early score, so no more of him souring the puss ;)

Marc is still a hoarding lil piggy! Oink!

To the rest of you, but no, not you but just you alone!, me <3 the rest of you long time, but some more than the others!
Woohoo! The Amazing-MoreAmazing got in and in pretty good early score, so no more of him souring the puss ;)

Marc is still a hoarding lil piggy! Oink!

To the rest of you, but no, not you but just you alone!, me <3 the rest of you long time, but some more than the others!
Bad news for you.

I have more sour puss than Nathan has knives.

I'm thinking of changing my screen avatar to this . . . what do you think?

Well shit! I was out on the bike today searching gun shops for .357 to feed my new toy, stopped at a bar for a beer and an appetizer of cajun mushrooms and missed the sale because there was no service or wifi.

The mushrooms were delicious 🍻