Ancient Aliens Anyone?

I suppose I wonder what it means, "Free Thinker"? I am often told that I am not one of these because of my beliefs (this is not an accusation BTW). Personally I don't know why it is that if you do not hold Judeo-Christian beliefs, you are therefore more open minded than someone who does hold them. How does this follow logically? I think I am quite open minded and I am also a Free Thinking, Free Spirit. I simply have a set of religious beliefs, which it seems most "Free Thinkers" also hold. Some have a Mathmatics/Physics Religion and feel all things can be somehow explaind through these means, some follow one or some amalgam of many of the older pantheons of gods and goddesses which for simplicity I will call Pagans, while still others simply worship Nothing and sek ways to prove Nothing is in control of things and that there is Nothing that causes people to know right from wrong except whatever sort of "morals" they choose to profess. Yet this too contradicts the Nothig worship as "morals" have no meaning without an ultimate Judge, which is not the same as some old dude in robes carrying a wooden mallet. There are other varients as well to the theme but it always gets to the one dichotomy that never changes, Christians are simply not able to be like the rest of us because of thier beliefs. All other religions, including those who profess to not have one, are welcome, just not Jesus lovers. This has always sort of baffled me. :confused:

In any case, what does it mean to me? Not a darn thing. I know only that things are proceding as they were meant to procede and will continue to do so until He decides it is time to roll up the carpet and start again. That is all I suppose I have on this except that I am also certain that we are fairly close to knowing one way or another whether or not I hold the reight set of beliefs so I personally suggest folks do their soul searching and see what they think as well and choose your path ASAP as you don't want to get caught off guard.;)
There are other varients as well to the theme but it always gets to the one dichotomy that never changes, Christians are simply not able to be like the rest of us because of thier beliefs. All other religions, including those who profess to not have one, are welcome, just not Jesus lovers. This has always sort of baffled me. :confused:

The last time I was involved in a thread like this, I was attacked because I openly admitted to being a non-christian. I made no negative statement about any member of this forum. I didn't troll or bash anyone. But the verbal attack and ad hominem was dropped on me by several forumites while (to the best of my knowledge) the Mods did nothing.

This has taught me the hard way that I am simply not popular enough to have an opinion on this matter, so I will withdraw from this thread now before the guys with the pitchforks and torches show up looking for any excuse to bash me again.

I could answer your question Warty, but I'd be lynched.
Time. The ultimate leveler:)

Many different life forms have many different beliefs. We can choose to include or exclude, that may be emotion.

I wonder what take alien folks might have to say on the subject. Mayhaps they won't care at all while they harvest the overpopulated cattle on this planet. Maybe they will be very esoteric and wonder at our arts and curiosities. I find that I love the folks here regardless of all of our personal beliefs.

Not to worry Wolf:), these folks here have intellect above all else. And we all see things a bit different.

I bet we'll all get our Khuks on together if the space folk come a callin' and they aren't friendly.

Wolf, I would be most happy to continue this in a civil manner via email should you wish... send me one and we will take it from there or I will let it drop. I won't get personal or make it a sordid affair in any way. I can say though that if it turns this way by your making, I will simply stop replying rather than stoop to that level. As I say, my mind is actually quite open.

I just went to make sure you could email me. I would have emailed this to you but you have all manner of contact outside of a public post like this turned off. The ball is therefore in your court, I am most interested to know what it is that what I stated is the case.
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Maybe not flying saucers, but maybe hot-air balloons! Maybe pure, human ingenuity, maybe inspiration from above, but certainly fascinating to think about!

What's THIS story mean to me?: anything is possible........
As Wolf brought it up............

I hold Uncle Bills Ideals for the Cantina dear. This should be a place where we can discuss things civilly, whatever the topic may be, wether we agree on it or not. Anyone flaming another in disagreement will recieve an infraction.
As long as this remains a civil discussion and the religious aspect of it pertains to the actual topic of alien life, there shouldnt be a problem. Otherwise it may get removed to political by a supermod as a religious discussion.
You can count on me at least to remain civil and polite.

Noow back to Ancient Aliens, does anyone have a picture of the Heiroglypic representation of the "Astronaught" complete with transportation and all? Hard to belive this sort of thing just sort of sprung into an ancient Egyptian's Tomb/Temple Artisan's head to use to adorn an importand wall in full color without having seen something like it to inspire him/her.
I don't know about it all. I watched the whole thing and find it interesting, but I'm extremely skeptical about it all. If aliens did vist earth in the past or intermingle with people, or breed, or bring us, they sure must of not liked us alot. they didnt leave us paper, or anything besides funny rock carvings. No super tech or anything, and they havent made much contact since. Any way about all that stuff where they represented what they did not understand with what they did, like the dragon or bird with the ufo, how come they could represent the space suits as they were but not the ship, seems easier to draw a ufo ship than a dragon or bird if their using the detail like they say they did
Pyro, you are assuming that the visitors come here and do what they do for OUR benefit. I would not assume that. I think they do what they do out of their own scientific curiosity.
I think they see us the same way we see our pet fish in an aquarium.

As for contact - I think it's possible it happens somewhere in the world every single day.
Shuttle video seems to suggest a level of activity even I find hard to believe.
This is something that I have always wondered in regard to the Nazca Lines in Peru. Only really visible from the air. I wonder if the Nazca culture that created them had some sort of balloon or a giant kite that could carry a person:)

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Granted, they've learned a lot more about how to make lines like that since the Balloon Experiment. Trial and error suggests that long lines can be "steered" from the ground more effectively than we first thought, and that "air surveying" can be done from nearby mountaintops. But I'm not completely convinced that the latter was adequate: it seems awfully inefficient to climb a mountain in order to survey work mils away, and then climb back down to deliver the report. And besides, not only does it not really explain why they needed to build the pictures in the first place, but the balloon theory is so darn COOL that I have to give it serious thought. That little adventure doesn't even need aliens to blow your mind!
They need not climb down to deliver the report actually, heliographs have been around a very long time...

I guess my question about the Egyption Drawing of the person wearing the space suit while essentially piloting what appears to be a rocket has been dismissed? I am still amazed that something like this was drawn by ancient man and it is this type of occurnce that seems to give credence to the ancient ET visitors for me at least as it seems harder for me to belive these sprts pf things could be imagined by early man.
I don't know about it all. I watched the whole thing and find it interesting, but I'm extremely skeptical about it all. If aliens did vist earth in the past or intermingle with people, or breed, or bring us, they sure must of not liked us alot. they didnt leave us paper, or anything besides funny rock carvings. No super tech or anything, and they havent made much contact since.

Again going back to Sitchin, in his books the Annunaki created us through genetic engineering by adding their DNA to the DNA of homo erectus. The purpose was to create us as a slave species to mine precious metals for them. Over time the Annunaki learned to enjoy being worshiped as gods and eventually began fighting each other for power, ultimately leading to a nuclear attack on a site in the Sinai region.
Generally, when visitors leave visible messages, they don't look like animals. They are mathematical symbols. Many people have tried to dismiss crop circles, but the crop circle concept was first reported in the west more than 300 years ago. (See "Strange News out of Hartford-shire")
Some people have tried to claim it was a hoax, but, ignorant of the details, thought that simply crushing wheat was proof of the crop circles being man-made. They were unaware that the stalks were unbroken and had been superheated by microwaves, which your average 'guy with a plank' can't do.

I think there is a good chance that many ancient circles like Stonehenge and Native American medicine wheels were at least influenced by these events. I am NOT saying that aliens came down and taught us to do it: I am saying they did what they did, we saw it and were inspired to copy it in our rituals.
Virtually all the leading physicists and astronomers believe the universe is teeming with life. Visits to Earth by others may be rare, but seem certain to have occurred in the 4.6 billion years this rock's been spinning.

Are *some* UFO sightings these visitiors? It seems so to me.

Christopher Columbus saw colored lights flying near his ships; Romans report a "flying shield." Ancient D,WTF? :p

Outstanding theoretical physicist and science-champion-to-the-masses Dr. Michio Kaku said recently something along the lines of, "Most of these (UFO) sightings can be explained. But a few, a small percentage of them ... they make my skin crawl."

Dr. Kaku cited the Alaska/JAL cargo plane instance as one of the visual/radar sightings he puts the weight of credibility on. There are many times many.

It's one of my favorite subjects, Yvsa. I recommend Richard Hall's pretty much comprehensive books, especially "The UFO Evidence - Volume 2 : A Thirty Year Report"

Unfortunately for me, like the Blue Oyster Cult lyric says, "Strange shapes light up the night ... never seen one but I hope I might."

Dr. Stephen Hawking was also in the news just last week as saying, basically, we should shut up and not draw attention to ourselves with broadcast signals. Somebody might be listening- and want our resources.

If Hawking and Kaku are concerned about ET's in the neighborhood, well- they have my attention.

Which raises a great theoretical point: If ETs landed, mined all our uranium and left- just exactly who would we report the "crime" to? Kind of like when one seagull steals a bit of food from another- where's the "Authority" to stop this dastardly unfairness?


"It's one of my favorite subjects, Yvsa."

It's also one of mine as well Mike. ;) :D :cool:

As you wrote above, "Unfortunately for me, like the Blue Oyster Cult lyric says," "Strange shapes light up the night ... never seen one but I hope I might."

Mike I'm one of the fortunate ones because I've seen at least one and a sight to behold it was indeed! My exs' son and I was fishing just a few miles north of where we live late one night. We were at the bottom of about a 30' gorge that Bird Creek had cut through there over the years and Rick and I both kept looking at the stars as they seemed brighter and more plentiful at the bottom than they did at the top, maybe because the lights of the city didn't interfere so much at the bottom, I dunno. Anyway as I was looking towards the north edge of the top of the gorge I saw a light way high up that was moving south at a steady rate of speed. I told Rick, "Look Rick, there's a satellite!" and we were both watching it move steadily south when directly overhead or a bit more the light did what no satellite or earthly aircraft could do in that suddenly without warning or hesitation it went INSTANTLY from going due South - TO Southwest - and more than rapidly gaining speed it quickly Zipped outta sight! :eek:

Then several years later after a Sweat we were all laying about cooling off and looking at the night sky and I asked our Fire Keeper if she was okay, it's a hard job taking care of the Fire and bringing the hot rocks outta the Fire.
She said she was fine and that the UFO's had kept her entertained. At that I exclaimed, "What UFO's?" and she told me where to watch. I laid there for a while being careful - Not - to lock my eyes on the spot and after awhile I was rewarded. There's no telling just how large these things were or how high as they all looked like stars themselves.
It was obvious that the ones moving about were larger than the one that was apparently stationary! :eek:
And it was indeed a night of having patience as they weren't moving all that often or that far.
Being as high as they apparently were the ones moving about looked like they were moving only an inch or so before stopping, holding stationary for a bit - - and then moving back to the larger UFO. At the height they were apparently at there's no telling how far the inch they appeared to be moving from back and forth was to them. :eek: I wouldn't even begin to harbor a guess as to how far it could've been!

Yvsa, I keep an eye on the skies, but you're two up on me.

I've seen a three-color bolide one time; space junk burn up another time. Saw an out of place star once; telescope showed an ice-cream cone looking thing ... called the local astronomy prof- who confirmed it was a weather balloon with instrument package. :eek: After his initial shock and dropping of the phone....

UFO's have changed over the years, FWIW. In the 1990s-present, the "black triangles" have been seen. Slow-moving, dim lights ... and fairly brazen. 1950s-era metallic discs are much more rarely seen- just as 1950's-era cars aren't sighted much.

It makes perfect sense that many species of visitors have poked their noses/whatever in. Different peoples would be driving different types of craft, likely with different levels of advancement (all of them leaving us in the dust).

Despite Star Trek's federation, I doubt there is any rule-governing body locally out there. So we can hope the equivalent of university researchers are driving these latest vehicles ... and not scouts for mineral/protein harvesters driving planet-sized ships.

When the visits become fully open ... we're going to be in for humanity's greatest encounter.

:D Hope we don't get eaten and our heavy metals stolen- which would doom any human survivors to never evolve star travel of our own.


So, Danny? What are the grays up to?

EDIT: Zeta Reticuli seems like a good place to look:
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The last time I was involved in a thread like this, I was attacked because I openly admitted to being a non-christian. I made no negative statement about any member of this forum. I didn't troll or bash anyone. But the verbal attack and ad hominem was dropped on me by several forumites while (to the best of my knowledge) the Mods did nothing.

This has taught me the hard way that I am simply not popular enough to have an opinion on this matter, so I will withdraw from this thread now before the guys with the pitchforks and torches show up looking for any excuse to bash me again.

I could answer your question Warty, but I'd be lynched.

Wolf everyone and anyone here who has lurked for any length of time in the archives especially knows that I'm not a Christian and that I follow the ndn ways of the Sweatlodge and Prayer and no one, that I can recall anyway, has ever given me any grief over it and I'm really sorry that you had to experience such a thing no matter which forum it was in. :( And as far as being popular you've always been A-OK in my book and I always look forward to reading your posts. :thumbup: :cool: :D
