Dan Maragrni, thank you for the reply. I agree with you. I prefer to buy from trusted sources.
Moving on to the subject of trusted sources, my main concern is avoiding counterfeit goods. As I mentioned a few posts ago, it is amazing to me how rampant counterfeiting has become. I have even heard of people buying a good fake, then buying the genuine article from a big store such as Cabela's, then returning the fake for a full refund. That is straight up theft in my book! Adding to the problem is the item goes back into stock, only to be purchased by some unsuspecting person who pays good money for an inferior product. I don't know how much Ontario knives are subject to being counterfeited, but I believe I have heard of counterfeit RAT folders. Those knives are not very expensive, yet they are counterfeited?!!!
I have bought most of my Ontario knives from MidwayUSA and Amazon.
I am assuming MidwayUSA gets their stock directly from Ontario.
When I buy from Amazon, I tend to buy from "Amazon.com Services LLC." I am assuming here that I am dealing with the "main company" as opposed to a third party, and that perhaps Amazon.com gets their stock directly from Ontario.
I would welcome you comments on this, as well as the comments of others, assuming it allowed for them to reply on the "ask Ontario" forum.