BLADE SHOW ’2014' – Show us what you got; Please!

Here is a hunter I made from a 52100 ball bearing. The blade has a hand rubbed 1000 grit finish. The handle is ebony, the pin is silver and the guard is stainless steel with a little engraving to spice it up. I sculpted the handle a little different from what I've done in the past and I really like the way it feels in the hand. This one is for my table at BLADE. Come by and see if it feels good in your hand. :D Table 7-O

Here is the before picture.
10277675_1437702809810629_5569709199631288163_n by Caleb Royer Studio, on Flickr

And the after shot. :D
140517_Kyle_Royer_163 by Caleb Royer Studio, on Flickr

Pic by Caleb Royer Studio and a fine one it is.
140517_Kyle_Royer_163 by Caleb Royer Studio, on Flickr

That's a very elegant Hunter. The engraving is coming along nicely.
Thanks for the kind words everyone! I'm REALLY looking forward to this show. I have one more BIG project that I'm working on. Big and elegant is what I'm shooting for. I hope to get it done in time for Caleb to take some pictures. :D
Look forward to seeing it, Kyle. I have a 'BIG project' that's still on paper:eek:. So much to do before BLADE!
Just dropped this carcass splitter off with my buddy Tobin Nieto to get a rawhide sheath built. I'll do final cleanup and sharpening when I get it back.

More details when it's finished.

I can't help but get this maniacal grin when I pick it up. :D

Sam sent me this knife there is a few weeks. You should discover it with a sheath of Jérémy....

T-Rex Bowie W2 & African BlackWood
Balde: 270 mm, 10" 7/8
Total : 415 mm +- 16" 5/16
Thickness : 8mm +- 5/16
Weight : 690 gr 24.339 oz

Another one, if you like hamon....

Merci Kevin, I also had the pleasure to see your knife, unfortunately it was not finished, I was not able to photograph it...
I wanted to add these beauties to this thread as well since they are Blade Show Knives, actually I guess they are 'pre'-Blade Show knives.

"John White MS - W Feather Damascus Frame-Handled Fighter"

Kyle Royer MS "Sleek Stag Fighter"

Don Hanson III "Mini Tac"

Ben Seward JS "Solstice Fighter"

Mike Quesenberry JS "Full Integral Double Lug Fighter"

Adam DesRosiers MS & Erik Markman"International Collaboration Bowie"

Michael Ruth JS "Fancy Hunter #1
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I gotta add this one also

Technically its a Blade Show Blade




There will also be a big announcement made at Blade regarding Sam

Also the Wheeler Combat Bowie will be on display at the Diskin USA booth



Can't wait to see everyone