Blade Storage/Display aka Bawanna's Blade Addiction.

I have my granddads 10ga lever Winchester too. A cherished heirloom too.
wow ! bawanna all you need is a library collection of books on history and myth and I think we are the same person -- the wall will now include my guns ! ( I am a revolver collector, but my old man was a ww2 / ww1 collector-- I merely continue a tradition of adding to a generational armory. Hopefully when im old my nephew will be competent enough to take the armory into the next generation ! huzzah i say

also I think some kind of cabinet would be a good set up for a knife collection, I feel strange about displaying anything with its blade exposed, to me its like having a gun with one in the clip ! ( knives is dangerous) -- I dont really want to become a woodworker but for the dream of a armory wall I think the white wire is choice or you gotta build your own!
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My wife wasn't fond of the white wire plan. She brought home a couple shadow boxes yesterday. I need to figure out how to mount the knives and then either hinge the glass front or just make it hang off hooks over the knives.

They are only 12x18" so the 25" siru might not go. Maybe diagonally but it will be close. I like the idea of keeping the dust and stuff off them but I still want to hold them whenever I want without a bunch of hassle. Everything in that room gets dusty, I've tried to do some of the more dusty activities out in the shop but I hate going back and forth fitting and stuff.
we need to figure out how to hire dust bunnies to clean up the other dust bunnies: a good old china cabinet would make a fine display if you put lights inside
Here ya go:


The upper one is the original 10" (5" blade, 5" handle).
The middle one is 7.5" (4" blade, 3.5" handle).
The lower one is 8" (4" blade, 4" handle).

[The blades on the bottom two are identical; the original was shrunk down to 80% horizontal, and 90% vertical.]

Now I find myself dreaming of a Micro Mini AK all the time. I think I'll call it the Bawanna Bowie.

Kind of rolls off the tongue don't it. 7.5 to 8" 4" or less blade to be legal here. I get goose bumps just thinking about it.
Throw a bayonet hole on the Bawanna Bowie and figure out a way to mount it to that Thompson!
Throw a bayonet hole on the Bawanna Bowie and figure out a way to mount it to that Thompson!

That's covered in my book "A Million and One Uses for Duct Tape". Bayonet mounts, we don't need no stinking bayonet mounts.

That's an excellent idea though.
I like both ends of that stick! I had an M1942 that got lost into the family somewhere and still cant find it. It looked like it was broken at one time and forged back together. Cant imagine why someone would do that when so many were available at the time? At least I think thats what it was. Had brass scalloped handle long blade and no edge. Usual green fiberglass composite scabbard. That was my first long-blade.
Phil got my wheels turning............

The 25" Siru is a bit unwieldy, the bashpati with the bone handle compliments the stag grips. The Pen Knife looks nice and being a bit straighter.

The big question is......can Pugs wrap this combo in leather and make it concealable?.. Hmmm....................
what is that a ruger or a bisley? or are rugers bisleys ? lol im going to join in on this next chance i get, ak bowie on my smith 460 coming soon
Bisley is a Ruger. This is a Ruger but it ain't a Bisley. It's a Super Blackhawk 44.