Bruce Coutee SUCKS

Feedback: +2 / =0 / -0
Jul 24, 2002
Hello All,

I hope my title is not to inappropriate. Here’s the deal. Back in November of last year, I was e-mailed a few questions about a knives and ended up conversing with a gentlemen calling himself Bruce Coutee. From Early December to Late January I ended up selling some stuff to this person on 5 occasions. All 5 times using PayPal. Everything went smooth. Last night I got a e-mail from PayPal saying the credit card charges for all 5 of these transactions have been disputed. Even though I kept and provided online tracking for all 5 transactions, I am not covered as the person did not have a confirmed address. So I am out $300+ to this jerk. I tried e-mailing him, but the e-mail address I have is no longer valid. So I am here to warn you guys, I am not sure where this guy hangs out online, his username on the forums, or even if he is a active member. I do know he has an interest in knives and ripped me off for $315 so that’s good enough reason for this thread. Watch out for anyone with this info:

Bruce Coutee
1421 Hill Ave
Natchitoches, LA

PayPal account was under the name Beulah Coutee. Also, what options do you guys think I have to try to recoup funds. Would this constitute mail fraud?? Should I contact the Postal Inspector? I know I have a case here, hell I still have all the delivery confirmation receipts, but I can't afford a lawyer or anything like that. Thanks in Advance
That does suck. I hope this gets straightened out.
Wonder if some kids used mom's card and got caught....
I have heard of this happening, though its rare. I had already considered not accepting payments unless the address is confirmed, and shipping only to that address, after hearing your story, i think i will now require the address to be confirmed.

There is one way to sort of thwart PP. The minute you get paid for anything, transfer it out of PayPal, into your linked account, then transfer from that account to another that PP has no access to. Sounds like a PIA, but i think it will work.

Sorry this happened, this guy does:

If the US mail was involved in any way it's mail fraud. In this case, only if you sent him the stuff by US mail.

This is a Paypal scam that's new to me -- a thief can have several separate transactions with you, all seems to be well, until months later Paypal tells you they've confiscated your money, have a nice day??? That's really alarming -- after several deals with the same person you might trust him for a really large amount -- and even if you didn't a number of small deals could add up to a lot more than you're aware you're risking. Yet another reason not to use Paypal....
Originally posted by Megalobyte

There is one way to sort of thwart PP. The minute you get paid for anything, transfer it out of PayPal, into your linked account, then transfer from that account to another that PP has no access to. Sounds like a PIA, but i think it will work.

Thats a good idea but my main problem with this is I had $112 in my account, I use my PayPal debit card like a standard bank card when I have money in there. So it took all the money I had and now I am negative $200 with paypal. That is the really sucky thing, b/c when I am short on money and need cash REALLY bad, I am ussually forced to sell a knife or something and ask for PayPal ONLY as it offers me immediate cash to use. So now I do not only have no money, but no means to recieve funds fast when I need it :(
Just another reason to stay the heck away from Paypal as far as I am concerned. This guy is a POS, but I personally don't think Paypal is any better.
You could always give them a call:

Beulah Coutee, (318) 352-9326, 1421 Hill Ave, Natchitoches, LA 71457
Hey, Paypal is not the problem, its the occasional POS who abuses it.

I use Paypal all the time and consider it a great convenience. Now, however, I understand why some sellers insist its taken from a bank account and not a credit card. This type of problem just never occurred to me.

What say we each pitch in $20 and bail this bad guy out?:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Cougar Allen
If the US mail was involved in any way it's mail fraud. In this case, only if you sent him the stuff by US mail.

This is a Paypal scam that's new to me -- a thief can have several separate transactions with you, all seems to be well, until months later Paypal tells you they've confiscated your money, have a nice day??? That's really alarming -- after several deals with the same person you might trust him for a really large amount -- and even if you didn't a number of small deals could add up to a lot more than you're aware you're risking. Yet another reason not to use Paypal....

My mail fraud case over 4 months old, with delivery confirmation and insurance still has no teeth.

This type of Paypal scam is not new to me, happens all the time, scumbags fraudulently dispute stuff all the time. Check
Yet another reason not to support paypal, besides the fact that they are anti-gun, and suck.
I'm not gonna defend paypal but the anti-gun faction that owned it sold it. Ebay bought paypal a few months ago.

I guess what I should have said is Paypal has never been a problem for me, and in fact I find it extremely convenient. I know that some folks have had problems, but I've used it more than a few times with no issues. Never, I must admit from a seller perspective.

Nonetheless, any system is only as good as its weakest link, and there are bound to be soft spots, or something that some a$$ can manipulate, take advantage of or outright scam someone with.

Point is that usually I'm doing small size deals, and if a $20-$75 deal goes bad, its not going to kill me. Problem here is TBG got hit for multiple deals and no one should have to eat $300.

Thats why I suggest we each send a few greens to take the sting out of this for a fellow forumite. An active and respected one.

I'll still use paypal, but with caution. I appreciate knowing the anti-gun facet is gone.
Originally posted by NGK-Webmaster
Yea but Ebay is also anti gun people

Ah, ok. I just remembered that anti-gun website paypal used to have. Wasnt aware of ebay's stance. Thanks.
Originally posted by NGK-Webmaster
Yea but Ebay is also anti gun people

Because they took away the gun auction site they're Anti-Gun?

Paypal's former owners actually gave money to anti-gun lobbyist groups and funded candidates with anti-gun platforms.

Slight difference IMO.

To get back on topic though, Paypal is not the villian here.

What people have to remember is that Paypal runs it's business with consumers the same way Visa/MC run their business with business. If I dispute a charge with a regular Visa card to a regular business with a Visa account their money is withheld until the vendor can provide proof of the transaction.

I have had one incident with Paypal and a friend had one, both were taken care of within a week or two, you just have to be patient and work within their guidelines.

I'm sorry this happened to TBG but don't shift the blame away from the actual person in the wrong - the scum bag that disputed the charges for merchandise they received!

TBG, so are you going to call them?
Originally posted by cpirtle

TBG, so are you going to call them? [/B]

You better believe it. I tried once with no answer. I will be hounding these people for answers!!!! :)
It's a dual issue - PayPal being the honest, caring individuals they are, are taking the money out of TBG's account months after the charges went through. With little or no recourse for him.

Paypal has a long, nasty list of doing these sorts of things.

Paypal is anti gun in a variety of ways, and will not allow the sale of firearms & accessories through their service. This isn't history - it's happening now.

Ebay is not gun-friendly either, and furthermore not very knife friendly.

With a list of problems like this, why is anyone using Paypal? If it's "convenience", then this is part of the cost of that "convenience".

As for TBG - I'd contact the Postal Inspectors bro. Good luck to you. And let this be a warning to you PayPal users - your money may not be your own.
