Busse Scrap Yard?

People seem to routinely wait one year, two years and more for knives of quality comparable and often inferior to Busse. COnsidering the availability vs. quality it seems that Busse has found a relatively efficient and enjoyable way to distribute their knives. The whole experence is a pleasure and I would hate to see it change. You know within a few months when a knife should arrive and the quality is unquestioned. I don't think it should alter its methods. I agree that the waiting time would become impossibly long, like Randall, if they offered a full line of knives.
I do buy others. I do so now because his are so hard to find. I bought my Busse's several years ago. When I did, I do not remember any secret hiding places on the web page to find the knives, I had several selections to choose from, and I did not wait to get them. They were available, advertised clearly on the site, and shipped in a very reasonable time frame. I went to the site tonight and there are virtually no products to purchase. I saw 3 AK47's and 2 War Boars (while realizing that it is entirely possible that I did not look in the correct secret spot)! My point is: For a company as well known as they are, If the demand is so great that they have spin off shops out their ears, why are they not utilizing their employees to fill the basic demand of the customers with their original shop? Expand it. Why spin off more of the same styles with more secret hiding places to see their products? (As you can see that irritates me greatly as a consumer of reasonably high priced sharp objects) Do they make more money by limiting the number of each specific model? The secondary market doesn't pad their pocket even though the production limits make them more valuable after they are out of production and therefore possibly increases the mystique or some junk like that. I would just like to be able to go to Busse Combat, click on the knives link or order link or whatever that easily found, and see a large selection of knives that I can choose from that are available for purchase or made to order. I dont think that is too much to ask for. I am not inclined to wait years for any knife from any maker. Randalls included. Instant gratification and all. I know he is a moderator here and want him to hear my opinion. Then of course he can do it the way he wants to and I will stick with only owning 2 of his knives instead of buying more. Possibly this should be posted in a "Rant" thread...edit, Ok correction, I did see 2 other models available without looking too hard.


I hear you my friend! :) . . . . It is important to note that I am doing my best, but it's difficult when you drink as much as I do to remember what it is that you were supposed to be doing in the first place!!!!:eek:

As for the size of our shop, we are constantly expanding and will soon need to put a scotch and cigar bar on both end walls in order to motivate our crew to travel the entire distance of more than 20 feet!!!. . . . . . :eek:

In regards to demand outstripping our production capabilities, I will say that we have always been fortunate to have more demand for our product than we can produce. . . Of course we're usually hammered by noon and rarely make more than 3 or 4 knives in a full week. . . . . We only let the Rats and Dogs in because the booze is usually gone before they get here and they tend to make up for our shortcomings!!! :thumbup:

On a serious note though. . . well, actually the preceding was on a serious note, so you can see the problems that we're wrestling with here. . .

Just know this. . .none of this is my fault because. . .


Jerry :D

I know I speak for many when I say DON'T CHANGE A THING!

All this criticism is enough to drive one to drink. :D

The fact that we're getting custom quality knives from a company is amazing. You can't compare Busse with other knife companies. There is a reason those companies can crank out 1,000 knives per day. It shows up in the quality. DUH.

Why do you think none of them will dare show up for a live demo when Jerry's doing them? They've all been challenged to do so, and none dare show up. Why is that? Cuz none of them put 40+ hours of labor into their heat treating protocols. No other "Company" spends time on each knife treating it like it's a custom. Busse combat is a "comapany" putting out "custom" quality.

Don't like the deal? Good. No more INFI for you? Good. More for ME! And that's GOOD!!!

Thanks for everything Jerry.
You should steer clear of Busse.

I have heard from an authority on knife steels and it has been proven that Infi might be 440C stainless or 1095 carbon steel.
You should steer clear of Busse.

I have heard from an authority on knife steels and it has been proven that Infi might be 440C stainless or 1095 carbon steel.

Well, that cat is out of the bag. . . 1095 and 440C are simply Modifed Versions of INFI as is titanium and that filling that they put in twinkies!!!! :eek: :D

They put titanium filling in twinkies??!! :eek:
Isn't there a whine and cheese forum somewhere???:confused: How come every thread turns into this? I come here to see knives and learn about knives, not to hear whiners. I am new to this whole forum and really appreciate the guys who help the newbies, but someone needs to direct the children to the daycare section. you've got to pay to play, and if you want to pay you need to wait like everyone else... Let it be a mystery, if you dont understand go away!
Did someone say cheese? Hey 360joules, come quick, there's going to be cheese. And tell Jerry to get over here, they're pouring the whine. :D
Huh? Where?! !! Tell me it's more Howlers. :eek:

You should steer clear of Busse.

I have heard from an authority on knife steels and it has been proven that Infi might be 440C stainless or 1095 carbon steel.

The latest specialists claim it's 420J2 or "element 115"
I hear tell that it's actually maybe either a 1050, A2, D2, or an r2d2. It's most likely a 154cpm, and or an O1 mixed with a 5160 and 52100. It's definitely either a tool steel or a stainless, or maybe definitely both; but not likely.

Maybe a specialist who's privy to no legitimate information and knows nothing about it could clarify this?
this has to be the tenth new member with a bunch of complaints.

i think the duccis have multiplied to include 'variants'
I'll be the 11th new member with a complaint, being that I didn't discover this knife company earlier!:p
I'll be the 11th new member with a complaint, being that I didn't discover this knife company earlier!:p

now thats a legit complaint!!!!!

i actually 'found' busse about for years ago, but didnt pull the trigger on anything until mid 2005. boy if i could relive the last 4 years!!!
I agree with Grandsuave, take your complaints to the Whine and Cheese forum. I come here to read about and participate in discussions about Busse (including Swamp Rat and Scrap Yard) knives, not to read about someone's dissatisfaction with Jerry's marketing program or production schedule.

While I am on my soap box here are some more opinions that really belong in Whine and Cheese as well:

I think that the marketing/production/distribution plan used by Jerry is pure genius. I allows him to focus his production, make maximum use of his facilities, provides simple product distribution and most, if not all, of his product is sold before it is even produced! It seems to me that he has created the perfect marketing/production/distribution plan for a small manufacturing company.

Second, I am tired of reading posts from people implying that INFI is some sort of a scam. I am not a metallurgist, nor do I have a boat load of experience testing knives like Cliff Stamp does, but I am a user (not a collector) of knives and other edged tools and I use them hard. I don’t know what materials go into making INFI. I don’t understand much about the heat treatment that is done to it. But I do know how it holds up to hard use and as near as I can tell it lives up to every claim that Jerry makes for it. When I first started reading the Busse ads I thought it was all a bunch of hype. Now I am thinking that Jerry has been a bit on the conservative side in his claims. I have the same opinion about the performance of Swamp Rat knives too.

Third, I have been singularly impressed with the people at Busse and Swamp Rat. They are top notch in all respects. In all of my dealings with them I have been treated with respect, courtesy and consideration.

Lastly, it really pisses me off that I cannot afford to buy more of the very excellent products produced by these fine companies.

No Regrets.

I hear you my friend! :) . . . . It is important to note that I am doing my best, but it's difficult when you drink as much as I do to remember what it is that you were supposed to be doing in the first place!!!!:eek: . . .

Jerry :D



(God, if there's one thing I love, it's an honest drunk. ;) )
I agree with Grandsuave, take your complaints to the Whine and Cheese forum. I come here to read about and participate in discussions about Busse (including Swamp Rat and Scrap Yard) knives, not to read about someone's dissatisfaction with Jerry's marketing program or production schedule.

I don't completely agree with you.

Jerry's marketing program or production schedule is it's own.
I don't have any problem with it.

But if he could show a picture list of the whole range would be great.
He can still make one or two models at the time but newbies can see what the line is and maybe are more willing to wait to buy the model they like as soon as they are in production.

This could hardly be seen as negative comment?
There are several threads with pics from Blade that show the entire line. Doing a search should expose them. :)