Camper The Traveling Muk (aka: Pass The Muk)


Mar 11, 2013
I had a lot of fun a couple of years ago following the adventures of and hosting Merle. So much fun that ever since I've been thinking about doing a similar adventure with a knife that I have.

I was gifted this LT Wright Camp Muk from Bloodloss Bloodloss (he made the lanyard too!), and I’ve sort of had a love-hate relationship with it. Firstly, I love that he gifted it to me as a brother in Christ. Second, after some use, I realized I hated the handle. I was able to remedy that by making the sides of the handle flat. I also extended the finger guard area to give more room for my meaty paws. Now it's much more comfy and I've been carrying and using it quite a bit.


I normally pack the knife around hither and thither in my back (sometimes front) pocket. The lanyard I found is better suited on the sheath rather than the handle, making for a handy way to remove the entire package from my pocket.

I contacted Horsewright Horsewright about the idea and the possibility of building a sheath for the knife and being first in line and he graciously agreed. If you followed Merle, you might have noticed that Horsewright was the last to host, and I thought that really didn’t do the beautiful sheath he made justice!

The ground rules are:
•You must have joined BladeForums prior to April 2, 2024 to participate. (I originally was going to have a minimum post count on the Porch to participate, but I've decided to wave that requirement since this is not only a traditional knife but also a modern version of a classic bushcraft pattern. However, please keep posts in line with the spirit of the Porch regarding both language and picture content. And if this brings members onto the Porch who otherwise wouldn't have mosied on up... Well howdy! Kick off your shoes and sit a spell.)

•You should be willing to take Camper on an adventure or two (or at least to dinner) and post pictures of said adventures.

•Please keep Camper moving, having him for about 2 weeks. If you have a grand adventure planned the week after you’re supposed to send him on, then go ahead and hold onto him for an extra week, but please let everyone know. If for some reason you can’t host after you've signed up, or have a delay, please contact me and I’ll change the order.

•Please pay shipping to the next recipient, as it should be only the cost of a small USPS flat-rate box.

If Camper travels aboard, that leg of the adventure should be all together to save time and shipping cost, and will be planned during the middle/end of the adventure. Once it’s time for him to head overseas, the last US participant can send him back to me, and I’ll take care of the initial international postage.


Please post in this thread if you’d like to host Camper the traveling Muk!

Thanks everyone for looking.


US Participants:
Horsewright Horsewright
RickHuf RickHuf
Fixedwing Fixedwing
Jakeywax31 Jakeywax31

International Participants:
Sharp & Fiery Sharp & Fiery
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Hey John. This is fun! Good idea.

I'll give the camper a couple weeks if you don't mind sending the ol boy this far north.
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Hey John. This is fun! Good idea.

I'll give the camper a couple weeks if you don't mind sending the ol boy this far north.
Howdy Rick, glad to get him into that beautiful country. While he's a backwoodsman at heart, he loves seeing the sights anywhere!
Awesome mods and great idea, John! I can't wait to see adventure pics!
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I have no posts in the porch, but have added this to my watch list. Very cool on you JM2 JM2 .
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I have no posts in the porch, but have added this to my watch list. Very cool on you JM2 JM2 .

Your post got me to thinking, I have decided to wave the Porch post count requirement as a result. I pondered on it while I was walking around the zoo (got plenty of pictures of Camper). Near as I can figure it, it's the right thing to do, and maybe it'll bring folks on the Porch that otherwise might not have visited.

So, if you want in, I'll be glad to add your name to the list Fixedwing Fixedwing .
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Here's a sneak peek at the zoo pics! The zoo is sort of an interesting thing for me; 1 part nature/critter lover, 1 part hunter sizing up his prey and considering which calibers would be best suited for the intended quarry.

This Warthog didn't what any part of it. He could spot right off what I had in mind with Camper.
If it makes it to Canada…I’ll take it on a tour for sure! If not, no worries at all.

Love the idea! Thanks for hosting.
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Thank you kindly. You got it! I'm not sure how much interest it'll get aboard, but it should be right at home in Canada.
Very cool! Looking forward to it.

Also…another brother here. 👍🏼
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Your post got me to thinking, I have decided to wave the Porch post count requirement as a result. I pondered on it while I was walking around the zoo (got plenty of pictures of Camper). Near as I can figure it, it's the right thing to do, and maybe it'll bring folks on the Porch that otherwise might not have visited.

So, if you want in, I'll be glad to add your name to the list Fixedwing Fixedwing .
Yes sir, please count me in; I'm not too far from either of you.
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