DC Knife Knuts Lunch

Nov 25, 1998
I was wondering if those of us who are knife knuts in the DC area could get together for lunch at a restaurant near a Metro stop. I could propose a restaurant in Chinatown across from the Metro station entrance on H St., NW. If there were enough coming, they have an upstairs room that we could use (no religious connotations here LOL). It would give us some privacy so that they we would not alarm the other patrons and feel free to talk as we wish. My home email is c/o my wife at GFuller@vts.edu. Please post here or contact me. Thanks.

Walk in the Light,
I really hate to say this but I've decided to leave the Marines and go home to Chicago.
I really will miss southern Maryland(yea right), I just hope to find a good knife shop there.
sorry, PR

If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail!

Military "Military" fans unite!!!
I can relate, prigger, being just across the base from you.

FullerH, unfortunately, I will have to miss it. Already have a full weekend planned, actually, I should say full weekends, from now until the second weekend in July. Man, I'm gonna need next winter to recover from summer!
I was thinking of an "Executive Lunch" on a weekday. I know that that eliminates the PAX folks, but they seem to have eliminated themselves. Chinatown is on the yellow/green lines and the red line, near teh new MCI Center.

Walk in the Light,
Sounds great except parking around MCI is such a hastle and so expensive. Any other choices? Maybe
on the Hill?

[This message has been edited by clintonsucks (edited 21 May 1999).]
Fuller, sounds great to me! I'm right across the mall. I'm also fairly flexible so a day or two's notice is all I need.

Clintonsucks, don't even think of driving! Hop on the Metro. It's quick and easy.


who dares, wins

A weekday lunch would work for me.

Anything near a Metro stop is fine - Red line is good. Need a day or two notice and address + Metro stop. I don't go downtown more than a couple of times a year! Haven't even seen the new MCI Center!

Let's do lunch!

Keep 'em coming. I will wait a few days for responses and then send out a proposed date. If that gives a problem, me know, and we'll try something different.

Walk in the Light,
From: Ivan8883@aol.com 5-21-99 835PM EDT I am up here in Brunswick ,Maryland ,retired,and would like to meet other knife people at a get together down in DC area.Looking forward to more details Ivan
I live way north of Baltimore, but work near the White House at 16th & K. Street. Next week is my last week there. If it is before next Friday I would love to come. Let me know.

FYI - Parking is good on 15th between K street and L. street during lunch time.

All of God's Critters may have knives, but most of them are stamped with the name BENCHMADE
It seems that we have enough takers, so I will go over to the China Doll on Monday, 5/24, and ask if we may have the upper room for lunch on Wednesday, 5/26. I will post on this thread whatever turns up. That way Nemesis will be able to come. I'll post again soon.

Rather than wait for Monday, I called the China Doll. I have reserved their upper room for 12:30PM on Wednesday. The restaurant is across H St. from the Metro stop and between Tony Cheng's and the old China Inn, now renamed. Please post whether this is ok so that I may confirm or cancel.

Walk in the Light,

[This message has been edited by FullerH (edited 22 May 1999).]
Please excuse this gratuituous method of moving this topic to the top of the page, but we're still missing words from the following DC-area folks:

Hip Shot

There are undoubtedly more, but these folks responded to the previous data call for DC Knife Knuts.
It was my understanding that the restaurant would like at least 6 people to justify their extra effort in letting us use their upper room. So let's here from you, DC Knife Knuts! Again, it is the China Doll restaurant at 12:30PM on Wednesday, 5/26/99. The restaurant is across H St., NW, from the Chinatown exit from the Gallery Place Metro Station. See y'all there!

Walk in the Light,
Hugh and other D.C. knife knuts, my daughter has a chorus concert at 2:30 Wednsday way out New Hampshire Avenue. I would like to come for appetizers only as I have to be on the Metro by 1:00. This is quite disappointing as I am not a shy eater.


who dares, wins

I just started work in Gaithersburg, but by next week I should be able to duck out.

I like my women like I like my knives: strong, sharp, well-formed and pattern-welded!
Should we move ahead to 12:00 Noon, or even 11:30AM to encompass Phantom4? Please advise ASAP so that I may change the time, if we do so decide.

Amacks, I am sorry, but I hope that this will not be the only such lunch.

Walk in the Light,
Hi all, Don't Count Me Out Yet!!
If it's Weds I might be able to make it.
Where is the closest metro station to RT 4?
Where do I get off the metro?
Thanks, PR

If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail!

Military "Military" fans unite!!!