Do you use your GEC knives?

I try & it obliges

I use all of mine. Of the pocket knives, five of the dozen only get used gently and aren't carried as much and seven get used without reservations and carried regularly. Two of the regular users are precious second-hand gifts from an Australian friend.

I also have an H20 that I love as a paring knife and gets more use but less carry than the pocket knives.

They are all lovely.
I think about all the wealthy folks I can name off the top of my head - names like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, George Soros, Jeffery Epstein, Rupert Murdoch, King Tut, Michael Jackson, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Vladimir Putin, Genghis Khan, the Kennedy's, Donald Trump, William the Conqueror, J.P. Morgan, the Vanderbilt guy - those folks, and it occurs to me that not a one of them made their fortune playing the pocketknife market or lurking on websites all day furiously click-click-clicking. I bet they all have, or had, personal cutlery of some kind, but I also bet they thought about the worth of those objects either not at all or, at least, quite seldomly.

There's a lot of ways to come up in this world, but it doesn't seem like pocketknives is one of them. Railroads, oil, finance, warfare, politics, entertainment - sure. pocketknives? no.

Because of this unfortunate observation, I just use mine. If they aren't worth anything to anyone later, I'm fine with that. I plan to wring every bit of use and enjoyment out of them myself.

Realistically when I buy one I expect to use it, I don’t really set out to buy safe queens. I have about a half dozen I use a lot, a few I use sparingly because I just don’t find I love them in hand or pocket, or they’re cool but too heavy or what have you for everyday, a few I almost never use for the same reason, and a few I can’t bring myself to carry now that “the secondary market” is a thing. (When you see them selling on eBay for prices very close to crappy used car territory, and you remember paying …significantly… less back in the day, the knife may be pretty but it becomes really hard to justify using it. Both a blessing and a curse!)
I don’t think I’ve ever posted here before though I’ve been registered and have been reading for some time, some great info here.

That’s said, I’ve been a GEC owner/user for a long time now. I love the quality, materials, and craftsmanship. I don’t have a bunch but I use all of them. From opening mail, to peeling and apple, to dressing and quartering animals from squirrels to moose. A good knife is a pleasure to carry, use, and even just look at when I empty my pockets in the evening.

I have now progressed to using 4 GECs.

I know there is a mantra around that knives must all be used and so on, so I apologise to the experts and ask for forgiveness. I have many GECs and enjoy seeing most of them nice and new, and for some reason if I decide to sell my unused ones, their price is higher than the used, proper, macho ones.