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I hold my index finger on top of the handle, and remove it while I open the blade, works great every time
the thing about the handle/blade ratio, and the shape of the knife, is that it tried to be very close to the original fixed blade ; I have no problems with that and I really like the whole knife, both looks and function
yes , it is different than others, but is a very cool knife nevertheless
like the original HEST is not just another knife, and can't be really compared to knives like F1 (as mentioned in a recent thread), which is a great knife also, but more "classic", "normal", whatever...the same way this folder stands on its own, and it looks and feels different than other folders
Lion Steel. Avoid them like the plague. They WERE going to make the ESEE-3 folder. Be thankful they backed out of the deal.
Your position is based on this one knife? Lionsteel is a reputable company that has been making quality knives for years. See MrDagon's Youtube reviews. I only own the SR-1 but it is made as well as any other knife I own, including an XM-18. I'm not exaggerating when I say it is the best made knife I own.
IMHO your reaction is over the top. If I reacted like you I'd be saying Lionsteel makes better knives than god, because the single example I've handled is better than flawless, it's perfect.
You've handled one knife made by Lionsteel. I'll take your word for it when you say it's badly made. That doesn't mean (not even close) that the company sucks, or that they are incapable of making good knives.
I always enjoy your real world and impartial reviews Horn Dog:thumbup:
Sorry you got a lemmon...
Just like other people said... Stop generalizing. LionSteel are known to make high quality knives, and even though there were quite a few blemishes with the LE Hest/F, I've had only heard good about their production version. In order to open the knife easily, you've got to change your grip on the knife when you're trying to open it. Looking at the pictures, and judging by the way you overreacted, I cannot take your advice seriously.
I handled a Lion at Blade and it was awesome...I think it was Knifehunters'. However in defense of Horndog for you that don't know him. In speaking with him and reading his reviews in the past they are usually informative and intelligent. I can't believe he doesn't know how to open this folder. He must have got a lemmon.
Let me get this straight. You're boycotting Lionsteel over a knife that wasn't what you expected.. but instead of trying to get the issue rectified - you instead come here and bitch about how terrible Lionsteel is ? You wouldn't happen to be insane, would you ?

Corpus, regardless of your feeling towards the OP, Lionsteel, or the Hest folder you need to understand what the op is having an issue with. This was not a cheap blade, and it was supposedly made by a high end company. Yet what shipped out was plagued with problems and the 'duds' are rapidly accumulating. RYP can be blamed for a lot of things, the manufacturing process is not one of them, at a certain point, Lionsteel needs to take responsibility, and more then incredibly time consuming repairs. Its a 200 dollar knife and should be built as such.

This project has gone from bad to worse and its because of the unshakable support of members from the forum attributing the qualities expressed by ESEE to a guy that ESEE backed. What credentials did RYP have to make a run of production knives? The fact that people trusted RYP sight unseen is closer to what I call insane.
I received a production model myself yesterday, and can find no faults with it. After a long period of carry and use, I might have another opinion, but so far no complaints on the knife itself. No tip issue, easy to open, sharp..

It seems there's a big swing in quality going from good to bad crossing over the whole spectrum of HESTs, even the 250 LE knives. Either you got a wacked out knife, an OK knife, or a really good knife. Or it could all be dependent on the person receiving it and their expectations, or a combination of both.
I too have a regular production model and have found no issues with it. As far as "duds rapidly accumulating" I've not seen that with regards to the regular production model. With the LE models, yes there were issues with the tip of the blade being exposed, a DP grahic being reversed on a couple and perhaps a broken clip on one for two. As far as I know that's about it. All issues were or are being resolved and I know of no customers who were refused either repair or refund.
well i'm sorry to hear you dont like the knife, i have the le model and after some fooling with it i really like it. i'm looking for a production version to pick up when i get a chance. if you want to get rid of it let me know.

take it easy
Nice Dave! It's little things like this that originally got me to purchase ESEE knives or any other for that matter. Guys you never met on a forum willing to by your knife if you don't like it. What a forum! :) Now I'm gonna order the HEST fixed to see what all this DPX is about. If I don't like it somebody might buy it. But even the OP liked his fixed. Folders seem to be touchy. And I can't seem to pay that kind of price for a folder.
From what I gather, Lion Steel is a manufacturer that other companies can contract their knives to. The also make their own.

The SR-1. Sought after, great reviews, solid knife. Yay Lionsteel!
The HEST. Lot's of negative reviews. BOO Lionsteel!

What if, the arguement is that Lionsteel put everything they had into their own product and had a smaller margin?

What if then, RYP chose to pay Lionsteel less for a lesser quality product to keep a higher margin?

Lionsteel has proven they can make good knives and bad knives. Perhaps the price point of the HEST should be less, or perhaps RYPs margins should be less.
Ciao "Horn Dog". Sorry that you do not like the knife.

In any case I want to explain you the reason that the knives it is not easy to open.
- This knife has got a clip down. For this reason the retention ball must work in a strong way. It have to avoid that the blade will open when you are carrying the knife.
- from yours picture I can see that with your index finger you push the liner. In this way more power you put in trying to open the knife more difficult is to do it. You have to find a way to keep the knife in your hand without push the liner while you are opening the blade. You have to do that for all the frame-lock knives. you have not this problem for the liner-lock.

Open to answer to all of your questions.
Ciao "Horn Dog". Sorry that you do not like the knife.

In any case I want to explain you the reason that the knives it is not easy to open.
- This knife has got a clip down. For this reason the retention ball must work in a strong way. It have to avoid that the blade will open when you are carrying the knife.
- from yours picture I can see that with your index finger you push the liner. In this way more power you put in trying to open the knife more difficult is to do it. You have to find a way to keep the knife in your hand without push the liner while you are opening the blade. You have to do that for all the frame-lock knives. you have not this problem for the liner-lock.

Open to answer to all of your questions.

I own many framelocks. They all open one-handed. As you see, I have large hands. Once the blade gets out a little bit and overcomes the detent, it is easy enough, but I cannot open this knife one-handed.
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I own many framelocks. They all open one-handed.

I had the same problem when I tried the first sample.
I had to change the way to keep it in my hand, and immediately was easy to open it.
Try some time, it is a new knife... I am sure that in half an hour you will be able and you will be happy.
In any case I respect your opinion.
I think it is really great and stand up that Lionsteel responds to this on the forum. Many manufacturers would not do this. Nice job Lionsteel! :thumbup:

They are a reputable manufacturer and will make it right if your knife is below standard. I'd love to get an SR-1, but just pulled the trigger on a trade for a ZT 0301, so that's it for now.
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