Early buck 110 on ebay, what year/version is it?

I'm sticking with 1966, until I get convinced otherwise:foot:

I'm getting a new knife book, this levine's 5 edition is all messed up:grumpy:

Who sold this book to me?:(

now i need a new book with the right years and versions and types, i'll have
to relearn what i thought i was starting to remember
I think with the dot high on the 'K' in "BUCK" is a 1967, all my 100 series stamped in this manner are from that time frame...until:foot:
Second Versions are stamped "Buck" horizontal to the blade spine or with a dot after the 'K' in "BUCK", which I believe are the ones Buck_110 mentioned earlier about the gravity issue. Seconds have bone hard fiber spacers, Third are integral to the right hand side. ADDED The 1974 2 dot versions had the revision to prevent alterations to make 110s a 'gravity knife'.
I'm sure Larry Oden has forgotten more that I know , with Bucks from the 1960's.
LOL..I have notes...scribbled on whatever was handy during phone conversations..in a notebook..in a dresser..in my shop...some I can read...others I'll need Dave's decoder ring
I like to use the Blade's Guide for reference. The chapter on Buck folding knives was originally based on Vern Taylor's work and then updated by Joe Houser and Larry Oden. I figure nobodies perfect but I'll take the word of those three guys until somebody perfect comes along. ;o)
I like to use the Blade's Guide for reference. The chapter on Buck folding knives was originally based on Vern Taylor's work and then updated by Joe Houser and Larry Oden. I figure nobodies perfect but I'll take the word of those three guys until somebody perfect comes along. ;o)

As i was looking through some of my knives i found a box and in the box i found a blade's guide i forgot i bought this back in september from Larry
Oden so i'm much happier now that i have a reliable source for info on
110s, so i guess i can throw away the levine's 5th edition, the info//dates
are not the same in levine's. Thalnks for all the info and help
I like to use the Blade's Guide for reference...

I think we've all pretty much agreed that the Blade's Guide has some serious errors...most likely due to editing and faulty typesetting, rather than the authors...

I'll take the word of those three guys until somebody perfect comes along.

The best course is to listen to what those guys *post here*, rather than the Guides...or a magazine...or a value listing...lol...

Larry Oden, Joe Houser, Richard Matheny...all reliable sources...and unedited... :D

Some others as well, but those three are willing to append their names to their postings... :cool: :thumbup:
The best course is to listen to what those guys *post here*, rather than the Guides...or a magazine...or a value listing...lol...

Larry Oden, Joe Houser, Richard Matheny...all reliable sources...and unedited... :D

Some others as well, but those three are willing to append their names to their postings... :cool: :thumbup:

:thumbup: ...So true...and well said...:thumbup:
This is difficult to pin down, unless one owns each and every version/variation; and I don't.
Me neither, not even close, but that's the direction of my collection. I'm working my way towards the beginning.
This is my earliest stamping, which I believe to be a version 2. This blade Mic's out to 115 thousands. Did they thicken the blade in increments of 5 thousandths?
Interesting theory.


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