EDC XIII Which knife or knives are you carrying today?

It’s a combination of the action being stiff, which is loosening up with use, the placement/geometry of the thumb stud and the fact that any pressure on the clip or lock bar doesn’t allow it to open. It just requires a practiced “finesse” that doesn’t quite come naturally.

I think in a perfect world I’d swap the thumb stud for something like I have on my Cheburkov Toucan. Not sure it there’s a name for these or where I would source one, but I think it would offer a better, more natural thumb placement for opening.

If anyone can steer me to one of these to try as a replacement I’d be grateful:
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TI connector is a good place to start. Perhaps contact Cheburkov as well.
Love the vicar!! Very underated knife!!! Its a beast!!!!! I'd like to find some new scales for it though!!!!

Absolutely! Those are my sentiments exactly. I overlooked it myself at first but finally bought it at a significant discount when it was discontinued, and it impressed me immediately. On top of all that, the action is one of the smoothest I've ever experienced. Like uniquely smooth in a way that's hard to explain, but addictive to feel. I don't give it enough pocket time, but every time I go to sell it I open and close it a few times and change my mind. I really do need to get some new scales made for it so I can get it in the pocket more, it's only that I have so many project ideas in the queue of my brain ahead of it. The double layered scales make for some interesting options for customs as well. Could probably get by with just getting the outer ones done.