Educate me on the Puukko.

Here is a couple of new additions to my growing Puukko collection. BladeForums member Jelio from Bulgaria is an amazing knife maker!! View attachment 918032

Man, I had my finger on the trigger for that bottom one, but didn’t pull. Beauty.

How do his handles feel in hand compared to others you may own?
@mb< yes that bottom CPM4V Fraxinus Excelsior @jelio Puukko is spectacular!! His handles usually run a little bit on the slender side. His fit/finish detail is second to none, tolerances from bolster to blade to handle are works of art. I highly recommend picking one up if you have not already‼️ The pics below is my most comfortable handled Puukko I own, the Birch Bark Puukko from Jeremy Spake. It has a bigger barrel for my bigger hands.B14DBCDC-E5E4-4BE2-892C-99E75320E486.jpeg 79E59090-6DD5-4325-93BD-042F95DCCA7B.jpeg B14DBCDC-E5E4-4BE2-892C-99E75320E486.jpeg
Man, I had my finger on the trigger for that bottom one, but didn’t pull. Beauty.

How do his handles feel in hand compared to others you may own?
@mb< yes that bottom CPM4V Fraxinus Excelsior @jelio Puukko is spectacular!! His handles usually run a little bit on the slender side. His fit/finish detail is second to none, tolerances from bolster to blade to handle are works of art. I highly recommend picking one up if you have not already‼️ The pics below is my most comfortable handled Puukko I own, the Birch Bark Puukko from Jeremy Spake. It has a bigger barrel for my bigger hands.View attachment 921772 View attachment 921773 View attachment 921772

Right on - thx for the feedback. :thumbsup: I noticed those bolster tolerances seemed pretty good. Also like that he’s making full-edged, all the way to the bolster blades. Defeats part of the advantage of a Puukko for me if the edge is gapped with a choil of some sort (which I had also seen).
I have been collecting/studying puukko for about 45 years. Most are vintage (Fiskars) to modern (Vikstrom). A few minis and some recent. Have about 600 total (including some Swedish and Norwegian knives - not technically puukko).
Sorry can't post closeups, but not enough server space :)
A Jarvenpaa horsehead puukko was the first knife I ever bought (but not my first knife)
about 65 years ago; then got out of puukko for 25-30 years while in school; then back into them about 45 years ago. IMHO, some of the finest fixed blades ever made. Only one Tommi (can't afford more :).
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I have been collecting/studying puukko for about 45 years. Most are vintage (Fiskars) to modern (Vikstrom). A few minis and some recent. Have about 600 total (including some Swedish and Norwegian knives - not technically puukko).
Sorry can't post closeups, but not enough server space :)
A Jarvenpaa horsehead puukko was the first knife I ever bought (but not my first knife)
about 65 years ago; then got out of puukko for 25-30 years while in school; then back into them about 45 years ago. IMHO, some of the finest fixed blades ever made. Only one Tommi (can't afford more :).
Impressive collection, thanks for sharing some pictues
I have been collecting/studying puukko for about 45 years. Most are vintage (Fiskars) to modern (Vikstrom). A few minis and some recent. Have about 600 total (including some Swedish and Norwegian knives - not technically puukko).
Sorry can't post closeups, but not enough server space :)
A Jarvenpaa horsehead puukko was the first knife I ever bought (but not my first knife)
about 65 years ago; then got out of puukko for 25-30 years while in school; then back into them about 45 years ago. IMHO, some of the finest fixed blades ever made. Only one Tommi (can't afford more :).
I second what P&G said, very impressive! :):thumbsup: I grab a few here and there, going to buy a Marttiini today from a shop in the U.P. of Michigan :)
Here's a few of my vintage and a few recent puukko.

Rich- I see you have a couple similar to my knife below, from what I am gathering the handle / sheath are reindeer horn... in all of your research (45 years;)), have you ran across many like this? Due to the reindeer / sleigh mark on the sheath I'm thinking this is a J Marttiini but am not sure that mark is unique to Marttiini, there are no other definitive markings that I can see as to whom the manufacturer is. The OA length on the knife is only 4-5/8", it's a cool little knife. Any info you can throw at me is appreciated :)

The reindeer mark was used as a decoration by numerous companies. From the style of blade and carving I would Guess it might be a Johannes Lauri or Tauno Passo of Tornio, Finland. However, other folks also made this general style. The reindeer was used by many, many companies; IMHO it is not a clue as to the actual maker. The general style and use of reindeer antler and/or bone was widely used/made in northern Finland (Sami/Lapland regions) Sorry I can't be of more help.
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The Lapp male in a sled being pulled by a reindeer is also a decoration appearing on sheaths of knives marked as made by Johannes Lauri, who also made knives in Rovaniemi, Lappland.

The reindeer mark was used as a decoration by numerous companies. From the style of blade and carving I would Guess it might be a Johannes Lauri or Tauno Passo of Tornio, Finland. However, other folks also made this general style. The reindeer was used by many, many companies; IMHO it is not a clue as to the actual maker. The general style and use of reindeer antler and/or bone was widely used/made in northern Finland (Sami/Lapland regions) Sorry I can't be of more help.
Plenty of help, thank you very much :) Sometimes eliminating information is progress :D
The Lapp male in a sled being pulled by a reindeer is also a decoration appearing on sheaths of knives marked as made by Johannes Lauri, who also made knives in Rovaniemi, Lappland.

Boy that knife sure has some similar characteristics on the handle and sheath; namely the shape of the hat on the Lapp male and the reindeer head profile. Thanks Thomas, I will do some more looking into Lauri :thumbsup:
veitisi-poika. I have a similar knife to the one you showed, except it is a rhomboid shaped blade, but with a similar handle with a reindeer. The sheath has a yellow body, with reindeer fur and was probably made in Kiruna, Sweden, by Sammi workman. The hat shape is known as the "Four Winds" style hat. John