FAVORITE edc............There can be only ONE!!!


Jul 20, 2000
Been seeing a lot of edc threads lately and it got me to thinking about the edc's I have. In a lot of the threads people will post a group of edc's that they often rotate. My question is this; Which one of these edc's is your ABSOLUTE favorite and why does it hold that role? If at all possible limit it to ONE knife.

I have 6 knives I consider to be edc's. I've carried all six at one time or another and all six have been a "favorite" at one time or another for multiple reasons. If I had to pick only one, and this is extremely hard to do, I would pick a folder from J.W. Smith as my favorite. This is a knife he calls a Scimitar. It has a 3.75" X .156" blade of S30V with a LOT of belly on it. The point is in line with the top edge of the knife and the whole blade starts to sweep up but then is cut off. There is also a slight recurve to the blade. The handle is a blue carbon fiber and is fairly wide from top to bottom so it really gives me something to grip. The frame and clip are titanium while the backspacer is stainless steel and runs about 3/4's the length of the handle. This would put the weight up to around 6.5 ounces which I REALLY like. Feels like I have a KNIFE in my hand! Lockup and action is excellent with no problems at all. Fit and finish is also excellent but what else would you expect from John W. Liners are also a little thicker than what you would normally find on a knife this size.

Why my favorite? Partly due to the construction I've outlined above, but all 6 of the knives I consider to be edc's have the same excellent construction. There is just something about the way the knife feels in my hand, the balance of it even though it is a weighty knife is fantastic. To me the location of the point in relation to where the knife is in my hand is near perfect for many of the task I use a knife for. The belly on the blade along with the recurve lets the knife "bite" deep into whatever you are cutting and when this is coupled with the high grind of the blade it makes cutting almost effortless. Finally, the overall shape of the whole knife opened and closed just visually appeals to me.

There you go. I've started it off and I only talked about one knife! It was difficult not to talk about the Obenauf framelockers and Carson E&E, which are close seconds and............................................well you get the picture. So come'on and spill the beans. Whats your FAVORITE edc?
:o :o :) Just noticed that a favorite thread had already been started. Guess it would pay to read first.....write later:footinmou :footinmou :)

It just seems to work so well after all that I put it through. I have a large Hawkbill, and it is a very efficent slicer.
My absolute favorite knife at this time would be my Umfaan. I have other knives that are more cool or impressive, but I know that the Umfaan is the knife that I really carry everywhere. It is also a knife that is legal darn near everywhere in the United States except an airport or a courthouse. In the UK, it could get me three years, but, hey, I don't live there.:D This is hard call because I really like my De Villiers Exectac Spearpoint and my Obenauf, Mini Model 2. My Mnandi is really sweet also, but the Umfaan is a truly perfect go everywhere knife.
MY favorite EDC is a toss-up between 2 of my fully-serrated Spyderco Police models;

The stainless version. I received it in a trade, in not the "best of condition", but have restored it back to even better than "like-new" with alot of "elbow-grease" (so I've "bonded" to that knife).

The G-10 version, because it was a gift from fellow Forumite Allen E. Treat.
I've made several attempts to cut my carry addiction down to only one. . .but I can never get my gathering below 50 or 60 knives. :D

So Art. . .to answer your question. . .


No way Jose






Sega (not the game stuff)





I'd say "no" in more languages. . .but I'm too tired. :D
Originally posted by artsig1
Just noticed that a favorite thread had already been started.
Yeah, but that thread is asking for an absolute favorite, which would require some serious agonizing to answer honestly:(
My favorite EDC is a Darrel Ralph CF ArcLite. It's like a little fixed blade version of my CF EDC, which makes it about perfect.
It's worn as a neck knife, and on me almost 100% of the time. The sheath allows it to be carried as a necker, IWB, and almost any position on the belt.
A beautiful little knife that fits comfortably in my hand, cuts well for its size, and tucks away so that you don't even know it's there 'til you need it. The D2M steel has resisted corrosion well, even after being worn in the ocean, and proven plenty tough for any reasonable chore. It takes an aggressive edge that's easily touched up, and holds it well. The ceramic peen finish on the grind resists scratches (though mine still has plenty) and wear better than anything but stonewash, and looks great doing it.
Convenient size, great ergos, design, steel, maker, sheath...there's just nothing to complain about with this knife. Can't think of anything I'd rather carry, and wouldn't change a thing if I could.
Between my AFCK, Gunting and small Sebenza as my top 3 this is a tough choice.

But I think the sebbie would have the edge on this one.
Favorite EDC--Spyderco Military CE. :cool:

I usually don't go for combo-edge blades, but IMO, this one is the perfect combination of both edge types(approx. 2.5"Plain, 1.5"Spyder). The full flat grind and hefty belly on the CPM440V steel are just two more reasons that this Spydie is my favorite. BTW, my Military was also a gift from fellow BF member, Allen E. Treat. :)
I liked my MOD Trident. Good all-around utility knife (cutting cable, opening boxes and crates, occasionally "processing" food, some prying and stabbing as well), straightforward fighter, and all with an excellent grip. It wasn't so pretty that I was upset when it got cosmetically damaged, it never rusted, and was easy to take apart and clean. Tough as nails, too...until I pushed it too far.

I don't know what the prices are like on them now, I got mine cheap a while ago. If I paid closer to retail, my perceptions about damage and cosmetic appearance would probably be a lot different.

I think "EDC" is a term that's open to a lot of interpretation. What you carry depends a -lot- on what you're doing that week/month/whatever. I only consider my old Trident as an every-day-carry because I ended up with it more often than not...If I was in a situation where a big black serrated folding knife wasn't an acceptable option, I'd have an entirely different "EDC" knife.
Benchmade 710 in M2 steel. And, yes, with combo edge.

It's about as practical a single blade folding knife as one can use.
It has to be my small decorated Sebenza. It has taken everything that I have thrown at it so far and looks sooo classy. Anthony is right about the Umfaan...it is also one great knife.
Honestly, Of all the knives I have, even though I don't carry it anymore, The Spyderco JD Smith PE is my favorite EDC. Not sure why, I have several knives I value more, but the JD Smith seams to have that special something.:)
Small Mayo...2.5inch blade/3.5inch handle. Perfect size for me. In between a Small Sebenza and an Umfaan.

Plus, it has a clip that Tom did perfectly. Clip is thin and mounted hight for deep carry. Clips to the little pocket on my jeans or sits in the pocket with little imprinting. Easy to open with both hands. I can carry this to work with suit or clip it to my jeans, perfect.

I have several that I rotate, including a Marbles large stockman, a Camillus trapper, and a Calypso Jr.

But the knife I carry most often is a vintage Schrade-Walden medium stockman with jigged bone scales.
Then I'm going to have to say my Onion Frame-Lock Mid-Tech Boa. Fits my hand great, keeps an edge a long time, and is as easy to operate as you could ask for. Solid and reliable.
Sorry, but someone had to say it. At the risk of being obnoxious, I'd have to say the one that gets the most EDC is my large, plain Sebbie.:p