Gso 6

I'm thinking about sending my 6 to a guy to have him modify the handle, just add about 1/2" like they do in the canduru
Haha, yeah sorry. There are a lot of "guys" that will do custom handles for your blades. They can even extend a handle past the end of the handle. Im still figuring out if its worth it.
I'm thinking since these are full tang they just create a different handle and extend it out the end a bit? I've not personally seen this but it makes sense and with how strong some of these composite handles are I'd think it would be almost as strong - especially since it's still anchored to the original handle.
I'm thinking since these are full tang they just create a different handle and extend it out the end a bit? I've not personally seen this but it makes sense and with how strong some of these composite handles are I'd think it would be almost as strong - especially since it's still anchored to the original handle.

Best example I can think of is the TKC scales for the ESEE-4 (pic pulled from web):

you know i love the 6 but the thing i struggle with is the handle. It just is a tad short and that is what keeps me from using it at this point because I want to wait to see if the new one will motivate me to sell this one in hopes of getting a new one. I would love to sand on the end of this handle some to see if that changed things for me but the knife is new and unused so I think I will just wait. Drives me nuts though because i love the blade

I'll trade you a light user so you can try it out ;)
Just picked up another BNIB GSO 6.. It was a deal I couldn't pass up. Hopefully I'll see it by the weekend :)
Just picked up another BNIB GSO 6.. It was a deal I couldn't pass up. Hopefully I'll see it by the weekend :)

Congratulations! This isn't the one from the exchange is it? I just saw that go up!

Either way I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on it, you always have valuable insight.
Congratulations! This isn't the one from the exchange is it? I just saw that go up!

Either way I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on it, you always have valuable insight.

Thanks man. And no, it's not. We couldn't strike a deal. I have 4 sheaths for my current 6 so I figured it was time to get another chunk of steel to stick in some of them before SURVIVE! changes the design and the sheaths won't fit the new one

By the way. Orange G10, leather belt loop, sheath, and matching firesteel to go with the orange G10. Can't wait for it to show up!
Thanks man. And no, it's not. We couldn't strike a deal. I have 4 sheaths for my current 6 so I figured it was time to get another chunk of steel to stick in some of them before SURVIVE! changes the design and the sheaths won't fit the new one

By the way. Orange G10, leather belt loop, sheath, and matching firesteel to go with the orange G10. Can't wait for it to show up!

Whoops, forgot you had a 6 before. I was thinking just a 5, but am I remembering right that you've had both.

Ok since we're on the topic. (I know this came up in another thread but am still curious) how would you describe the balance of the 6? Is it as even as the 5 or me blade heavy?
Whoops, forgot you had a 6 before. I was thinking just a 5, but am I remembering right that you've had both.

Ok since we're on the topic. (I know this came up in another thread but am still curious) how would you describe the balance of the 6? Is it as even as the 5 or me blade heavy?

Yea I've had both and I'm waiting for my new 5 from the preorder or starter or whatever it was lol. The 6 is the perfect large bush knife for me, especially paired with the 3.5.

Ask and thou shalt receive.. This is with a small para cord lanyard and bead (almost no weight). But here is the balance point and why I love it.

That looks amazing, darn you!

I'm trying really hard not to order a 6 and you're not helping at all.

Seriously though, thanks for that pic :thumbup:
That looks amazing, darn you!

I'm trying really hard not to order a 6 and you're not helping at all.

Seriously though, thanks for that pic :thumbup:

No problem. The 5 has a nice balance but I prefer a larger knife to be SLIGHTLY blade heavy, especially when it's something I could potentially chop with if I needed to. This 6 balances dead underneath the guard for me, which is perfect. The 5, having a shorter blade and the same handle, ends up being a bit more butt/handle heavy.