Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

I was gifted a lambsfoot for Christmas. It's of the Joseph Rodgers variety and I must say I got lucky with the fit and finish.
Congratulations and welcome. I'd love to see a picture of it.
Sorry, I can't help with the blade steel. Perhaps Jack can help or try digging through the index on the first page of the Guardian thread.
I was gifted a lambsfoot for Christmas. It's of the Joseph Rodgers variety and I must say I got lucky with the fit and finish. I would say the knife is comparable to the Case knives I own. My question is about the blade steel. I am familiar with 420HC, and find it more than suitable for my needs. But the only information I can find on the steel used for this lambsfoot calls it 420 S454. I searched Google high and low, but can find no information about this particular steel. Am I to assume it is regular 420, as opposed to 420 HC? I would be disappointed if this were true.
Any insight is appreciated.

Hi S SubSpace , glad to hear you got a decent one (post a pic and you'll be a Guardian of the Lambsfoot!) :thumbsup: I'm afraid I have no inside information on the steel, and if you can't find anything on Google I'm not sure where to go, but if I can turn anything up (I have a few old steel catalogues), I'll be sure to update this post :thumbsup:

Too funny... I think I'd enjoy seeing an American movie dubbed in English. :D:thumbsup:

I had a look on YouTube to find movie clips dubbed into 'Yorkshire'. There are quite a few, but I couldn't find a single one which had family-friendly language throughout! :eek: :rolleyes:

Good Morning Guardians
I almost forgot to post my picture...

Looking good John, nice wallet too :) :thumbsup:

I called in for a coffee and a blueberry croissant ;) :thumbsup:

I am off out for a full day's hiking tomorrow, with an early start and an hour's train journey either end, so I'm going to get a shave, have a couple of beers, and then an early night. Since I'll be passing through a busy train station, the only Lambsfoot I'll have with me is my AC. Hope everyone has a great weekend :thumbsup:

Finally resolved image hosting images.:mad::)

Jack Black Jack Black - Happy New Years, Jack. Thank you for the Linus comment. I sent him forward. Already missing him. No doubt that your beautiful Sambar HHB was your most carried. Don’t forget the fish and chips at the stall.:) Ahh. I see you had some great looking chips.

CelloDan CelloDan - Thank you kindly, Dan. Linus and I had many fine walks to balance the various goodies. Great 1/1/20 Winter images.

@WhittlinAway - Without a doubt, I carried Linus the whole time he was with me. Excluding Linus, any of the Sheffield SFOs.

@Modoc ED @mitch4ging - May many good things come to both of you in 2020.

Good Evening Guardians.

My absolute favorite Robbin Hood.

I have passed Linus to the next fortunate Guardian. He’s a splendid companion.

I’ve had posting issues, but I assure you he had a great visit.

From previous walks. Ari’s always with me.
He watches my 6 like nobody’s business.






Before he left, we had a fine pizza party.

This one was shot in direct Sun. Every beauty mark shows. I cleaned him up and oiled his joints before his departure.

Farewell Linus.
Great images Harvey !!!

That looks chilly Dan, stunning pic :) :thumbsup:
Thanks Jack, chilly indeed :)
Here is a frozen marsh/swamp area with the boardwalk trail running through it.

More catching up on this thread for me.
Life's a bowl of cherries ;) :thumbsup:

That's a cheery attitude for the start of a new year, Jack! :thumbsup::thumbsup::)
(Unless you meant that life is filled with pits and stems. :(:rolleyes:)

Yesterday was fun, we went out and about a lot and I was shoving more and more knives in my pockets every time.

Today, I'm just carrying one knife...
I have that kind of fun every day, John! :D
IMHO, that's an impressive photo: Sköll as the Ultimate Goal! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:


I have three lambsfoots that may be more beautiful than this one (Sambar stag AC, 2019 Guardian in desert ironwood, and Sambar stag Hartshead Barlow), but this one gets used the most. The rosewood just feels right. And looks great.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
Fine photo of your handsome African rosewood lambsfoot, Vince! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:

Mornin' Guardians!
I'm up bright and early today and heading off to my new job.
Another pic from the Lambsfoot archives.
Bam-Ba-Lamb! :D
FBC, hope your new year is happy and your new job is satisfying! :cool::cool::thumbsup:
New year, new job - are you going for the trifecta with a new knife on the way?? ;)

Another remarkable outdoor shot of that award-winning stag HHB, Jack! :thumbsup::cool::cool:

Kind of a summary of this year, two of my favoriteses knives, all in 2019:):thumbsup::thumbsup:

Here's to 2020 being a fantastic year for all, and better health for those who are going through a rough patch!
Regards to all of you!
Well-said, Dennis! :cool::thumbsup::cool:
And thanks for the powerful pic of Jack's prestigious 2019 SFOs!

From Saturday.
Another atmospheric vista, David! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:
(That's a view I'd like to see with your Eye of Sauron horn lambsfoot, since the terrain reminds me of the top of a Mordor volcano! ;))

Thank you Harvey, that photo was taken in one of our local parks :) Here's a photo of my 2017 Guardians Lambsfoot in the same spot, in better weather :thumbsup:


I had a very enjoyable walk today :) It was cold (but not too cold) and sunny (though a lot of the time we were in the shade) :thumbsup:
I was surprised to come across a wild Tribble in the woods! :eek:


And then a small Tardis! :eek:


And doesn't that look like some sort of Hobbit mound?! :eek:


JohnDF JohnDF - What are you doing to my space-time continuum?! :eek: :rolleyes: I even saw the Harrogate Dalek (who's called Dave incidentally) later! :D :thumbsup:
Jack, your 2017 Guardians horn lambsfoot is such a great New Year's Day knife with its fireworks covers! :eek::thumbsup::thumbsup:
The photos of your hike were very enjoyable, and the last few, with commentary, were downright whimsical! :D:cool::thumbsup::D (And that definitely does look like some kind of Hobbit mound. ;))

Here’s some Lambsfoot content, since this is the Lambsfoot thread. ;)



Barrett, your quartet of lambsfoots is Hall-of-Fame-worthy! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Cindy and I went to town today and ate lunch at our local cafe. I had Liver and Onions and she had a Patty Melt. Great chow and got to express New Years greetings to many of our locals. I had this SFO Hartshead Barlow with me.


Here are Coco (half German Shepard) and Utah (Pie Bold Dachshund) ready for the New Year. They are house dogs but we'll block the doggy door at Midnight to make sure they stay indoors so the shooting and fireworks don't spook them.


Happy New Years to everyone Guardian or not.
Distinguished rosewood HHB SFO, ED! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:
Liver and onions sounds wonderful! :cool::thumbsup::) I used to order that whenever it was available when we'd go out to eat, but I'll bet I haven't had it in years! :(
One of our dogs attached itself to my ankle when we went to the backyard on New Year's Eve and heard some early fireworks in the distance. Poor little guy is terrified of the sounds! :(

Aren't tamales for Christmas?
I'm thinking a chicken fried steak should hit the spot. ;)
A select group of us had chicken fried steak yesterday it seems. Count me among them, it must be the Year of the Chicken fried steak. :D
It's been years since I've had liver & onions, but I've NEVER had chicken-fried steak! :eek::confused:
I lead such a sheltered life (although I have had fried chicken and I have had steak :rolleyes:).
John, if this is the Year of the Chicken-Fried Steak, maybe you should take it upon yourself to find the Chicken-Fried Steak of the Year! ;)

Happy New Year, Guardians!

I'm curious: what was your most carried lambsfoot of 2019? Care to predict which will see the most pocket time in 2020?

For me, it was my standard buffalo horn from A. Wright. I strongly suspect it'll be the rosewood Hartshead Barlow this year.
Interesting post, Greg! :cool::cool::thumbsup: With my slavishly following my rotation schedule, all of my lambsfoots got quite equal carry for 2019. BUT, among the knives arrayed almost constantly near the kitchen counter, I had my Union Jack rosewood for much of the year and my LamBarJack rosewood HHB for the second half of the year. So one of my rosewoods actually was my most-used lambsfoot of 2019. I suspect that will also be true for 2020, for the same reason.

Speaking of the rosewood Hartshead Barlow, here's my LamBarJack 2 that's actually being carried this week in its scheduled turn as Lambsfoot of the Week on my rotation schedule:

- GT
Good evening everyone, just would like to make a general observation if i may, i have only been on the "Porch" for about 7 months. But one thing that really sticks out, and has been obvious over the last few days, is the care and concern if a regular poster is missing in action. This i find is something that is more specific on the Lambfoot thread/forum, which just shows that it is not only a welcoming place to hang out in, but just so genuinely caring, you are all great people.:)
John, if this is the Year of the Chicken-Fried Steak, maybe you should take it upon yourself to find the Chicken-Fried Steak of the Year!

That honor belongs to Black Bear Diner. :cool::thumbsup:
I'm afraid you are mistaken. The winner is Threadgill's in Austin, Texas.

stock picture. I had Texas caviar (black eyed pea salad) and steamed cabbage with mine.;)
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Just received this little lamb to accompany my larger lambfoot. It was supposed to be here before Christmas but I guess since it arrived after the new year it can be a contender for my 2020 knife of the year. Can’t wait to get a patina going to match its big brother.
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