Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

I'm afraid you are mistaken. The winner is Threadgill's in Austin, Texas.
You're both wrong: the winner is my wife's CFS, which we had Monday night (no pics :(). I made garlick mashed potatoes to go with it. And we had corn. :)
Jack Black Jack Black - Very kind of you, Jack. Your croissant, coffee, and Hartshead Image is MMM MMM Good. Enjoy your hike.

JohnDF JohnDF - Fine Image, John. That That 12 Gauge wallet is very cool.

5K Qs 5K Qs - Your LamBarJack is looking good.

Good Evening Guardians.

A couple more from Linus’ visit.

As a reward, I treated Linus and myself to a few samples of freshly made coffee cake at Deerfield Bakery.
You may be right, that does look good. :cool::thumbsup:

Nice. :cool::thumbsup:

the winner is my wife's CFS
Rachel is right, you can't compete with homemade. :cool::thumbsup:

Fine Image, John. That That 12 Gauge wallet is very cool.
Thank you, Harvey. :)

Looks like Linus put on a few pounds at your place. ;)

That Bubinga Wood is handsome stuff. :cool::thumbsup:

At least you stayed with the chicken theme. ;):cool::thumbsup:
Good Morning Guardians
This is the extent of my gardening ability.
My Dad loved to garden, but I never did take to it.
Going to be celebrating my Wife's birthday while my kids are still home from college.
It will involve a lot of shopping and lunch at our favorite BBQ place. Then home to watch the playoffs. Have a great day all. :)

JohnDF JohnDF It is indeed a handsome bit of wood, I have a couple of Opinel's with it so I thought, while I'm waiting for a rosewood model to come back in stock I may as well add a Bubinga, as you do... :rolleyes:
Thanks John. I've got a feeling I'll be passing the year with "One Eye Shut" with the "Third Eye" puckered most of the time.:):rolleyes:
ED, I hope that you do NOT have 2020 foresight about your pain in the year ahead. :)

We just came from the bird sanctuary from our New Year's day walk :thumbsup::)

Another set of amazing nature/lambsfoot pics, Dan! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

This accompanied me during my traditional New Years Day activity - pruning my Plum, Peach, Apricot, Fig, and Grapes.
I admire your productive New Year's Day traditions! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

And you Dennis :) :thumbsup:

Good question Greg, and easy for me to answer this year because my Hartshead Barlow in sambar stag has really dominated my pocket :thumbsup:


It's the one where he's laid up at Kirklees Priory in Yorkshire isn't it? If I'm recalling the story correctly, feeling close to passing, Robin calls his faithful lieutenant, Little John, by giving three blasts on his hunting horn. The gentle giant swiftly arrives at his side, and Robin tells him to pass him his trusty bow. "My friend, I have just enough strength to draw my mighty bow for one last time. Bury me wherever my final arrow should land."

So they buried him on top of the wardrobe! :rolleyes:
Your 2019 KOTY has grand pile side stag, Jack! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:
I'm finding it difficult to say anything positive about your Robin Hood story, however, other than I'm glad it came early in the year, and we know longer have to worry about it! :eek::D

The Southern tradition is black-eyed peas and hog jowl (pure grey grisle) on the basis that if you eat poorly on New Years; you'll eat good the rest of the year (from my Alabama roots.) 2019 was the year of the lambsfoot; let's see what 2020 brings!

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Impressive flock of lambs, @WHT! :cool::cool::thumbsup:

Good Morning Guardians

I carry a Lambsfoot...

Because to NOT carry one would be most illogical. ;):D
:D:thumbsup::D Fascinating, John!

Had to recycle a pic..... Jake is still in party mode.

I hope everyone's new year is off to a great start.
That good old Jake
Is quite a flake
When on a break! :thumbsup:;):thumbsup:

Thanks, Jack. Same to you.
I'm pretty sure I ate the canonical "at least 365" of the lucky legumes. Publishers Clearing house, here you come.
I wish I shared your positive attitude! :thumbsup::cool::cool:

Thanks, Jack. :)
My Brother-in-Law gave me Star Trek finger puppets for Christmas. Still planning out how I'm going to incorperate them into one of my math lessons.
Looking forward to reading how this turns out! :cool::thumbsup::cool:

You're excused GT! :D Hope you had a great time with your daughter, sounds like a busy time :) Thanks for the mammoth post, and for all your kind words my friend :) That's a story that needs to be told! o_O :rolleyes: :thumbsup:
Thanks for the merciful treatment, Jack! :thumbsup::thumbsup:;)

I only just started it--maybe 50 pages into 900+ pages. I like it so far, but will need to finish it before any reviews.

My local Barnes & Noble bookstore had three translations in stock, two modern and one 18th-century. I bought the old one, of course, and then noticed that it was revised in 2004. I promptly returned it. I had no way of knowing what was revised, but I know it didn't need revising. I can read the English of 1755, even though it was written by a Scot! The only reasons someone would revise the translation are (1) a political agenda (removing "sexist" or "racist" language, e.g.), or (2) "dumbing down" the language for us ignoramuses. Either way, I'm having none of it. Ordered the same but unrevised translation online and received it the next day.

--Still a Curmudgeon :grumpy:
Thanks for the progress report, Vince!
Not being a daily reader/writer of "legalese", I probably benefit from occasional "dumbing down" of what I read. :rolleyes:

I "upgraded" to Windows 10 today. Everything looks different. :confused::mad:
It seems like I spend a month after every computer upgrade (hardware or software) learning how to make everything look and work the way it did prior to the upgrade. :rolleyes:

Finally resolved image hosting images.:mad::)
I have passed Linus to the next fortunate Guardian. He’s a splendid companion.
This one was shot in direct Sun. Every beauty mark shows. I cleaned him up and oiled his joints before his departure.

Farewell Linus.
Glad you finally resolved your problems with image hosting, Harvey; I so admire all your photos, including those from Linus's recent visit! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

I called in for a coffee and a blueberry croissant ;) :thumbsup:

A delectable blueberry croissant is becoming almost as commonplace for you as carrying your stag HHB, Jack! :thumbsup:;):cool:

I am off out for a full day's hiking tomorrow, with an early start and an hour's train journey either end, so I'm going to get a shave, have a couple of beers, and then an early night. Since I'll be passing through a busy train station, the only Lambsfoot I'll have with me is my AC. Hope everyone has a great weekend :thumbsup:

I hope your hike was heavenly, Jack! :cool::thumbsup::cool:
Goodness Gracious, those Acs are striking lambsfoots!! :eek::thumbsup::thumbsup:

That honor belongs to Black Bear Diner. :cool::thumbsup:
I'm afraid you are mistaken. The winner is Threadgill's in Austin, Texas.

stock picture. I had Texas caviar (black eyed pea salad) and steamed cabbage with mine.;)
Chicken-fried steak seems to make folks reply quickly! :eek::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Good evening everyone, just would like to make a general observation if i may, i have only been on the "Porch" for about 7 months. But one thing that really sticks out, and has been obvious over the last few days, is the care and concern if a regular poster is missing in action. This i find is something that is more specific on the Lambfoot thread/forum, which just shows that it is not only a welcoming place to hang out in, but just so genuinely caring, you are all great people.:)
That's been my experience with Porch denizens, too, @cudgee! :thumbsup::):thumbsup: Kind of a magical place! :cool::cool::)

LamBarJack this week:

- GT