Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

I love the look of old wood covers... They look so warm and comfortable.
Have fun at the Market, Jack. 🤠:thumbsup:
Thanks Bob. We hit big water! The current flow rate is 25,900 gallons every 24 hrs! :D👍👍👍
Congratulations Dwight! 🎉🎉🎉:thumbsup:


Thank you kind sir. I love the magnificent landscape you have visited and posted! What a paradise.
Many thanks my friend, I hope to get back there another time :thumbsup:
Stellar stag! 🐑
You gotta lot of nice burl! 🐑
Some nice wood there David 😊👍
Thanks friend! 👍🤠
Good afternoon Guardians !

Carrying Old Spalty today along with a CJ Johnson that I just rescued.

It had no walk and talk with zero snap when I got it. Rusty liners and Backspring. A little cleaning , flushing and oiling got its snap back. Great walk and talk as well. The handles were black and filthy but after a little cleaning it was revealed that they are Cocobolo.

Same handle shape and size as my Remington Boys knife.

Handsome pair! 🐑🐑
9.00pm here in Yorkshire, and I have yet to get myself ready for my weekly trip to the market, so I better stop lollygagging, and get to it! Less rain tomorrow, hopefully, but the forecast is for temperatures in the high 50's, so I better give some thought as to what to wear, having packed away all my winter woollens :rolleyes: I'm going to carry my Hartshead Barlow again I think :) I'll let you know how things go Guardians, enjoy the rest of your day, and have a good one tomorrow ;) :thumbsup:

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Have a good one at the market tomorrow. 👍🤠
Really liked the pottery shop, Jack, thanks again for the tour photos. New close-up of Roper today.

Roper lookin good! 👍 🤠

My bike helmet is out for delivery!
It was originally to be expected yesterday, but those riverine dingbats drove it from west of Chicago to Pontiac to Wyandotte to Kalamazoo before turning it over to USPS. They must have been driving pretty fast, at least.
I remember to check the river before I order from another e source, but I need to remember to check my local stores before I order from the river. I could have bought one locally yesterday for the same price as the one that's keeping me waiting.